Super Cookery System

Chapter 64: Hit the field

Wang Lao seemed to have guessed that his grandson would say this, so he didn't care at all, pointed to the roasted gluten and said, "Then you can try this roasted gluten!"

Wang Shuhuan nodded, picked up the roasted gluten, and gently put it into his mouth. With a bite, the crispy texture burst instantly, the inside was full of chewy texture, and it was being made with the outside charred and tender inside! This taste, it seems that a bunch of 100 yuan is not expensive!

"This roasted gluten, look at the ingredients he placed outside!" Wang Lao pointed to Yang Song's gluten outside.

This gluten seems to be roasted gluten that does not have a dollar in the supermarket, but why does it taste so good?

"Give you such material, tell me, can you make such a taste?" Mr. Wang wiped his mouth! Putting down his chopsticks, he shouted at Yang Song: "Boss, one more skewers!"

"Okay!" Yang Song didn't pay attention to what they said, just prepared something with peace of mind.

Finally, after Yang Song handed over the skewers to Mr. Wang, a second visitor came, a cute girl with a pink girl behind her back.

"Brother! I want a bunch of beef skewers! A bunch of grilled gluten and grilled chicken wings! Don't be spicy!" The little girl took out her phone, scanned the QR code expertly, and paid!

This girl looks like she is 17 or 18 years old. She seems to be only a high school student, and her family should be very rich. Yang Song has seen her many times, calling her brother every time, so Yang Song remembers clearly , I just don’t know what the name is.

"Little sister, do you want to have a fried rice noodle today? New product! The portion is not too much, you should finish it!" Yang Song kindly reminded, is it enough for the little girl to eat three skewers at night?

The little girl looked at the rules written on the Yangsong brand with some worry, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Is it really not much? I didn't see it at first. If I can't finish eating, you won't let me buy it. Up!"

"Don't worry!" Yang Song chuckled, "I know my weight very well. After eating three skewers of fried rice noodles, you will definitely be full. You don't have to eat supper at night!"

Hearing Yang Song saying this, the little girl was relieved. Thinking of the first meeting, Yang Song didn't fool herself and nodded, "Well then! Give me a copy! One hundred and fifty-eight, right? I will give you money now!"

"Okay! Sit down and wait!" Yang Song nodded, took out a portion of fried rice noodles, and was about to start frying.

It was noon that day, and Yang Song pushed the car out to set up the stall as usual. The first customer was this little girl. She was walking on the food court with a sundae and was attracted by Yang Song's scent of roasted gluten.

The dialogue is also extremely interesting! The little girl still remembers now!

"Big brother, is your roasted gluten delicious?"

"It's delicious! One hundred bunches, one bunch?"

"But my mother said it's not good to eat food from the roadside stall!"

"Then do you want?"

"I..." The little girl thought about it for a while, and finally she couldn't help but was attracted by the fragrance, and finally sighed, "Okay! I'll just have a bunch! I'll still eat for 100 yuan. Affordable!"

It was this that made this little girl a frequent visitor, and later joined Xiaoliu's group. She happened to live nearby. When she received the news, she ran over to eat delicious food!

Now she is watching Yang Song skillfully making skewers! The little girl tilted her head and thought for a while, and asked curiously: "Brother, do you have another island country called Xingping Chuangzhen?"

"Xingping...what's the truth?" Yang Song looked confused, what was this little girl talking about?

As if looking at the alien, the little girl opened her mouth exaggeratedly and shouted: "No! Big brother, you are not too old! Why don't you even know Xingping Chuangzhen? The protagonist of "Spirit of the Halberd"!"

"Oh oh oh! Anime?" Yang Song only heard this. I have seen this anime on the Internet, but he hasn't seen it before. He shook his head: "I'm an authentic Chinese, how can there be such a mess? first name!"

Seeing that the name was not, the little girl giggled and happily said, "Then were you called Liu Angxing before?"

Yang Song knew the name. He sighed and put the fried rice noodles in the mouth of the meal, "Okay, I am not the head of China, hurry up! The skewers and fried rice noodles are all set, you go Try it!"

"Okay!" The little girl sniffed the scent, satisfactorily picked up the plate and walked to the seat.

At this moment, Wang Shuhuan stood up with a gloomy expression, walked in front of Yang Song, and asked in a deep voice, "What kind of secret method do you use to cook these skewers?"

"This one......"

Yang Song was stunned, this guy won't be stupid, right? Since I knew it was a secret method, I asked, I didn't want to take care of it and kept his cold attitude, so Yang Song ignored it, but bowed his head and started preparing the rest of the skewers.

Wang Shuhuan didn't expect that Yang Song would not pay attention to him at all. Originally, he had grievances in his heart. He patted the table and scolded: "Don't pretend to me, I have to order food!"

"The menu is outside, what do you want to say!" Yang Song answered flatly, without lifting his head, he raised his finger on the bulletin board hanging outside.

"We are in Los Angeles now, so I will eat the famous Los Angeles dish, squirrel mandarin fish!" Wang Shuhuan, regardless of what Yang Song's sign says, ordered a dish that tested his craftsmanship.

Oh, is this a fault? Yang Song knew that the young man was brought by Mr. Wang and looked up at Mr. Wang, but the latter was eating the skewers slowly, and seemed not to care about the things here.

Yang Song finally put down the kitchen knife in his hand, pointed at the bulletin board outside again, and said lightly: "Just those, you can order what you want to eat!"

"Can't you do it?" Wang Shuhuan felt that this boss didn't do it, but couldn't!

I rub! This guy discovered it! Isn't it terrible? But Yang Song still had to stay cold, and didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he picked up the kitchen knife and continued to handle the ingredients quietly. This person is simply faulty!

"Won't you still set up a stall here? If so, just come and compare with me, making some skewers is a chef, these things can't be on the counter at all!" Wang Shuhuan is about to run away now, and his grandfather said something before , It made him so irritable.

At that time, Mr. Wang finished the roasted leeks, put the bamboo skewers on the table, and said lightly.

"Your craftsmanship is less than one-tenth that of the boss. The same leek, you can't roast it so delicious."

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