Super Cookery System

Chapter 15: Sky garden

Although Yang Song knows how to play chess, he is not too shrewd, but when he sees these two old people playing, he immediately knows that these two old men are all stinky chess pieces!

In about twenty minutes, the two of them finally finished playing. Sure enough, although the Tang suit old man is a stinky chess basket, he is still a bit more powerful than the old man. In the end, he used a car and gun general.

Finally finished playing chess, the Tang suit old man stood up and motioned to another old man to put away the chessboard or something, and introduced: "Young man, my name is Meng Guang, and this old man is called Sun Zhengyang. They all live in the same building. I like to get together and play chess when I’m fine. I don’t know what your name is, boy."

Yang Song hurriedly introduced himself: "Hello, Grandpa Meng, and Grandpa Sun. My name is Yang Song and I am a student from the university next door."

"Good, good! The young man is nice. I have been waiting quietly for our two stinky chess baskets for so long, Lao Meng, you hurry up to take someone to see the house, don't let people wait forever!" Old Sun smiled. I picked up the chessboard, held it in my hand, and prepared to go home.

Old Meng smiled and said, "Xiao Yang, let's go and show you the house."

"Good Le!"

After walking with Meng Lao for about ten minutes, they walked to a place at the back of the community. This place Yang Song has known about is a compound residential house, which is all two hundred square meters. Know what the old man brought himself to this place.

When he came to a building, Old Meng smiled and said, "Xiao Yang, here, the top floor is the old man's home!"

"This... old man, will it be too big? I live alone!" Yang Song is a little unsure. If he really lives in a complex, it would be a bit too exaggerated!

Elder Meng said with some embarrassment: "Originally, I was talking about living with my granddaughter, but she said that she was going to do business with friends in other places, and it would last for one or two years. Thinking about finding a young man to be your company, you can rest assured that the money will not overcharge you! And, you can rest assured that after you enter, you will understand!"

The old man's words are at this point, and Yang Song can't say anything, so he has to go up and see with the old man. If he rents with an old man, he has no major problems. And it seems that the old man is really good. There should be no danger.

I took the elevator and went all the way to the tenth floor. Because this building is a composite building, the floors are relatively high, with a total of ten floors. Living on the top floor, Yang Song followed the old man to a gate.

The old man put his finger directly on it. Yang Song saw that it was a fingerprint lock, which looked so high-end!


As soon as the announcement sounded, the door opened, and Yang Song followed the old man in, suddenly a little shocked.

Luxurious decoration, with Western style, but also with Chinese style furniture, when matched together, it won't feel bad at all, and there is even some suitable feeling.

"Xiao Yang, how about it, this is my old man's house, but there has been no people living in it. Usually, it is only once a half month to call someone to clean it. If you want to, live here!"

Yang Song did not hear clearly, but stared at the kitchen blankly. The kitchen fully met his psychological expectations. The huge space and a gas stove can meet Yang Song's various needs. A cabinet oven and a barbecue shelf next to it. In Yang Song's eyes, this place was completely prepared for himself!

"Grandpa Meng, how much do you plan to rent out this house?" Yang Song couldn't help swallowing, and some reluctance to withdraw his eyes.

Elder Meng glanced around and smiled: "Although the house is quite big, I like to rent it to people who look right. For example, you know that you are a student. You don't need more. How about 2,000 a month?"

"Two thousand?" Yang Song couldn't help yelling. This is too cheap!

As a result, people thought that Yang Song felt too expensive, and said quickly: "If you don't have that much money, we can still negotiate the price! You can pay once a month."

Most of the rented houses here are paid in a quarter, so Meng Lao thought that Yang Song had concerns in this regard.

"No! Grandpa Meng, you are misunderstood, I mean this place is too cheap!" Yang Song quickly explained, if he was the original one, he might have said it was too expensive, but now he doesn't care about it. One point three melon and two dates.

When Lao Meng heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said carefully, "Actually, Xiao Yang, I have also asked some people to come to see the house before, but when I played chess with Lao Sun, all of them were inconsistent. Patience, no patience, only you, waiting quietly, this is why, I will decide to take you to see the room."

After Yang Song heard this, he laughed dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the onlookers before was a small test. In fact, he was just watching two stinky chess baskets playing chess, which was quite interesting!

"Come, come with me!" Meng Lao seemed to be like a child at this time, pulling Yang Song towards the top of the building.

Seeing that Meng Lao seemed to have some treasure to show him, Yang Song also hurriedly followed, came to the top of the building, walked through the gate, and Yang Song saw a different small garden.

"See? There is a small garden on the roof of this building. My granddaughter and I used to make barbecues on the roof, and I was very happy, but it has been a long time since I have come over to eat!" Speaking of this, there was a look of recollection in his eyes.

"Have you seen that door?" Old Meng pointed to a door next to him. Yang Song nodded, and he continued, "This is my house. If you have something delicious in the future, call me. , I will come out of it and eat here!"

"What? Grandpa Meng, didn't you just rent me a room?"

Yang Song was completely amazed now. He rented a super luxurious compound for two thousand yuan, and he also brought a small garden on the roof, alone! This is simply impossible!

"I know what kind of private space you young people like, I'm an old man won't get together! Just so, I also need that private space! Haha!"

When Lao Meng said this, his whole person was like an old naughty boy, he didn't feel like an old man at all, but he was full of vitality.

"I see! Thank you, Grandpa Meng!" Yang Song let out a gratitude from the bottom of his heart!

"Okay! No thanks! You look around first!"

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