Park Zhen was stunned, half joking and half seriously said, "my son has to come back. What are you doing? You have to go out?"


Wang Xianyi patted his chopsticks on the table. "If I say no, I can't. He won't let him in when he comes back. Stay honest with me abroad."

"You, what's the matter with you today? Did you take choking medicine?" Park Zhen said angrily, "it's inexplicable."

Wang Xianyi took a deep breath, didn't want to quarrel with his wife, changed the topic and said, "you haven't said what day today. Why did you cook so many good dishes?"

"Hum!" Park Zhen stared at him, suddenly went to the kitchen and brought out a birthday cake. "It's just that others can't keep a diary, and you can't remember your own birthday?"

"My birthday?" Wang Xianyi turned his head for a long time and finally suddenly realized.

"It's really yours." Park Zhen was angry and smiled. She put the cake on the table, quickly inserted candles, and lit them one by one. "Today is your 50th birthday. Didn't anyone remind you? What about the flatterers behind you? Why is there no movement?"

Wang Xianyi smiled awkwardly. He doesn't like communication. He is busy with work on weekdays and doesn't have time to entangle with those flatterers.

Over time, no one dared to gather around him. It was really enough to be a seat like him.

"You, don't worry too much. After all, you are the seat of Zhennan police station. No one dares to touch you easily." Park Zhen said something thoughtlessly while lighting a candle.

Wang Xianyi sighed, "you don't understand! It's different this time."

"What's the difference?" Park Zhen didn't think so. "In the past, the provincial leaders didn't move you. Are there any more powerful people to trouble you?"

Wang Xianyi only smiled bitterly, "I hid a passbook under the bed, about several million. Tomorrow you go to play the money into Feihong's account and find him as soon as possible."

"What, what do you mean?" Park Zhen's eyes turned red in an instant. "What's the matter with you? Is this more serious than before? Have you betrayed the country or collaborated with the enemy? Who dares to move you?"


Wang Xianyi stared, slapped his hands on the table, knocked down the soup bowls, and said angrily, "what are you talking about? Nonsense? Even if I'm utterly unscrupulous, I can't cooperate with the enemy and betray the country."

"Then what are you afraid of? Even if you really commit something, the one above will protect you." Park Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and comforted, "don't be so nervous. You are the seat of Zhennan Municipal Bureau. What's terrible?"

"All right, leave it alone. Remember to do what I say. Do you hear me?" Wang Xianyi looked at PU Zhen very seriously, as if she would never give up if she didn't agree.

Park Zhen nodded frequently to comfort him, "I know, I really don't know what you're nervous about. I don't believe who really dares to do to you..."

Wang Xianyi was not in the mood to eat. He stared at his own birthday cake, but felt a little trance.

Ding Dong!

Just then, the doorbell of Wang Xianyi's house rang.

Park Zhen was stunned, wiped her hands on her apron and asked suspiciously, "who is this in the middle of the night?"

Wang Xianyi was a little impatient. "I guess it's a gift giver. Hurry to send it away and say I'm not here."

With that, Wang Xianyi went back to his study.

Park Zhen went to the door and asked, "who?"

"I'm looking for Wang bureau!"

"What's the matter? If you're on business, go to your unit tomorrow. He's not in."

"I'm Lao Li. He asked me to send some information."

"Lao Li? I almost didn't hear it." Park Zhen was obviously familiar with Lao Li. She immediately opened the door and saw Lao Li standing mysteriously at the door wearing a mask. "Come in."

"Wang Bureau's birthday today?" Lao Li's eyes lit up when he saw the food and birthday cake in the kitchen connected to the living room.

"Yes, he is. You know, he doesn't like noise. No one celebrates him on his birthday." Park Zhen smiled.

"Hey, Wang Bureau, that's lofty." Old Li Chao glanced at the study, "I'll send the information to the Wang Bureau."

"OK, just have some later." Park Zhen said.

"Get it!"

Lao Li walked carefully into his study. Wang Xianyi was leaning back on his chair and closed his eyes. When he heard Lao Li's voice, his eyes suddenly opened.

Lao Li closed the door, clutching something in his hand, hurried to Wang Xianyi's table and whispered, "Wang bureau! It's all done. Here you are."

"Have you seen it?" Wang Xianyi straightened up and asked quickly.

"Yes, no problem. I found an expert to do it. It will never leave any trace." Lao Li spread out his palm to reveal a USB flash disk.

Wang Xianyi picked it up, quickly connected it to his computer and opened the video on the USB flash drive.

The video is all about Wang Xianyi driving to the orphanage in various sections, including an accident on the Binhai bridge and changing his car in the garage. All the images are here.

"All deleted?" Wang Xianyi reconfirmed.

"Don't worry, Wang Bureau. Although the time is a little hasty this time, it's still clean."

"Well, that's good." Wang Xianyi nodded slowly.

"Then I'll go first." Lao Li smiled and said nothing else. He stood up and went out.

Park Zhen asked Lao Li to stay for dinner. He said something and left in a hurry.

After a few minutes, park Zhen went into the study, looked at Wang Xianyi in a daze and said with a smile, "it's all right?"

"It's all right!" Wang Xianyi smiled astringently and immediately stood up. "Eat. Today is my birthday. I have to finish the cake anyway."

"That's right. The South Bureau of Tangtang town is so nervous that it makes people laugh." Park Zhen glared at Wang Xianyi angrily.

Wang Xianyi went out of his study and walked towards the restaurant. Just halfway there, he heard a doorbell.

Park Zhen was stunned, hurried to the door without asking, and directly opened the door, "why is this old Li back? He forgot to take something..."

In front of the door was a stranger. Park Zhen asked suspiciously, "who are you looking for?"

Wang Xianyi was stunned. The expression on his face was very wonderful. He subconsciously put the USB flash disk in his pocket and said with a dry smile, "Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

"Mr. Lin?" Park Zhen blinked, woke up immediately and asked excitedly, "are you Lin Xiao?"

Lin Xiao smiled. "Hello, sister-in-law. I'm sorry to bother you at night."

"Ouch! Come in, come in, our old Wang always talks about you, saying that you are the youngest and promising young student in Zhennan. I've always wanted to see you. Come in..."

"Really?" Lin Xiao came in smiling and closed the door gently.

Wang Xianyi's heart thudded and asked calmly, "Mr. Lin, what's up so late?"

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