Super Bonus, I Build Show, Squid Game

Chapter 48 Good Captain Of The G-Class Explorer Who Wants To Cry Without Tears! (Eight More! Ask For

"Member? You are no longer!"

"This is an arrest warrant issued by the Supreme Council!"

"You have been arrested!" The interstellar policeman who arrested him said with a smile.

Immediately, Pang Dahai was directly taken away!

Looking at the stupefied Fat Hai, the audience in the interstellar channel finally stopped scolding:

"Made, it can be counted as being taken away by him! It's so satisfying!"

"Wait, this show is the culprit, right?"

"Mother, don't tell me, I was just happy that Pang Dahai was taken away, and I ignored the competition program after this interstellar channel!"

"However, if there is really a full G-class fleet behind the program production team of the interstellar channel, it seems that we in the Northern Territory cannot punish him?"


For a moment, the huge audience in the Northern Territory showed sadness again.

After Pang Dahai was arrested for organ trafficking, the picture on the interstellar channel changed.

Back to the lounge.

In the lounge, the NPC in red with a white square printed on the mask said:

"Everyone, the most exciting moment has come."

"Current remaining number: 140 people!"

"Current bonus: 93.96 billion!"

Seeing that the amount was getting closer and closer to the 100 billion bonus, the contestants were overjoyed.


A large amount of federal coins flowed out along the piggy saving money again.

"I will definitely survive to the end." 1122 looked at the bonus above, and his eyes revealed determination and tenacity.

"I will never, never lose!"

Listening to 1122's murmur, 2020 shook his head and smiled.

At this moment, she looks like a big sister.

This doesn't match her appearance at all.

At this moment, those NPCs in red came back!

Chen Xiang's camera turned and switched to the team of NPCs in red.

Just listen to Chen Xiang ordering to the pre-arranged red-clothed NPCs:

"Let's go!"

Facing Chen Xiang's orders.

This group of NPCs in red appeared directly.

Holding a large number of firearms in his hands, he directly surrounded them.

Looking at the colleagues who suddenly appeared around him and surrounded him.

Those red-clothed NPCs were a little confused.

Zaimen stared in shock.

A red-clothed NPC with a white square printed on its mask was pushed over.

"Your plan has been exposed!" Another NPC in red with a white square printed on his face said.

Hearing this, the group of red-clothed NPCs still don't know where they are.

Death, there is no escape!

The only chance of survival.

That is to kill everyone present!

Then, take the money and run away!

Thinking of this, the group of red-clothed NPCs directly took up their weapons.

But, before they started shooting.

Just heard a burst of gunfire first!

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

The gunshots fell.

All those involved in the trafficking of human organs were shot dead.

After killing these red-clothed NPCs, the contestants in the interstellar channel, don't mention how happy they are:

"It seems that this program group is still a bit human?"

"I can't live without the bottom line, I'll just say it! It's still time to punish those who sell human organs!"

"Emmmm, I want to know, why not stop it from the first scene of the scene?"

"Outrageous, I'm also curious, why wasn't it stopped! Instead, they waited? Could it be that they set a long line to catch big fish? Catch all big fish in one go?"


They were puzzled about why Chen Xiang, the behind-the-scenes program group of the interstellar channel, arranged this way.

No doubt.

This thing is true.

Because, the report on Xingdora planet has come out!

Former MP Pang Dahai was arrested, and three days later, there will be a public trial!

Zhongzhou domain:

"What are you talking about?"

"The kidnapped G-class explorer was released?"

The controller of Zhongzhou Domain said in surprise.

Facing the inquiry from the controller of the Zhongzhou domain, the liaison immediately responded:

"Yes, released!"

"Boss, what is the next order?"

Facing the inquiries of the liaison officer, the controller of the Zhongzhou domain was completely lost.

What is the next order?

Suddenly, the controller of the Zhongzhou domain who reacted said:

"Quick, ask, what kind of civilization is on the other side, and what kind of attitude is it coming here!"

"This is the only hope for our human federation to survive!"

"Be sure to ask clearly!"

Facing the words that almost roared from behind the controller of the Zhongzhou domain, the liaison officer immediately began to practice.

Because of the distance.

It took four hours to send messages between them!

After receiving the reply, the controller of Zhongzhou domain jumped up happily!

"Made is actually a human civilization!"

"Also, the language is similar, which is so, so incredible!"

"Still no malicious contact."

"Simply perfect!"

Amidst the excitement, the controller of the Zhongzhou domain suddenly realized a problem!

That is, if they can get the help of this strange human civilization, then their technology can achieve a leap forward!

It can also not be so strenuous when resisting Zerg.

Even, defeat the Yadir Zerg?

However, he was able to be the controller of the Zhongzhou domain, and his mind was still very clear.

Although it is also a humanoid civilization, there is no reason for people to help them impermanently!

"By the way, isn't an energy galaxy discovered in the southwest direction?"

"give them!"

"We use energy galaxies in exchange for scientific and technological materials and scientific and technological achievements!"

"Quickly, send what you just said to the G-level explorer and let him go to negotiate!"

Hearing the order from his boss, the liaison officer froze for a moment.

But it was sent as it was.

Two hours later, the G-level explorer received the message, and his face was full of confusion.

"Captain! The controller of the Central State Domain asked us to negotiate with that terrifying humanoid civilization..." While speaking, the liaison officer of the G-class Explorer wanted to cry.

When he came out, he swore that he would never negotiate with that humanoid civilization again in his life!

However, this oath will be broken in a short time.

Hearing what the liaison officer said, the good captain of the G-rank explorer sat down on his chair.

There is absolutely no excitement of being released.


Negotiate with this civilization?

It's outrageous!

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