Super Cookery System

Chapter 79: Longxu Noodles in Clear Soup

"That's good!" Meng Shihan was holding a plastic basin and was about to feed the cats and dogs. He suddenly thought of something, "By the way, my grandfather went to grandpa grandfather grandfather's house, or forget it today!"

It's been a long time since I saw Grandpa Sun. Yang Song still likes that old naughty old man. He smiled and said, "No, you call Grandpa Meng and tell Grandpa Sun to come, they will definitely come over!"

"That's true, Grandpa Sun is also a delicious person! Okay! Don't worry! I'll call later!" Meng Shihan was not convenient to call now, so he was about to leave to feed the cats and dogs.

Yang Song shouted at Meng Shihan's back: "By the way, tell them to bring the chessboard. Today's things need to be prepared! It will take longer!"

"I know!"

After Meng Shihan left, Yang Song was officially ready to meet up!

There is a large glass bowl at home. Yang Song saw that it was quite beautiful, so he bought it. The main reason was that he still needs to make pasta in the future. Sure enough, it is here today.

Why start with the joint? Why is fried rice noodles unnecessary? Because the system reminds you that the dragon's beard noodles must be freshly pulled, and this bowl of dragon's beard noodles has to learn a long-lost skill in the legend.

Dragon beard 14 buckles!

As the name suggests, the fourteen button is to fold and pull fourteen times, one becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, and so on. Until the fourteenth, the dragon's beard noodle has become 16380 Four! As fine as a cow hair! Threading the needle is nothing to worry about!

At present, the most powerful one among the national kitchens can only be pulled up to twelve times, and thirteen times are only occasionally successful, let alone fourteen buttons. This is the difficulty of dragon beard noodles.

Yang Song didn't know why the system suddenly gave him this problem, but Yang Song didn't worry, whoever allowed him to have a system, the system was his guiding light!

Thinking of this, Yang Song put all the flour in the noodle bowl, then added water, kneaded the noodles, and woke up in one go!

While waiting, Yang Song took out his notebook and started to check his own records, and started to learn about his failure cases.

Ten minutes later, Grandpa Meng and Grandpa Sun came over talking and laughing. The two elderly people walked in with a smile and saw Yang Song sitting at the dining table studying, and asked: "Xiao Yang, didn't you say there was something delicious? What are you looking at?"

"Nothing to watch, yes, there is something delicious today! The secret barbecue sausages and the clear soup dragon mustard noodles!" Yang Song put away the notebook, glanced at the phone, and said with a smile before the time was up.

Grandpa Sun's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Dragon-shoulder noodles? That kind of very thin noodles? I ate at a state banquet in Kyoto before. The chef pulled out thirteen buttons. The noodles are thin! It's amazing! !"

"Thirteen deductions? Very powerful!" Yang Song was also a little surprised! Unexpectedly, there are still people in Huaxia who can pull thirteen buckles. If you know that Longbeard noodles can achieve twelve buckles, they are already rare, and there are people who can pull thirteen buckles.

"I also ate it that time, it tastes really good, Xiao Yang! As long as you can pull up to twelve buckles, plus your craftsmanship, the taste must not be wrong!" Grandpa Meng also nodded, saying that's right!

"Let's do it! Let me work hard!"

Yang Song didn't say anything, just smiled slightly, followed the two elderly people to the living room, watching them play chess!

"Grandpa Meng! You are going wrong! You should get out of the car! Then his cannon is gone!"

"No! The old grandson's face will be able to eat my car later!"

"Then what are you afraid of! You still have a horse on the opposite side!"

"Xiao Yang, you would be unkind like this, a true gentleman watching chess without speaking!"

"You two stinks, let me remind you that it's okay!"

"You can shut up! You are also a stinky chess player!"

I have to say that when the three stinky chess baskets are gathered together, it is still one stinky chess basket, and the three people talked happily!

"Okay, okay, you three are all stinky chess baskets, and you're still chatting here!" I don't know when, Meng Shihan has already returned, looking at the old and the young being playing chess, his face also showed a helpless expression.

At this time, Yang Song's cell phone rang, and the time to wake up was already up. He patted his **** and stood up and smiled: "Okay, I'm going to prepare something to eat, just wait a moment!"

"Okay! Go! You are arguing us to play chess!" Grandpa Meng shouted at Yang Song with disgust without raising his head and waving his hand.

Yang Song was not happy anymore. Before leaving, he shouted: "I found out on the first day I saw Grandpa Meng. You are the stinky player!"

When Meng Shihan saw the appearance of these people, the old did not respect the old and the young did not know how to respect the old and love the young. It was really helpless!

But she also knew that they only had a good relationship. But Yang Song left, and Meng Shihan leaned forward. After all, watching the two stinky chess baskets play chess, it was a great pleasure to see them arguing.

Yang Song came to the kitchen and opened the reconciled noodles. He was about to grab a handful of flour and sprinkle it on the cutting board, but unexpectedly found that the flour was gone. He quickly bought another ten jin from the system, dug out a bowl, and sprinkled it on. Cutting board.

I have to say that the noodles are quite vigorous. Yang Song kneaded for a long time before making the dough smooth and dividing it into the weight proposed by the system, that is, the agent. One is exactly the weight of a bowl of dragon-beard noodles. Jin noodles can make ten bowls of dragon beard noodles, half a catty of noodles and one bowl of noodles, plus the wasted flour!

When ramen is ramen, there will be more or less more dough at both ends. According to the system, these dough must not be reserved for the next use, but can only be discarded! Therefore, the weight of a bowl of noodles must be controlled by Yang Song. The amount of noodles and the amount of waste must be planned, not to mention, at this point, it is necessary to successfully complete 14 deductions!

Thinking too much is not Yang Song's style, he just did what he said, and started ramen for the first time!

When Yang Song pulled the noodles for the first time, he broke a dozen noodles! The system prompts failed!

When Yang Song pulled ten buckles for the second time, he broke a lot of noodles, and the system indicated failure!

When Yang Song pulled ten buckles for the third time, he still broke some, and the system prompts failed!


When Yang Song finally pulled the fourteenth button during the tenth ramen, he accidentally broke two noodles, and the system indicated that it failed!

Got it! Both are a failure! Yang Song sighed and discarded all the noodles. He took out the ten kilograms of flour he bought, poured it in again, and continued to make the noodles. Fortunately, the bowl was big enough, and Yang Song's strength was good, and he quickly kneaded the dough. , Continue to wake up!

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