Chang Jinfeng doesn't believe Lin Xiao's nonsense, but she knows that it's definitely not over today. The other party won't give up until they get the news they want.

"That's the same sentence. Why should I trust you? I can still save my life with this secret. After I tell you, I have no guarantee."

"What do you want?" Lin Xiao asked.

Chang Jinfeng thought quickly about the countermeasures.

Lin Xiao didn't urge her either.

A few minutes later, Chang Jinfeng said, "you send me away first, and then when I get on the plane, I will naturally tell you what you want."

"Where do you want to go?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.


"Hey, why are you going to America? Is that place heaven?"

Chang Jinfeng said faintly, "at least stronger than China."

"Hehe, since you want to go, I can send you out." Lin Xiao agreed, which made Chang Jinfeng confused.

Why does the other party agree to his terms so easily? Is there any conspiracy?

Seeing Chang Jinfeng hesitate, Lin Xiao said, "I can see you off right away. It's still time to go to the airport."

"Really?" Chang Jinfeng is now in a state of six gods.

Huang Hai died, and Wang Xiaofeng was killed by herself. The only hope of living is the secret.

If the person in front of him can send himself out, it's nothing to tell him the secret.

"Of course it's true. You can go now." Lin Xiao said faintly.

Chang Jinfeng had little time to think about it. She could only trust Lin Xiao. Pointing to the open safe in her bedroom, she said, "OK, I'll take the money away."

"How can you move away with so much money?" Lin Xiao asked deliberately.

"I naturally have a way. You just need to be responsible for sending me away. When I'm on the plane, I'll give you the secret." Chang Jinfeng has made up her mind that she must go tonight anyway.

Originally, Chang Jinfeng discussed with her lover. After disposing of the body, she left with money. Unexpectedly, she met Lin Xiao.

Although Lin Xiao was an accident, it also made Chang Jinfeng think of a plan. Perhaps with the help of Lin Xiao, she could escape more easily and freely.

As for the so-called secret, just tell Lin Xiao one at that time. Can he know whether it is true or false?

"Yes!" Lin Xiao didn't seem to know Chang Jinfeng's mind. He looked at his watch. "I'll help you arrange a private plane."

"Good!" Chang Jinfeng nodded happily.

Lin Xiao said faintly, "I'll go first. I'll see you at the airport. I'll contact you then."

"You, aren't you afraid of me running away?" Chang Jinfeng was stunned.

"Can you run?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

Chang Jinfeng said in her heart that I would run if I could, but the more Lin Xiao asked, the more insecure she was, so she said in a deep voice, "don't worry, I won't run."

"That's good!"

Lin Xiao really left.

Chang Jinfeng stood in place for a long time. Then she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed her lover's phone.

"Hello! Junwei, something's wrong."

Han Junwei drove an ordinary Volkswagen SUV and stopped outside the community. He was stunned when he received a call from Chang Jinfeng.

"Someone threatened you to hand over the secret?"

"Junwei, what should I do? I'm afraid. Come and move the money, and then we're trying to find a way."

"OK! Don't worry. The money can't be moved out of the front door. You hang a rope from the window as I said, and I'll pick it up downstairs."


Chang Jinfeng began to pack the cash. There was too much money. It was unrealistic for tens of millions of people to take it all, but she tried to pack a few big bags, and then sent them down with a rope from the window.

They spent more than half an hour in the dark before putting the money into the SUV.

With this money, both of them are more secure.

After getting on the bus, Chang Jinfeng said, "the man said he would take us away by private plane. Do you think he is reliable?"

"What else did he say?"

"He said let me tell the secret about the Yellow Sea."

Han Junwei frowned. "In fact, the secret doesn't mean much to us. As long as we can leave, it doesn't hurt to tell him, but..."

"What are your plans?" Chang Jinfeng regarded Han Junwei as her only dependence and looked at him eagerly.

"Hum! Don't do anything. Kill him when we get on the plane, and then let's go straight. When we get to Beijiang, change cash into a check and deposit it in the Swiss bank. After the limelight, we'll go abroad." Han Junwei said fiercely.

"But, but I don't think that boy is easy to deal with. I can feel that he is an expert." Chang Jinfeng said anxiously.

"Master?" Han Junwei sneered, "can any higher master hold the bullet? What tricks can a more powerful person turn out after being poisoned by this kind of poison?"

Han Junwei said as he took out a special small blowpipe, which can quietly blow out a poisonous needle, and the victim was killed immediately.

"You, you bought this thing back?" Fear flashed in Chang Jinfeng's eyes.

Chang Jinfeng knows how vicious this kind of thing is. She once saw a person turn into a pool of corpse water in just one minute after being hit by a poison needle. It's terrible.

"Be prepared! I couldn't help but want to buy it after I saw its power last time. You said you were worried a few days ago, so I bought it. It really comes in handy." Han Junwei put away the small syringe and said with a grim smile, "I can only say that the boy is unlucky."

Anyway, Chang Jinfeng had already killed someone. She nodded hard and said, "OK! Kill him and finish it."

"You go to the airport later. I'm looking for some people. It's safer." Han Junwei suddenly said.

"What are you looking for?"

"If that boy is really difficult to deal with, it's good to find some help."

"But don't the fewer people know about our escape? In case they..."

Han Junwei grabbed Chang Jinfeng's cold little hand and said gently, "don't worry. They are all my brothers together. It's very reliable. Just give them some money at that time."

"All right." Chang Jinfeng nodded silently.

Han Junwei drove Chang Jinfeng all the way to the airport and left his car and money. He hurried back to call someone.

While Chang Jinfeng was waiting at the airport, a strange phone call came in.

Although Chang Jinfeng realized that the phone call was most likely from Lin Xiao, she still didn't believe that the other party could easily know her phone number.

"Hello! I'm at the airport." Chang Jinfeng said carefully.

"Drive to freight exit 34. Someone will pick you up over there." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

Chang Jinfeng hurried into the car and drove to the No. 34 freight exit according to Lin Xiao's instructions. At the same time, she sent Han Junwei a text message to tell him the specific location.

A staff member instructed Chang Jinfeng to drive in and led him all the way to the private aircraft parking place.

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