Lin Xiao didn't force Li Zisheng too much, so he went back and leaned on the table. "Otherwise, you explain the origin of the money; otherwise, you will give up the custody of Xiaosu, and then I'll give you a sum of money as compensation; there are only two ways, you choose yourself!"

"You, you are bandits. Why should I tell you about me? Don't I have privacy? My privacy is protected by law."

Li Zisheng has a law. He wants to block Lin Xiao's mouth and transfer the topic of six million to the past.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao had to make it clear to him today. He was not a bully, but he didn't want to be vague about Xiaosu.

"If you don't tell the truth, you can't take Xiaosu away. Look..." Lin Xiao pointed to ah Dai, "he is Xiaosu's dry brother. He is usually very kind to Xiaosu. If anyone dares to bully Xiaosu, he dares to play with his life. He is very reluctant to give up Xiaosu..."

A Dai understood and immediately looked like a villain. He strode to Li Zisheng and slapped him on the table next to him.


The solid wood hard table was smashed by ah Dai's slap at that time.

Pieces of wood were flying randomly, and a dust mist rolled around like a frying pan.


Li Zisheng was scared to death.

If you slap someone just now, you can't bear it. It's estimated that it's not much different from the end of this wood.

"You see," Lin Xiao said with a smile, "there's something wrong with Xiaosu's dry brother's head. He'll get angry if he doesn't move. I can't control it..."

Ah Dai's face is black

"You, you..." Li Zisheng was too scared to speak, while the woman curled up in his arms and didn't move.

They have never seen such a picture. They probably have seen those special effects on TV, but they can't believe it in reality.

"Now talk about the six million, otherwise you may not be able to go out today..." Lin Xiao looked at him again.

Ah Dai rolled his eyes. Sure enough, he ran to another table like a fool and wanted to shoot it.

"No, no, wait a minute..." Li Zisheng closed his eyes in fear.

Ah Dai slowly stopped his hand and withdrew without expression.

Yu Meili and Nangong Jin looked at each other. They both lost their smiles. They thought Lin Xiao's actions were funny and wanted to laugh.

"I guess you must have concerns, so just say it. For the sake of Xiaosu, I can help you solve your difficulties." Lin Xiao patted his chest and promised, "you will not suffer."

Lin Xiao finished singing black face and red face, and his sincere expression was very infectious, which made Li Zisheng inexplicably give birth to a trace of trust.

Li Zisheng looked up at Yu Meili and stayed on Nangong Jin for a moment, but he didn't dare to look at ah Dai. Finally, his eyes fell back on Lin Xiao.

"I want to discuss with my wife, can I?"

"Yes, of course!" Lin Xiao waved his big hand, "I'll prepare a single room for you and discuss it casually."

Yu Meili gave her men a look.

Li Zisheng and his wife followed the man out of the room and came to another room, right next door.

"Husband, what should I do? These people are more cruel than those people." The woman hugged Li Zisheng as soon as she entered the door, and her legs were soft with fear.

Li Zisheng sighed, "you can see that Yu Meili is not a good stubble. Her bodyguard is not as powerful as human. And the beautiful woman who has not spoken. Have you ever seen such a beautiful woman?"

"You, when are you still thinking about women?" The woman laughed angrily.

"What are you talking about? I mean, such a beautiful woman must have an extraordinary origin. She's definitely not an ordinary person, okay?" Li Zisheng was angry and laughed.

"The most important thing is the man who has been breaking with me..." Li Zisheng frowned very tightly. "Although he looks careless, I feel that he is the master of the whole house. Do you understand that feeling?"

"I don't understand!"

"Hum! That beautiful woman is his wife. Can he be a simple person who can marry such a beautiful and temperament wife? And the guy with a sick head obviously listens to him. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

Women don't understand.

"Stupid you," Li Zisheng said angrily, "it shows that the man is the most cruel. He wants millet and is as bad as those people."

"My God, this millet is a kind of dragon? So many powerful people are scrambling for it. Why do we participate in this kind of thing..." the woman was a little desperate.

Li Zisheng said angrily, "isn't it because you're greedy? Can you get into such trouble without that broken job?"

"What should we do now? Those people must let us take Xiaosu back, or our son won't come back." The woman cried and said, "anyway, I don't care. If something happens to my son, I won't live. We'll die together."

"Die, die all day. Can you stop crying?" Li Zisheng gnashed his teeth and shouted, "now you know the consequences of greed?"

"What about that?" The woman covered her mouth to keep the cry from coming out.

Li Zisheng walked around the room, his eyes flashing complex light. After a few minutes, he only listened to his deep voice, "look at this situation, Xiaosu can't take it away. But if we can't take Xiaosu back, our son can't live. We must find a way."

"What can you do? Say it." The woman dried her tears and said hurriedly.

"It can only be used by beautiful people," Li Zisheng said in a deep voice. "Let them save their son first, so that I can tell them the news of those people."

"This, this is too risky? Those people are fugitives and rich and powerful. If we are found to be playing tricks, our son will be in danger."

"There's no other way now. We can only take risks." Li Zisheng took a deep breath for several times. "Don't talk for a while. Listen to me. Do you understand?"

"Well, as long as I can save my son, I can do anything." Women cry with rain.

Li Zisheng calmed down and took the woman out.

Lin Xiao is also talking.

"Li Zisheng must have something to hide. Maybe he was threatened..."

Before Lin Xiao's voice fell, Li Zisheng and Li Zisheng came in.

Now that it has been decided, Li Zisheng has nothing to hide. He said in a deep voice, "I have a condition to help me save my son, and I will tell those people behind the scenes."

Lin Xiao and Yu Meili looked at each other, and their eyes were shining brightly.

"Your son was caught?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Yes! But we can't call the police yet, because the police can't control it." Li Zisheng nodded.


Li Zisheng gritted his teeth and said very firmly, "in short, the government will not take care of this matter, but I can't save my son by my ability. I think you have some skills. If you can help me save my son, I'll tell you everything."

Lin Xiao frowned slightly. "Do you know where your son is locked up?"

"Of course, he was locked up in Beijiang Empire State building."

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