A small civil aircraft is ready to go.

Lin Xiao leaned against the loading truck and smiled at Chang Jinfeng, "the plane is ready. You can move the money up first, and then tell me the secret before you leave."

Chang Jinfeng glanced around. Except for two mechanics who were busy, there was only Lin Xiao on the scene.

Looking at the plane whose engine has started, Chang Jinfeng is a little excited. She can leave immediately and live the life she wants in the future.

"Good!" Chang Jinfeng returned to the car alone, carrying the money bag and struggling to walk towards the plane.

She walked back and forth a dozen times and finally moved all her money to the plane.

"Is that all right?" Lin Xiao asked.

Chang Jinfeng hesitated, "I, can I take another person? He is my friend, a very good friend!"

"Whatever you want, I just want your secret. You can take as many people as you want." Lin Xiao said faintly.


Chang Jinfeng took her cell phone to a distance and called Han Junwei. "Junwei, the boy promised me that he could take people with him. How are you doing? Are you here?"

"I'll be there soon. Don't be nervous."

Han Junwei only took two people. They were wrapped in black clothes, wearing black masks and black hats, showing only a pair of eyes.

They drove a stolen Santana towards the airport.

"Junwei, really give us a million?" The driver was a little excited and kept licking his lips.

"Give it when it's done. Don't worry." Han Junwei also put a mask on himself and took out a silenced pistol.

Another man examined the weapon and said with a smile, "I told you, it's just a woman. It's over if you get rid of it early? So many things."

"Yes, I didn't expect..." Han Junwei said faintly.

"Such a cheap woman should have been disposed of long ago. She even hooked up with a wild man behind your back."

"Chang Jinfeng, a bitch, bullied Huang Hai's wife and turned into Mrs. Huang. She also said she was the original match. Bah!"

"So women are unreliable." Han Junwei sneered, "now she wants to run with her adulterer and want to leave me. Will I let her go?"

"Junwei, you're right. Women are like clothes and brothers are like brothers. We'll help you with this. When you get a firm foothold abroad, don't forget your domestic brothers."

Han Junwei said with a smile, "don't worry, I won't forget my brothers, but Chang Jinfeng's mistress seems very difficult to deal with. I'll act according to the circumstances later."

"I see!"

The three drove to the field outside the airport, got out of the car and wore a layer of headgear. Only then did they dive towards the target site in the dark sky.

The private plane is on the airport runway. Han Junwei has seen Chang Jinfeng waiting anxiously. He sneered, "Jinfeng, don't blame me for being ruthless. I will certainly compensate you in the next life."

A few minutes later, the three touched near the plane.

A man rushed out without saying a word and shot.

Bang bang!

A mechanic was shot in the head in an instant.

The blood gushed out at once, and Chang Jinfeng, who was close at hand, shouted out in fear.


Lin Xiao was slightly stunned and quickly reacted. He pulled Chang Jinfeng and rushed to the unloading car next to him, hiding behind the car.


Another mechanic was also knocked down.

The two killers pressed past in horns.

"Come out!" After pointing their guns at the car, they shouted coldly, "hurry up!"

Chang Jinfeng was frightened. "What's going on? Your people?"

"No!" Lin Xiao shook his head. He looked into his eyes and a bullet roared past.

It was this short moment that Lin Xiao had seen their position clearly.

It's easy to deal with these two people. Lin Xiao just wondered how he could suddenly run out of two inexplicable killers. He watched the change in case there were other killers hiding in other places.

Bang bang!

The gunfire broke all the windows of the car.

Chang Jinfeng squatted on the ground with her head in her arms, trembling all over her body.

No one noticed that Han Junwei, who deliberately fell behind, quietly lay on the ground and climbed towards the place where Lin Xiao was hiding.

It's very dark, and the runway here belongs to the private area of the airport. Firstly, there are not so many logistics personnel, and secondly, the light is relatively dark.

Only in this way can Han Junwei have a chance to climb close to Lin Xiao.

However, in Han Junwei's current position, if he aimed and fired, even the slightest action of raising the gun may cause Lin Xiao to be alert.

Probably out of caution or malice, Han Junwei did not choose to shoot, but aimed at Lin Xiao with a small syringe hidden in his mouth.

"Hey, boy, you're good at hiding poison needles."



The poisonous needle as thin as ox hair shot into Lin Xiao's neck. He shook and then fell to the ground.

"Ah? You, what's the matter with you?" Chang Jinfeng was surprised.

Lin Xiao fell to the ground motionless.

Just then, the two gunmen came around and pointed at Chang Jinfeng with a black muzzle.

"Don't kill me!" Chang Jinfeng screamed, "I give you money, I have money, I have tens of millions, all to you."

They were stunned.

One of them shouted, "tens of millions? Who are you kidding? Where is the money?"

"I really don't lie to you. I really have tens of millions. On the plane, you let me go. All the money is yours."

They looked at each other, and there was a look of surprise and uncertainty in their eyes.

Han Junwei kept telling them that the woman would only bring out three million yuan. At that time, he would give them one million yuan. He would take two million yuan to go abroad for development.

Han Junwei also said that when he had a firm foothold abroad, he would take his brothers and make a fortune together.

As soon as they heard about this job, they could pay money and go abroad to eat and drink spicy food in the future. Such good things were like pie falling from the sky, so they agreed immediately.

But now it doesn't sound like that.

"In fact, she really has tens of millions." Han Junwei did not know when and stood behind them with a sneer.

They were shocked and looked back quickly. Han Junwei immediately raised his gun and pulled a trigger on their chest.

Puff, puff

Almost all the bullets in the gun were fired out, and they were dead at that time.

Looking at the masked man in front of her, Chang Jinfeng hesitated. She felt that the other party was Han Junwei, but she was not sure.

Han Junwei slowly raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed to Chang Jinfeng. Suddenly, he hesitated.

"Jun, Jun Wei, is that you?" Chang Jinfeng asked pitifully.

Han Junwei didn't speak, but his fingers trembled. The ruthlessness just now seemed to be gone.

"Not me!" Somehow, Han Junwei blurted out subconsciously.

Unfortunately, he knew it was exposed as soon as he opened his mouth.

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