Super Cookery System

Chapter 78: Upgrade again

An hour later, Yang Song finished the dining car! Sitting on the chair, he sent a message on his mobile phone to tell everyone that the shop was opened. After Chen Ming told Yang Song that he should not be too reluctant, he also went home.

Now he can't eat anymore, guarding Yang Song, he must be tempted by the food. For the sake of his stomach, Chen Ming decided to leave first.

"Big brother! Are you still opening a shop today? Didn't you agree to the bad guy's challenge? Shouldn't you practice at home?" Su Meng got the news and came straight to eat. After all, he lives nearby and is fast .

After just finished speaking, Su Meng seemed to understand something, and said to herself: "Yes! Where is the eldest brother's craftsmanship needed and I am afraid of that guy? I am worrying too much!"

Yang Song asked strangely, "How did you know? You didn't seem to be here yesterday!"

Su Meng smiled triumphantly, took out his mobile phone, quickly opened the Post Bar in Los Angeles, pointed to the top post above, and smiled: "Look here, the heat of the Kitchen King Championship has not dissipated. Wang Shuhuan will be the new edition of this year. Chef King, challenge people, how can they not be noticed?"

"What you said makes sense! Okay, what would you like to eat today?" Yang Song smiled, not caring, and asked Su Meng.

"I want fried rice noodles and grilled chicken wings! By the way! I want to grill gluten!"

"Okay, come right away!"

After bringing out the ingredients for fried rice noodles, Yang Song, who was about to fry rice noodles, heard Su Meng ask again: "Furthermore, everyone in the group is talking about this. We have already said that no matter what happens that day, it will be all. Go and cheer for you!"

"People in the group? By the way, how many people are in the group now?" Yang Song hadn't noticed before. Now he was speculating and was too lazy to take out his mobile phone, he asked directly.

Su Meng took a look and told Yang Song, "Now there are more than 300 people in there! We have already added a lot!"

"Didn't Xiaoliu say that you need to make a group of two thousand people?" Yang Song was in a good mood today, so he started chatting with Su Meng.

"That's right!" Su Meng suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "That guy said it was all about the big brother. He set up a stall every day, otherwise there would be two thousand people!"

"Take it slow!" Yang Song smiled and didn't care. The fried rice noodles were ready soon, and the grilled chicken wings and grilled gluten were almost the same!

After handing over the meal to Su Meng, the latter jumped to the table and began to eat the food.

At this time, a group of people also came over, talking and laughing, some had seen it and some hadn't seen it. Yang Song took out the prepared materials and shouted at the group: "Old rules! "

"We know! Wait in line!"

A group of people looked at each other and smiled, quietly and honestly lined up, Yang Song began to prepare everyone's order.

Two hours arrived soon, Yang Song finished the last portion of fried rice noodles, and smiled at the people behind: "Well, it's time for today, and I will have it tomorrow. See you again at the same time!"

He packed his things and waited until the last person was full and left here contentedly. Then Yang Song closed the car door, sat in the car, and quietly turned on the system.

Because the system just reminded, the system told itself that it has been upgraded!

"Ding Dong, the host has successfully upgraded to Level 4!"

"Ding Dong, the host has successfully learned delicious barbecue sausages and clear soup Longxu noodles!"

"Ding Dong, accept the main quest: make delicious barbecue sausages, reward experience, fifty points!"

"Ding Dong, accept the main quest: make a clear soup of dragon beard noodles, reward experience: fifty points!"

"Ding Dong, accept the side task: sell a hundred delicious barbecue sausages in one day, reward experience: two hundred points!"

"Ding Dong, accept the side mission: sell 100 bowls of clear soup dragon's silk noodles in one day, and reward 200 points of experience!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host who has won the title and entered the kitchen world!"

A series of tasks caught Yang Song by surprise, but he quickly returned to normal. He quickly sat up, what? Get a new title? What hasn't been obtained for a long time, a newcomer to the kitchen world? Although very humble, it is also a new title!

I quickly clicked on the system in my mind to check my information.

lD: Yang Song

Sex: Male

Level: 4 (0/50000)

Cooking: 20

Skills: Pao Ding's solution to the bull knife method (Elementary: 2010/10000)

Title: A newcomer to the kitchen industry

Ability: Newcomer in the kitchen world (low level)

Acquisition: Juewei roasted gluten/high-quality beef skewers/one-pin roasted leeks/delicious roasted chicken wings/fried rice noodles/whole beef feast (non-full version)/delicious barbecue sausage (0/100)/clear soup and longxu noodles (0/ 100)

It turned out that the ability has finally become a newcomer in the kitchen world! Not easy! Yang Song estimated that these days of practice, coupled with today's practice of squirrel mandarin fish, finally let him successfully enter the next stage!

"System, do you provide the ingredients for the barbecue sausage?" Yang Song worried that it would let him marinate the meat, which would be too troublesome!

"Yes, the system provides marinated meat sausages made from Tibetan pork belly, fifty yuan a piece, whether the host needs it! The flour needed for the dragon's silk noodles is also provided by the manual grinding of the royal tribute rice provided by the system! 200 yuan Five catties!"

"I don't need it for the time being, let's talk about it when I get home! How much does the barbecue sausage and dragon's silk noodles sell?"

"The selling price of delicious barbecue sausage: two hundred and sixty-eight, and the selling price of clear broth and longxu noodle: one hundred and eighty-eight bowls!"

Good job, it feels the same as I expected! Yang Song nodded, ready to go back and deal with it! After all new products are on the market, you still have to practice!

After returning home, Meng Shihan was busy working in the kitchen, took care of the fish left over today, and simply cleaned it to wash almost the salt on it, holding a plastic basin.

It seemed that Meng Shihan was going out to feed the cats and dogs. When Yang Song thought, he immediately added a bag of flour and a bag of marinated sausages in his hand. Mentioned the kitchen, Meng Shihan saw Yang Song coming back and asked, "I'm back? Huh? What are you carrying?"

"Flour and marinated sausages, I'll make something delicious for you tonight. By the way, call Grandpa Meng!" Yang Song smiled and put the flour on the table. The sausages were put in the refrigerator and prepared by themselves. Let’s make the dragon's beard noodles first, so this meat sausage should be put in the refrigerator first. What if the taste changes?

This barbecue sausage is not a simple sausage, just like a hot dog, it is a kind of marinated meat sausage. If it is not frozen, it will deteriorate easily.

"Huh? No, let's make a guinea pig?" Meng Shihan had some worries after eating squirrel mandarin fish for a day today.

Yang Song shook his head and said with a smile: "No, this is what I thought about a long time ago. Today, my brother just sent me the right materials. It won't be as troublesome as the squirrel mandarin fish!"

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