Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 47 What Are You Going To Do? I Am A Member Of The Human League! (Ask For Flower Evaluation T

Seeing that the eighteenth group won.

Those contestants who bet on 0438 to win, don't mention how excited they are!


"I won money! I won!"

"Wahhahaha, as expected of 0438, with a group of old and weak women and children to win, all my money depends on you!"

"Hehehe, I must be the final winner. The odds are 5 to 1! It's a big profit!"


Watching the eighteenth group come down alive, 0882 said with a pale face:

"Yo, I didn't expect that I was won by a group of opportunistic weak chickens like you."

"What a disappointment!"

Faced with 0882's ridicule, 0438, who has never wanted to quarrel, said for the first time:

"Yeah, it's a disappointment that such trash as you can still live to this day!"

Seeing 0438 and others sitting directly next to their group, 0882 frowned and said nothing.

Now he is really not as good as before.

Come hard, if you don't take advantage of it.

He also knows how to endure!

However, he forbears is forbears.

I only heard 1452 came up with a sentence:

"Tch, little earthworm."

"How can there be earthworms from the ancestor star in this world? Doesn't it mean that there are no such things as earthworms in our administration?"

Hearing 1452's complaints, 0882's face, which was already pale, turned even more embarrassing now.

But he held back.

However, the contestants around couldn't help it.

I just laughed out loud!

This time.

Who would be afraid of a paper tiger!

If it is said that when his wound did not burst again before, maybe there is still power left.

but now?

Yu Wei?

p is gone!

Is a tiger with its teeth pulled still a tiger?

That is a tabby cat!

The audience on the interstellar channel laughed like crazy:

"Puff puff puff, this person is too insulting to scold others."

"I'm dying of laughter, this mouth is so bad, I definitely have to surf on social software!"

"I can't, I'm going to die from laughing, ah ha ha ha ha! These guys are so funny, I really love this show more and more! The true feelings are revealed, so real!"


Fourteen games.

It took over half an hour to finish.

280 entrants.

140 were directly eliminated!

This amount is not small.

At least, compared to the previous games, this ratio is really high!

"Congratulations to everyone who survived and successfully passed the sixth level!"

"In the future, there are only three levels left!"

"Hope, I can see you all again. Now, all contestants, please go back to the lounge and rest!" said the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask.

Now, these red-clothed NPCs have really changed a lot compared to the previous levels.

At least, I can say some things that normal people say.

The camera in the interstellar channel, one turn.

I saw a slum!

In this slum, I walked from an alley to a house along the way.

Immediately, the audience saw several familiar packages!

Looking at the faces of those people, they were all wearing masks at this moment!

And the person opposite them is known to everyone!

It turned out to be a member of parliament!

One of the top members of the Xingdora Planet, Pang Dahai!

"This time, you brought enough human organs to trade?"

Looking at the people wearing masks opposite him, Pang Dahai asked with a smile.

Facing Pang Dahai's inquiry, those masked people said in a cold tone:

"Before we talk about our human organs, you have to show your sincerity!"

"In terms of price, we can increase you a little bit. After all, this time the quantity is large, so we can give you a little profit!"

Hearing the calm answers of the masked men opposite him.

Pang Dahai extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

Let out a sigh of relief.

Then he raised his hand.

Signaled his men to bring the money over.

I saw that a box full of federal coins of the largest denomination was placed on the table where the two parties traded.

After seeing the money, the group of masked men closed the money directly, and then took out the human organs:

"These are our trading items!"

"After you go back, remember to get rid of it immediately, or keep it properly."

Facing the request from the masked man, Fat Dahai giggled:

"Ahahaha! I do things, so naturally I don't need you to teach me!"

"You just need to guarantee the quality of my goods!"

After all, send someone to inspect the goods directly.

This scene, without their knowledge, was broadcast live by Chen Xiang's interstellar channel.

The audience on Interstellar Channel were already furious when they saw Pang Haihai.

But now, it is not difficult to see from his conversation.

This fat sea is not the first time to do this kind of transaction!

"Made, why this kind of scum can be elected as a member of the Supreme Council of Humanity, I don't accept it! I want to drive my family's E-class warship to this slum area and directly bombard the slum area!"

"Don't, don't, brother, I'm very persuasive! People in the slums are also entitled to live, and there are good people!"

"Don't accidentally injure me! Brother, with this kind of thing, Pang Dahai is finished, and you don't need to take action at all!"

"I don't accept it, made. Why, as long as Fat Dahai doesn't die today, I will directly lead the team to rebel!"


The interstellar channel brain group was furious.

This news soon appeared on the negotiating table of the congressmen.

I saw that all the congressmen were silent!

Such dark underground dealings.

They are more or less contaminated.

However, there is really no one like Pang Haihai who broadcast live on the bright side!

After all, this is an era of technology, and many rich people have their own starships.

If it really arouses public anger, it is not impossible to overthrow the existing parliament.

That's why they look so heavy.


An old man sitting at the top of the federal parliamentary table took a long drag on his cigarette.

Then spit out a smoke ring.


"Directly order to arrest Pang Dahai on the spot and shoot him dead on the spot!"

"Civilian outrage!"

Surprisingly, no one objected to the old man's proposal.

All chose to support.

At this time, Pang Dahai's friends in the past also chose to stand on the opposite side of him.

No one pleaded for him.

The general trend.

Just one minute after Pang Dahai left with his human organs.

Those masked men took the money and headed back to the world created by Chen Xiang.

They entered the game world created by Chen Xiang in a sewer.

However, Pang Dahai was not so lucky.

Got blocked by the interstellar police!

"Don't move!"

"Don't move!"

"Don't move!"

Looking at the interstellar policemen appearing around him, Pang Dahai was bewildered.

I only heard Pang Hai shouting unrepentantly:

"What are you guys doing?!"

"Is the following offense committed?"

"I'm a member of the Human Alliance!"

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