Super Cookery System

Chapter 14: Caiji, hurry up and upgrade!

All the customers found Yang Song following the fragrance, and gradually gathered around his stall.

"Boss, do you know? In the past few days, I don't think about food or tea, just waiting for your roasted gluten!"

"Eh? You too? Me too! No matter what! Two strings today!"

"I spent a hundred dollars a day to eat a bunch of grilled gluten, and I was not greedy in one day! I used to eat barbecue at night, now after eating it, eh? I can sleep well these two nights. I don't want to eat supper anymore!"

"Me too! The boss's roasted gluten is a good thing!"

While replying to what everyone said, Yang Song laughed and roasted gluten. This is a great day, 100 skewers a day, 10,000 yuan a day! You can be regarded as a high-income group!

The man who had eaten five skewers in one breath tore a little paper towel to wipe his mouth, and asked curiously: "Boss, you said your business is so good, why not open a barbecue restaurant? How great!"

"Yeah! Lest we come here every day, you can post business hours on it, and we won't be so hard!"

When a tall, thin man heard about opening a shop, he immediately stood up and agreed.

When others heard this proposal, they all agreed. Yang Song also has this plan, but even if it is sold out today, it will only cost 30,000 yuan. It is still far from enough to open a shop!

"Okay, I've heard everyone's suggestion, and the shop will definitely open, but it's not now, the small business has just started, and the money is not enough, but you can rest assured that you will definitely put it on the trip as soon as possible!"

Yang Song all smiled in response to these enthusiastic diners.

A hundred skewers of grilled gluten quickly sold out, and all those who did not buy were disappointed and started to complain.

"Boss, this is just the beginning, and the night market hasn't started yet, so you don't sell it. If you have money, don't make money!"

"Sorry! Limited one hundred bunches per day! It's gone when sold out. Please come early tomorrow!"

After wiping off his sweat, Yang Song laughed, let out a long sigh of relief, embarrassedly hugged everyone, and apologized.

After everyone was gone, Yang Song settled in the cart, and then he thought as he walked, it is indeed too inconvenient now. In case the city management comes, he will have to run. It is really uncomfortable and he doesn’t know the food court. How much does a shop cost over there?

But it's just an idea, it won't be realized for the time being, there are too many things to prepare.

Yang Song, who returned to the dormitory to rest, took out his mobile phone and checked the shop rentals today. He never expected that a 50-square-meter shop in the troubled food street would cost 20,000 a month, and the payment would start in one year. Calculated in this way, it will cost 24W, let alone other decorations, and there is no one that can't be taken down at around 400,000.

Forget it, let's do it for now! Let's sell roasted gluten for two months first, save some money and then consider the store's business!

In the next few days, Yang Song was serious about selling roasted gluten. A week later, Yang Song finally heard a familiar voice in his mind while selling roasted gluten.

"Ding Dong~ The experience point is full, the system will automatically be upgraded to level two."

"Acquired fine beef skewers! The price is 300 yuan per skewers."

"Accept the task: sell 100 skewers of grilled gluten and fine beef skewers in one day, and you will get a mysterious gift package."

"Accept the task: sell one hundred fine beef skewers in one day! Get 200 experience points!"

"Because the host upgrade speed is extremely fast, so the system opens the liberation system, the host can give away or eat freely except for the goods sold, but it cannot be sold. Once the rules are violated, the system will automatically shut down for one month, and so on!"

it is good! Finally upgraded! Although only one fine beef skewers was obtained, Yang Song was still very satisfied! After all, it has started to increase!

But what makes Yang Song very happy is that in the future, he can cook and eat without restrictions. Although only a hundred sticks are sold for money, at least he can eat a little by himself or treat him to dinner!

Unexpectedly, he was also given a mission to get a mysterious gift package. This made Yang Song a little surprised, but the mysterious gift package was able to give him a lot of attraction!

After quickly selling out all the roasted gluten, Yang Song found a quiet place and clicked on his system interface.

lD: Yang Song

Sex: Male

Level: 2(0/5000)

Cooking: 15

Skills: Pao Ding's solution to the bull knife method (Elementary: 513/10000)

Title: Kitchen Waste of Hard Work

Ability: kitchen waste

Acquisition: Juewei Roasted Gluten (100/100) / Fine Beef Skewers (100/100)

Not bad, I started slowly, and my cooking skills have begun to slowly upgrade. I believe that as long as I continue to work hard, my cooking skills will become higher and higher.

Yang Song now does nothing else, just to get rid of the title of kitchen scum. Obviously so many people call themselves the **** of cooking, but the guy in the system still calls himself the kitchen scum.

"Hey! System, I want to ask you, when will I be able to get rid of the title of kitchen waste?"

"Because the host level is too low, there are not many permissions that can be obtained temporarily, and the host needs to be upgraded slowly."

"That's the rhetoric again, can't you change one?"

"Caiji, hurry up and upgrade!"

"you are vicious!"

Yang Song gritted his teeth and shut down the system. After thinking about it for a moment, it seems that he has not started practicing except for practicing knife skills before. He is not going to go to cooking class anymore. Compared with Mr. Ye who teaches the class now , This old guy is really in trouble.

I looked up at the sky, and then at the time. It is only two o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still so much time before the evening, so I might as well go near the school to see if there is a suitable house.

It’s not very convenient to live in the dormitory all the time. For some things, in case the stall will be late in the future, it won’t be nice to go back to the dormitory, so he immediately decided to find a house first! In the future, I will practice cooking by myself and others will not find it.

After reading a lot on the Internet, Yang Song discovered a problem. Now that the rental peak period has passed, most of the rental houses left today are either small or bad, or there are problems in all of them. Can't find a suitable place at all.

Following the so-called intermediary, Yang Song went shopping for more than two hours, his legs were exhausted, and he had not found a suitable house. The community is very close to the school and not too far from the food court. Come here to rent a house. Is the most suitable. It's a pity that things went counterproductive, and they couldn't find a suitable house.

Money is not a problem now, all that remains is to find a suitable one.

After strolling around for an afternoon, Yang Song came to the small shop at the entrance of the community to buy a bottle of water. Then he sat on the next step to rest. He took a big sip and sighed, "This house is better than mine. It takes hard work to set up a stall!"

At this moment, a somewhat old but energetic voice came from not far away.

"Huh? Boy, are you looking for a house!"

Yang Song heard it, turned his head and saw that two old men were playing chess. One of the old men in Tang suit was looking at Yang Song with a smile.

"That's right!" Yang Song nodded quickly, and hurriedly said: "Old man, do you have a house for rent?"

The old man nodded, smiled and said, "Young man, wait a minute, I'll give this old boy to the general!"

"Tell me the general? You're an old man, obviously I'm here to do it! You wait for me!" The other old man did not show weakness, and directly retorted the old man in Tang suit.

Hearing what the two people said, Yang Song felt very funny when he arrived, stood up, patted his butt, walked forward, and said with a smile: "It's okay, the old man walks down slowly, I'm not worried!"

While playing chess, the Tang suit old man took the time to ask: "Young man, are you a student from the university next door? Are you not happy living in the dormitory?"

"No! I need to hone my cooking skills here. The dormitory can't give me a place to practice, so I want to find a room with a kitchen to practice my cooking skills!" Yang Song said honestly, five to ten. Own purpose.

The old man in Tang suit looked happy, and handed his cannon to his opponent, "It turns out that you kid can cook! The old man likes to drink two cups when he has nothing to do. Then I will disturb you!"

Yang Song is not a stingy person, nodded and said: "No problem, as long as the old man doesn't dislike my food is not good!"

After another old man heard it, he said directly: "Lao Meng, this kid has made delicious food by then, don't forget to call us over to eat together!"

"I know that you old boy is good at this, don't worry, I will call you at that time!" The Tang suit old man scolded with a smile.

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