Super Cookery System

Chapter 63: Automatic cleaning

Chapter 63 Automatic Cleaning

But after eating the meals made by Mother Yang, she never mentioned this matter. I miss it now.

"Let's go! It's only been open for two hours anyway." Yang Song looked at the phone time, "After three days of rest, the door was closed after only one day of opening. It is not easy to explain to everyone. Let's open it today!"

"Well, when Ms. Meng is coming to drive later, I will tell the people in the group that they are all waiting!" Actually, Chen Ming remembered that he seemed to have been missing for two days too. I was afraid that everyone in the group was missing. I want to kill myself!

By the time the three arrived in Los Angeles, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon, just in time for dinner! The car has been driving on the mountain road these past two days, and it seems that the chassis is a bit scratchy, so Chen Ming has to drive to the 4S shop to take care of it! Meng Shihan spent a day in the car. I want to go home and rest.

Yang Song asked him to send Meng Shihan and took a taxi to the food court! Seeing his dining car, he hummed and walked over, saw the A4 paper pasted on it, smiled slightly, guessing it was them, and didn't care, he tore it off and threw it away, since they wanted to get it. Group, then help them!

Wait, the door hasn't been opened for three days. Why is this car so clean? Yang Song found out that something was wrong. According to reason, the weather, haze, wind and other things would at least cover the car with dust.

But now? The car was clean and spotless. After opening the door and walking in, the same was true inside. Even the stovetop that was soiled last time was now clean! what 's wrong?

"Due to the host's efforts to upgrade, the system will give an additional service to keep the tableware and places tidy for free."

Damn it! This feature is great! Yang Song likes this additional function. Cleaning was originally a headache for Yang Song. When he was an old car, he often suffered from backache and back pain due to cleaning, but now it is not. The system is worthy of being a system, and the function is powerful!

Goldfinger! It's a cow!

After tossing everything, the tables and chairs have been placed, Yang Song is ready to open! I took out my mobile phone and looked at the prestige group that had long been 999+, as well as Aite’s own information. I was not curious about what was posted in it. I guess they were all urging me to open a store.

"@All members, it's open! Now counting, two hours! Come here!"

As soon as the news came out, the crowd that was already very lively was just like a blast!

"Fuck! Back! The boss is back! It's opened!"

"Guys! Charge! Charge toward the destination!"

"Speed! Speed! The guy next to me put away his phone and ran away! We want speed too!"

"Fuck! Is it that fast?"

Yang Song glanced at it, smiled slightly, and turned around to prepare the ingredients! Did not care what happened in the group.

At the same time, at the hotel next to the food court, Mr. Wang was watching TV with his grandson and making hot tea. Wang Shuhuan's phone rang, took a look, and said to his grandfather: "Grandpa, that kid opened the door!"

"Then let's go! I haven't eaten fried rice noodles in a few days, I miss it!" The old man couldn't help thinking of the food that day, he stood up, changed his shoes, and walked out the door.

Wang Shuhuan shook his head helplessly, stood up and followed behind!

Because of the shortest distance, Mr. Wang was the first to be there. Yang Song saw him and smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, you are here. Do you want to have fried rice noodles or barbecue today?"

"First, let's have two fried rice noodles. The skewers are the same!" Wang Lao ordered the meal skillfully, very skillfully, you know, he is the second time here.

"Two copies? One order per person!" Yang Song was lowering his head to prepare something, but didn't notice Wang Shuhuan standing behind the old man.

Wang Shuhuan's face changed, and he said with a black face: "What's the matter? Are we afraid that we can't afford it? Isn't it just 158 ​​portions of fried rice noodles? Give us four portions!"

Yang Song noticed that there was a young man standing behind Wang Lao. He was a little confused, but he calmly pointed to the bulletin board.

The latter took a look, and immediately understood what it meant to come over. The old man laughed, not caring, and said, "Just like what I ordered before, we two, today my grandson is here too!"

"Okay, please wait a moment!" Yang Song nodded and started to prepare!

I threw all the skewers onto the strong charcoal fire, and the other hand started to heat the pan! His hands are extremely skillful in operation. With this hand, Wang Lao nodded with satisfaction after seeing it. The operation with both hands is not very difficult, but it is easy to distract people. It is easy to make the original delicious dishes less delicious. I don’t know Yang Will Song be as delicious this time as last time.

In just two or three minutes, Yang Song made two bowls of fried rice noodles and four skewers! Put it in the mouth of the meal.

"The meal is ready, please come and fetch it!"

Wang Shuhuan walked over with no expression on his face and put the things in front of him and grandpa.

When he was making it before, Wang Shuhuan smelled the scent, and it seemed that it would be difficult for him to make such a smell. Now he slowly began to understand what his grandfather meant.

Get off the horse, he wants to give himself off the horse!

What about smelling the fragrance, things still need to be delicious! Wang Lao couldn't help it a long time ago, and started eating fried rice noodles! The skewers didn't move. It seems that I want to wait for myself to taste it first!

But he didn't eat either. He ate the fried rice noodles that Grandpa had said for several days, picked up a chopstick, and put it in his mouth.

Flick! This is the first taste, followed by the aroma of rice noodles, along with the burnt aroma of pork, the taste of Mediterranean red shrimp, and the scent of chives with a touch of bamboo.

After taking the first bite, Wang Shuhuan's eyes widened! These materials! Tai Chi too! Mediterranean red prawns are cheap and expensive. This red prawn only has a light sea water taste and the unique sweet and delicate fragrance of red prawns. The taste is superior. It is definitely the best one.

"After taking the first bite, can you tell me what ingredients are in it?" Mr. Wang asked faintly after having eaten half of it.

Wang Shuhuan put down his chopsticks, and aftertastes carefully, "Wanniangong rice noodles, Mediterranean premium red shrimp, Tibetan pork loin, etc., this fragrance? Is it the legendary green bamboo onion?"

"You have eaten it too? So I said, this young man is not easy!" Seeing that his grandson had spoken out, Wang Lao smiled slightly, his face showing the expression he should have.

The taste is really good. Wang Shuhuan couldn't help but ate a few more bites. In the end, he couldn't help it. Putting down his chopsticks, he frowned and said, "He uses top-quality ingredients, all of which are expensive. It is a good cooking !"

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