Lin Xiao waved to stop Langyan. After a few minutes of silence, he seemed to ask himself, "from your last sentence, it can be inferred that the subversive should have nothing to do with the trial Council. However, it must not be a simple force to negotiate conditions or cooperation with the trial Council..."

Feng Shen's face changed slightly, but he was still calm. You can guess that even if I lose.

”Qiankun hospital? Or a dark net? Isn't it one of the four heavenly kings? "Lin Xiao deliberately made an exaggerated expression.

However, although Feng Shen's expression was nervous, the light from the bottom of his eyes did not fluctuate.

Lin Xiao paused for a moment and suddenly asked, "Dugu door?"

Although Dugu Weiyi has nothing to do with Dugu Zhongshan, Lin Xiao has got information that both sides are descendants of Dugu clan, and the subverter and Dugu Weiyi have a deep source.

Before Dugu Weiyi's death, Lin Xiao asked him whether he had trained and hired subversives. The other party neither admitted nor denied it, indicating that his relationship with subversives must be different.

Through the temptation just now, Lin Xiao suddenly thought of a possibility in his mind, so he blurted out and asked.

Although Fengshen tried his best to cover up, the subconscious needs training. He obviously hasn't experienced such training. Even a small emotional change will lead to emotional fluctuations.

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "is it Dugu family?"

Dugu Weiyi shouted "Dugu" before he died and laughed at Lin Xiao's ignorance. He laughed at Lin Xiao's ignorance. He didn't know what Dugu meant.

Dugu Zhongshan may be dead, but Dugu clan must have been hiding in the dark.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Dugu? Are you kidding me?" Feng Shen tried to widen his eyes and tried to divert Lin Xiao's attention. Lin Xiao was too cunning. After a round of questioning, he unknowingly took the move.

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao caught the point.

Since the subversive has something to do with Dugu clan, it's not too bad. At least it's not the troublesome force of Qiankun court.

Lin Xiao winked at Chao Lang.

Langyan picked up the butterfly knife, put it on the neck of Fengshen without saying a word, and said to Lin Xiao, "boss, kill him directly? Is it too cheap for him? I think it's better to catch it and torture it for three days, then chop it up and feed the dog."

Lin Xiao shook his head. "Kill him directly. Anyway, I've got the news I want. It's useless to keep it. Torturing him is a waste of time."

"Well, I'll listen to the boss..."

Lang Yan and Lin Xiao sing in harmony, and Lang Yan obediently picks up the knife to wipe the wind god's throat.

Lin Xiao had turned around and was ready to go. He didn't mean to stay at all.

The wind god is stupid. What's the situation? Didn't you ask anything? How did you know the news? I haven't told him yet

"No, no, wait a minute..." the wind god shouted.

Langyan moved quickly in his hand, played a lot of tricks with the butterfly knife, splashed around in front of Fengshen, and then stabbed him in the neck, "die!"

The wind god was scared to pee. I didn't say anything and killed me? You don't play cards according to common sense

"No, I didn't say anything!" The wind god shouted.

The tip of the knife stayed a few millimeters from his throat, and even the cool air on the tip of the knife made his skin numb and itchy like electricity.

The wind God has experienced the feeling of walking around the gate of hell, which is very terrible.

"What do you want to say?" Lang Yan asked fiercely.

Lin Xiao was about to go out. His voice came faintly, "why don't you do it? He won't say it. Don't waste time with him."

The wind god is anxious and sweating. Who says I won't say it? Why don't I say it? I'll say

"I said, I said, I said you can't kill me!"

Lang Yan patted him on the face with a knife and whispered mysteriously, "what do you want to say? My boss is angry. Please tell me some useful news. Maybe you can save your life."

Feng Shen swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stammered, "I really come from Dugu clan, and the subverter is also a dead man trained by Dugu clan. We cooperate with several major forces, we, we..."

Lin Xiao stopped and looked back at Feng Shen, "is Dugu Zhongshan the master of Dugu clan?"

The wind god wiped his sweat, sat down and said with a bitter smile, "the nominal door owner is really him, but in fact, the controller is not him..."

Anyway, he has said so much, and Fengshen has spared no effort. There is no big difference between saying one word and saying all. Now he just wants to save his life.

"Who is it?" Lin Xiao didn't know when he had gone back to the wind god.

Feng Shen hesitated for a few seconds. "In fact, I'm not the core of Dugu Aotian. I'm just responsible for the processing and scheduling of secular affairs. The specific operations and task execution are exercised by the subversive, and the real controller has never been exposed. I really don't know his true identity."

"How do you accept orders?" Lin Xiao asked.

Fengshen said with a wry smile, "we communicate through the special channel of the dark network."

"Through the dark net?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Do you know where the Dugu clan headquarters is?"

The wind god shook his head blankly, "there is no headquarters!"

"No?" Lang Yan glanced at Lin Xiao and stepped forward to give Feng Shen a kick. "He's still talking nonsense. He's also a sect force. There's no headquarters. Where are so many disciples?"

"At ordinary times, the special channel of the dark network is used for communication, while there are special bases for training dead soldiers or combatants. The bases are distributed all over the world. Only the boss of the subversive knows where."

"Yingyang?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"No! Yingyang is just subversive number one. The real boss is actually number zero!"

"Zero? Where is he?" Lin Xiao didn't expect another zero, so he asked.

Fengshen hesitated for a few seconds, "zero... Is Dugu Weiyi. He is dead."

Lin Xiao was stunned. Unexpectedly, Dugu Weiyi was also one of the subversives. He didn't think so much at that time. Because of the emergency, he had to withdraw first.

"Why do subversives catch millet?" Lin Xiao asked the key point.

"I didn't know this before. I came to me yesterday afternoon because of waves and clouds. Then I asked. The subversive caught Xiaosu because he is a good seedling that can be cultivated."

"Oh? Then why didn't you take him away six years ago?" Lin Xiao frowned.

"In fact, this matter is very complicated. After Li Xiaosu was sent to Kyoto six years ago, Dugu Weiyi was supposed to take over it himself, but the boy is so slippery that he sneaked away..."

"The subversive scattered people to look for it. It was not easy to find it, but found that it was adopted by a son of Nangong family," Fengshen recalled the news he had just received. "In order to avoid conflict with Nangong family, we talked to Nangong naocan about it. Unexpectedly, the boy asked for $6 million."

The wind god sneered, "I heard that Nangong naocan is insatiable and wants to increase the price after asking for $6 million. Dugu Weiyi taught him a lesson. That's honest, but..."

"But what?" Lang Yan blinked. "Is there anyone else who prevents you from taking people?"

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