
Suddenly, a green pickup truck drove out from the end of the road and rushed frantically to Lin Xiao.

"Huh?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned.

The pickup was driving fiercely and rushed straight towards the Lincoln, as if drunk.


A few seconds later, the car hit and startled the wind god.

"Shit! What's going on?" Fengshen looked out on the glass and saw an old man come out of the car.

"Ouch..." the wave turned the world over and said with a bitter smile, "what's the matter? There was an accident?"

"Mr. Lang, why are you here?" Lin Xiao looked stunned.

"Passing by..." Lang Fanyun smiled awkwardly and pretended to be okay. "Lin Xiao, there are some important mechanical equipment in the back body of the pickup truck. You can help me take it back. My old waist has been damaged. I have to go to the hospital quickly."

mechanical equipment? Lin Xiao's face looked strange. He looked at the back of the car and his eyes lit up immediately.

Waves and clouds waved to the wind god, smiled strangely and limped away.

The wind god was inexplicable. He couldn't help asking the driver, "what the hell is that old thing doing?"

"I don't know!" The driver was confused. He was more confused than the wind god. There was only a strange smile in his head.

In the middle of the night, the old man suddenly drove a pickup truck, rushed out impartially, and hit their Lincoln car straight

The key point is, what the hell is the mechanical tool on the back bucket of the pickup truck?

Lin Xiao was still confused, but he thought more quickly and had thought of something.

There is a strange machine on the back bucket of the pickup truck, which is covered by an oil breaking cloth. From the outline, it is similar to that of a pile driver.

Lin Xiao knew that thing. The pile driver refitted on the construction site can produce several tons of impact force after installing the generator.

"This old man, you are so predictable..." Lin Xiao jumped into the back of the pickup truck and held the half man high machine in his arms.

Lin Xiao picked up the machine that weighed more and more kilograms, but it was as light as nothing. His powerful strength showed that his eyes jumped.

"Shit, what's this?" God of the wind has never seen this. I just think it's not kind to send such a thing suddenly.

And the waves and clouds are strange. The old guy doesn't sleep in the middle of the night and drives a pickup truck to wait here?

How did he know he would drive through here, or by chance, or... There was an insider?

Fengshen looked at the driver.

When he ran away, only the driver knew his whereabouts.

But the driver has been with Fengshen for more than ten years, and it is impossible to betray him.

Feng Shen was full of doubts and faintly felt uneasy.

Lin Xiao sneered.

Mr. Lang even had the generator ready, only one foot short of the door.


Lin Xiao kicked the start button of the generator, and suddenly there was a violent roar of the machine in the night.


Lin Xiao came to the car with the modified pile driver and smiled at the wind god, "I see how long your bulletproof glass can last."


The whole car trembled when the pile driver hit the windshield.

"What!?" The wind god was surprised.

"Feng Zong, this, this is a pile driver. Bulletproof glass can't support it at all."

Boom, boom

The violent and extremely fast frequency pile driver began to work, the Lincoln car almost flew up, and the tough bulletproof glass didn't even last ten seconds


The whole piece of glass was blown to pieces by the strong impact, and the fragments were everywhere, marking the driver's whole face with fine blood marks.

"Ah!" The driver screamed and subconsciously pulled out his gun to shoot.


Lin Xiao gave him a bullet, rushed into the car with a grim smile, picked up the stunned God of the wind, and quickly ran into the darkness of the street.


Continuous brake bodies appeared around, and dense armed personnel swarmed like ants moving.

However, when they approached carefully, they found that Lincoln's car was empty, leaving only a body.

Lin Xiao takes Feng Shen to the evacuation site. Lang Yan smokes in the dark corner. When he sees him, he immediately puts out his cigarette end and welcomes him.

"Boss, did it?"


Lin Xiao threw the half dead god of the wind into Langyan's hand and asked, "Ling Yu left with the child?"

"Well! In case of change, Ling Yu went to the airport first."

Lin Xiao grabbed the skirt of Fengshen and looked for it. There was no nameplate.

"It seems that Fengshen is not the last subversive." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Boss, what about this boy? Take him back?"

Lin Xiao frowned, "find a place to ask the whereabouts of the subversive first."

Lang Yan pointed to the garbage factory not far away and said, "I saw it just now. It's very quiet. There's only an old guard."


They took Fengshen into the office of the garbage plant.

The confused old man opened his bleary eyes and was knocked unconscious before he could see who it was.

He threw Fengshen onto the cold concrete floor. Lin Xiao Hua brought a chair to sit on and asked condescending, "give you a chance. Whether you die or live depends on your choice."

Feng Shen took a breath, slowly raised his head and looked straight into Lin Xiao's eyes, "what do you want?"

"In fact, my purpose is very simple," Lin Xiao smiled. "The subversive killed my brothers. I have been looking for them for many years. Now there is only the last person left. As long as I avenge, everyone will be safe. Do you know what I mean?"

Fengshen's eyebrows were locked together in an instant, and a different color flashed in his eyes, "peace? Tell me this joke, do you think I will believe it?"


"What are you doing..." Lang Yan went up and gave him a kick, "there's so much nonsense."

The wind god struggled to get up, looked at Langyan coldly, then moved his eyes to Lin Xiao and said faintly, "it's OK to tell you."

"Come on, I'll spare your life." Lin Xiao smiled.

"In fact, the last subverter is the first giant to judge the parliament..." Fengshen said faintly.

Lin Xiao was stunned and smiled more brightly. "Your lie is not rigorous at all."

"You see, I told you, but you don't believe it," said the wind god innocently, "what can I do?"

Feng Shen sneered in his heart that Jiang Quan's son of a bitch betrayed me, and I won't make them feel good. Since the trial Council crossed the river and demolished the bridge, I'll give you some trouble.

He also knew that Lin Xiao would not easily believe it, but it was always an opportunity. Anyway, everyone would buckle the excrement basin, depending on who could calculate who.

"Boss, why don't you let me bleed the boy so that he doesn't know the situation." Lang Yan took out the butterfly knife and really wanted to bleed the wind god.

The wind God felt a chill in his heart.

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