Wang Xianyi did not expect that a news revealed his story.

Without this news, Lin Xiao would not have investigated the cause of death in the Yellow Sea at all, so he could not be associated with Wang Xianyi.

At this time, the video in Lin Xiao's mobile phone was interrupted, and then the connection timeout was displayed.

"President Lin, someone deleted the video of Binhai bridge."

"Well, I see. Help me find the whereabouts of a car." After Lin Xiao finished, he sent the license plate number he had just seen.

With the license plate number, Zhang Jikai can easily locate the location information of the vehicle.

At Lin Xiao's request, the track of the broken car crashed by Wang Xianyi was found out in a nearby garage.

The Volkswagen SUV that Wang Xianyi now drives is also driven from the garage.

Various signs show that Wang Xianyi's behavior has been intentional homicide, but why did he kill the Yellow Sea? What are you afraid of?

Is the one million embezzled by the Yellow Sea related to Wang Xianyi?

For a mere one million yuan, Wang Xianyi could not risk killing people in that situation.

There's only another reason.

Wang Xianyi was afraid that the Yellow Sea would reveal some of his secrets.

The Yellow Sea clearly hides Wang Xianyi's secret. Why didn't you do it before? Why did you risk it at this time?

Lin Xiao has guessed some kind of answer. Maybe Wang Xianyi is afraid of exposing the secret to himself after Huang Hai meets Lin Xiao.

In fact, Lin Xiao went to Huanghai just to confirm the donation. There is little chance that he can ask about Wang Xianyi.

If Wang Xianyi really chose to kill because of this matter, it can only show that the secret mastered by the Yellow Sea is so important that Wang Xianyi dare not be careless.

Thinking of Zhang Jun's video in which Xiao San named Wang Xiaohong threatened Huang Hai's original match, Lin Xiao thought that the secret might have something to do with himself.

When Wang Xianyi killed Hou Qi before, Lin Xiao suspected that he had a problem, but there was no evidence.

The female killer who stole a gun from the police station, Hou Qi, who was shot in the head, and the Yellow Sea, which was hit and drowned today, are all related to Wang Xianyi.

"What is Wang Xianyi hiding?" Lin Xiao took a deep breath.

"Lin Xiao, what are you talking about? What happened to the Wang bureau?"

"It's all right. Let's go back first." Lin Xiao grabbed Nangong Jin's hand and said.

"Is it really all right?"

"It's all right. I just think I have something to do with Wang Bureau. I'll take you back later. I'll meet him." Lin Xiao said.

"All right." Nangong Jin doesn't doubt him.

After returning home, Nangong Jin went to wash, while Lin Xiao quietly went out of the door and went straight to Wang Xianyi's house.

Lin Xiao must find out today's question, or he won't feel at ease.

On the surface, Wang Xianyi helped Lin Xiao a lot and had a close relationship with him, but since Lin Xiao came to Zhennan, he has done a lot of things very passively.

Like the original Wang generals, Yang Jianzhong, Hou Qi and Dai Jing, they can always accurately grasp his location information and even some secret activities.

Lin Xiao used to think that Yang Jianzhong was playing tricks, but after Yang Jianzhong died, he still felt that he couldn't control it in Zhennan.

At that time, Lin Xiao thought that someone in the police station must be playing tricks. He thought it was Hou Qi, and Hou Qi was right with himself everywhere.

Until Hou Qi was exposed, when Lin Xiao wanted to catch him and ask him clearly, Wang Xianyi shot him in the head without hesitation.

Before that, Wang Xianyi never showed his shooting skills, but the gun was stable, accurate and ruthless. It was not sloppy at all. It was enough to match the elite members of the special forces.

From beginning to end, Wang Xianyi was very mysterious. He didn't specifically target Lin Xiao. Sometimes he even opened the door to him and helped him in many ways.

In Zhennan, Wang Xianyi will cover up Lin Xiao's unseemly affairs.

Lin Xiao once trusted Wang Xianyi, but now this idea has been overturned.

When he came to Wang Xianyi's downstairs and looked at the dilapidated unit building, Lin Xiao was very puzzled that such a big Bureau seat didn't have the money to buy a good building?

The building where Wang Xianyi lives is probably an old one decades ago. Although it is located near the city center, its value is far from good.

With Wang Xianyi's status, even if he does not dare to accept benefits and supports his children and relatives to build his own power, it is entirely possible for him to make countless money.

After so many years in the Bureau, I wouldn't still live in such a dilapidated place.

"What kind of person is Wang Xianyi?"

Wang Xianyi has just returned home. His wife Pu Zhen has set up a table of good food waiting for him.

Dressed in plain clothes, park Zhen smiled and asked, "come back so early today?"

"Well, I'm a little tired." Wang Xianyi smiled at will. He didn't even wash his hands. When he saw the food on the table, he was stunned. "What's a good day today, so rich?"

There are eight dishes and two soups on the table, all of which are Wang Xianyi's favorite meals.

Wang Xianyi usually comes back late. He usually gets home at one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, and often leaves at six or seven o'clock in the morning.

Probably have a good meal, but you have to wait a long time to have a chance.

That's why Wang Xianyi asked what a good day it was. Otherwise, Pu Zhen wouldn't have deliberately waited for him.

"I was going to wait for you until midnight today. I didn't expect you to come back at nine. It seems that this meal was not cooked in vain." Park Zhen seems to be a little excited. It's not easy for their old husband and wife to have a good meal at the same table for so many years.

"Hey!" Wang Xianyi sighed and sat down slowly in his chair, some worried.

Park Zhen stared at Wang Xianyi for a long time. "Is there another difficult case to solve?"

"Yes!" Wang Xianyi said absently, "yes."

As PU Zhen, who knew Wang Xianyi best, she seemed to see something. She couldn't help asking, "don't hold anything in your heart. It will always be solved."

"Nothing, eat!" Wang Xianyi said with a smile, "I can't waste such a good meal. I must finish it."

Park Zhen smiled, turned her head and hurried to the kitchen. "If you like, I'll take the fish soup and heat it in the pot all night."

Wang Xianyi took a few mouthfuls of food. It tasted good, but it was difficult to swallow. It seemed that something choked in his throat.


Put down the chopsticks, Wang Xianyi took out his mobile phone, stared at a number for a long time, and finally didn't press it.

Soon, park Zhen brought fish soup. The hot soup immediately aroused Wang Xianyi's appetite. He took a deep breath, threw out all the things that bothered him in his head, and picked up a bowl to hold the soup.

Park Zhen pushed the dish to Wang Xianyi and said with a smile, "eat. It's still hot. I'll heat it in the microwave when it's cold."

"You eat too. Don't just watch." Wang Xianyi looked up at his wife and said painfully, "I haven't eaten with you these years. It's really hard for you."

"What's the pain? I haven't been idle these years. I've trained a good son. He will return home in a few days. I'm happy to think about it."

"Feihong is coming back?" Wang Xianyi was stunned. He was very busy every day. He didn't even have time to inquire about his son's news.

"Yes, I'll be back next week." Park Zhen said with some emotion, "he finally graduated and wanted to keep him there, but he just didn't wait. He had to go back to Zhennan and said that he wanted his son to inherit his father's career..."

Wang Xianyi frowned and suddenly said in a cold voice, "you can't let him come back. Just stay abroad."

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