
Lin Xiao stood up like lightning and gave Lawyer Wang a loud slap in the face.

Lawyer Wang was stunned. His glasses were hung on the bridge of his nose and covered his face at a loss.

"First of all, it's impolite to interrupt others; second, don't always talk to me about the law. I respect the law, but some things can't be controlled by the law!" Lin Xiao pointed to Lawyer Wang's nose, "did you hear clearly this time?"

"You, dare you beat someone? I..." Lawyer Wang's face turned red angrily. He wanted to argue, but he found that there was no reason to speak in front of a barbarian.

Lin Xiao smiled, "now you can go away and let me talk to Li Zisheng directly. Otherwise, I'll throw you down from this upstairs..."

Lawyer Wang was frightened by Lin Xiao's fierce eyes. In the face of such a cruel man, he said no matter how much truth he said.

"OK, wait and I'll sue you!" Lawyer Wang covered his face and stumbled forward.

Li Zisheng also panicked and quickly chased him. "Wang, Lawyer Wang, where are you going? My business has not been done yet. Don't go."

A Dai stopped Li Zisheng's way, stood at the door with his chest in his hands, and his cold eyes showed the meaning of forest cold.

Li Zisheng quickly stopped with a quick brake and shouted nervously, "what do you want to do?"

"Go back!" Ah Dai drank lightly.

Li Zisheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and reluctantly walked back.

The woman nervously took his hand, and they crowded together, looking very flustered.

In order to ease the tense atmosphere in the room, Nangong Jin also wanted to make Li Zisheng relax, so he smiled and said, "Mr. Li, in fact, we don't have to be so nervous. I think Xiaosu has lived around Miss Su for six years, and they have a mother daughter relationship."

"In other words, even if you have an adoptive relationship, Xiaosu has grown up and has the sense of autonomy and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Even from the legal level, we should consider his opinions, right?"

Nangong Jin continued, "I mean to let Xiaosu come first and let him choose. If Xiaosu chooses you, we have nothing to say and let him go immediately. If Xiaosu chooses us, we won't take Xiaosu away in vain. We will certainly give you an explanation. What do you say?"

"No! Xiaosu must come with us." Li Zisheng said impatiently.

The woman stared at Li Zisheng and said with a dry smile, "Miss Yu, we were going to take Xiaosu six years ago, but then I got sick and went abroad for treatment. I just came back recently. At that time, I was afraid I didn't have the energy to take care of him. Now I just want to compensate. Please give us a chance to raise Xiaosu well."

"Xiaosu is really a sweet pastry. It's worth your sparing no effort to catch up with the door from so far away. I'm very surprised. What benefits can Xiaosu bring to you?" Lin Xiao speaks very straight and doesn't like beating around the bush. He has been trying to find out as much information about Xiaosu as possible.

But after listening for a long time, the couple couldn't give sufficient reasons to take Xiaosu away, so Lin Xiao wasn't going to be polite to them.

"What, what benefits? We are Xiaosu's parents!" Li Zisheng stared, "I tell you, don't think you can do whatever you want with a few bad money. There is justice and law in this world."

"Really?" Lin Xiao smiled, got up, walked up to Li Zisheng and stared into his eyes. "Is the reason and law you said worth six million?"

"What, six million?" Li Zisheng was stunned first.

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "you can take out six million to buy the custody of Xiaosu and prove that you are also rich. Then I ask, where did you get six million?"

"I, I earned..." Li Zisheng's eyes twinkled.

"I heard you work in the urban construction department, isn't it?" Lin Xiao said with a smile, "in Beijiang, seven or eight thousand yuan a month? Plus bonus performance, the annual income does not exceed 100000. Your wife is a primary school teacher, and the annual income adds up to 70000 or 80000, even if you earn 200000 a year."

Lin Xiao pretended to break his fingers and said, "you need to eat or drink for 30 years to collect the money. How old are you this year?"

"I, my family's money, what's the matter? Don't you allow my family to have money? What's the matter with my father's mining in Beijiang? Can't he?" Li Zisheng stared and shouted to Lin Xiao.

"All right." Lin Xiao smiled. He didn't want to make things so troublesome, but the other party couldn't see the situation clearly, so he called Langyan and asked him to find out all the information about Li Zisheng immediately, including the information of his ancestors' 18th generation.

After listening to Lin Xiao's phone call, Li Zisheng couldn't help laughing, "scare me, right? Who do you think you are? Check me? What a joke. I think you can check it."

"Wait and see what happens!" Lin Xiao waved his hand at will.

The woman nervously grabbed Li Zisheng's hand and whispered, "keep your voice down. Why are you so angry?"

Li Zisheng was also very nervous and said, "don't be afraid! They are paper tigers and deliberately frighten us. Today we must take Xiaosu back."

The woman nodded and sat aside silent.

After ten minutes, Lin Xiao received Langyan's information, and the relevant information about Li Zisheng was clearly displayed.

"Here comes the information about you." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "why don't you see for yourself? I won't read one by one. There are too many contents. I'm too lazy to read."

Lin Xiao threw his mobile phone to Li Zisheng.

Li Zisheng hurriedly took over the mobile phone and his face changed when he saw the first content.

The more he went down, the more nervous he felt. Dozens of seconds later, Li Zisheng was like washing himself.

"How do you feel now?" Lin Xiao said with a smile, "your parents are old farmers. They have lived in the village all their life. Where have they opened a mine?"

"Among your relatives and friends, there is no rich man, and the most assets are just a canteen. Where did you get $6 million?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

Lin Xiao sneered, "in addition, you have a son who is just studying in other places. It's not what you said that you have no children and want to adopt Xiaosu."

"I, I..." Li Zisheng was nervous.

"I also checked your bank records. There has been no large amount of money in recent years, which means that your transaction with Nangong naocan was in cash, right?"

Li Zisheng was stupid. He didn't expect Lin Xiao to have such great ability. He just made a phone call and found out everything.

I thought I could take Xiaosu away with a lawyer, say a few cruel words to the other party and scare him with the law. Now it doesn't seem so easy.

"It seems that you are very careful, or the people behind you are very careful, aren't you?" Lin Xiao youyou asked, "why don't you tell me who ordered you to find Xiaosu?"

Li Zisheng's face changed greatly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You are an honest man. Don't let others take advantage of you. You don't know yourself. You can tell me your concerns. Maybe I can help you." Lin Xiao said faintly.

The woman became more nervous. She immediately grasped Li Zisheng's hand.

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