Nangong Fuhu, who was said to be in pain, cried, "I'm really tired of me. I'm not 80 years old. I want to live another 20 years and I won't be abandoned by you?"

Nangong Jin stroked her forehead and didn't speak. She also found that the old man is not normal today. It seems that he is deliberately looking for trouble.

Lin Xiao was silent for a moment and suddenly asked, "Sir, are you a little guilty that master Duanmu is not here recently?"

For a moment, Nangong Fuhu struggled for a long time and shouted, "I, I feel guilty. What am I? I just have low back pain."

"Low back pain? Aren't I dispensing medicine for you? Besides, I can completely cure your disease in less than a day. What else are you dissatisfied with?" Lin Xiao came out with a pile of crushed herbs in his hand.

Nangong Jin hurried to take a bowl and put it up. She hurried to the kitchen to cook.

"Hum!" Nangong Fuhu leaned bitterly against the head of the bed and said, "it can't be cured in ten years. Just one day? Don't fool me. I'm so old that I don't even like dogs."

Lin Xiao said with a black thread, "who despises you? Has master Duanmu got any news back?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao poked the center of the matter. Nangong Fuhu hummed and muttered for a long time. Then he shouted angrily, "hum! I'm so angry that the old woman even asked me for a divorce!"

"Divorce?" Lin Xiao was confused. "Didn't you separate decades ago? Why are you divorced?"

"Get out of here!" Nangong Fuhu shouted angrily, "it used to be called running away from home. The formalities have not been handled at all. How can it be called divorce?"

Lin Xiao suddenly couldn't help laughing. "I said how old you are and what kind of divorce do you want? Do you want to study like a young man and have a divorce banquet?"

"Hum! What the hell is going on with this old woman? She's going to divorce me if she goes out for no reason. Is there someone outside?" Nangong Fuhu was very confused.

Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing. He said half jokingly and half seriously, "it's possible that master Duanmu's demeanor still exists. Even if he gets divorced, it's absolutely no problem to find a handsome little old man."

"You, you did it on purpose, didn't you?" Nangong Fuhu straightened his back. There was no pain. He pointed to Lin Xiao's nose and shouted, "say another word."

"All right, all right..." Lin Xiao said with a dry smile, "I'll help you prick some needles to relieve yourself. I'll ask you about master Duanmu first. Is that right?"

"Where are you going to ask? I don't even know where she is." Nangong Fuhu looked wronged.

"I have my own way. You can get well at ease. What are you doing with those hearts?"

Nangong Fuhu remembered his back pain at this time. It seemed that the reflex nerve had just informed his brain and made him feel the pain. He bared his teeth and shouted, "hiss... Shit! It hurts me."

Lin Xiao pricked him with a dark face. After six stitches, he slightly relieved the pain of Nangong subduing the tiger.

An hour later, Nangong Jin took the medicine bowl to deliver medicine to Nangong Fuhu.

After drinking the medicine, Nangong Fuhu really felt a lot of pain relief. Moreover, he had enough trouble, stopped, and lay in bed with his eyes closed.

Lin Xiao winked at Nangong Jin and asked her to come out with him.

When he came to the living room, Nangong Jin asked in a low voice, "what's the matter? The old man is a little abnormal today."

"It's really abnormal," Lin Xiao said with a smile. "Guess what? Duanmuyi sent a message to the old man to divorce him."

Lin Xiao changed his name to duanmuyi after the Aragon desert, and Nangong brocade didn't say much about it.

Nangong Jin was stunned to hear that duanmuyi wanted to divorce her grandfather.

She was a little incredible and said in surprise, "how old are you and want a divorce? What do you think?"

"I don't know," Lin Xiao shook his head. "Haijian hasn't heard back. I don't quite understand what happened over there."

"Haijian has been following grandma? Why on earth?" Taking this opportunity, Nangong Jin asked her doubts.

"It is said that it has something to do with the Qiankun court." Lin Xiao frowned and said.

Nangong Jin was very cold in his heart and hurriedly asked, "what happened to the heaven and earth yard?"

"I don't quite understand the specific situation. I won't know until Gao Haijian comes back." Lin Xiao leaned on the sofa and looked at the ceiling. His faint eyes slowly rotated. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Nangong Jin couldn't reveal his words in his heart, so he had to sigh.

Just then, Lin Xiao's phone rang.

"Lin Xiao, where are you? I brought Wen Xiangyu."

Excited Yu Meili takes ah Dai directly to Nanlong villa.

The quality of Wen Xiangyu is still above Lin Xiao's imagination. It is indeed the best medicine guide.

With Wen Xiangyu, Yu Meili and Nangong Fuhu can be completely cured.

Nangong Fuhu's waist disease has always been Lin Xiao's heart disease. He has been looking for it for many years, but he hasn't heard of Xiangyu. Even if there are some fake and shoddy products.

When Lin Xiao got the best smelling jade, he was glad to see it. After thinking about it, he made an unkind request.

"Only one third of the drug introduction is enough. Can you sell me the rest?" Lin Xiao asked Yu Meili.

Buying smelling jade can not only cure the old man, but also play a role.

Wen Xiangyu is the main material for making Da huandan. It is more powerful than Xiao huandan.

A big pill can easily recover dying internal injuries. It is a unique medicine for martial arts people.

It's a pity that even the sword Saint sword Wuji doesn't have such a thing as Da huandan.

Among the pills found in the desert, the original xiaohuandan is the best wound medicine. There is no such strange medicine as dahuandan.

Lin Xiao won't let go of this opportunity.

I thought it was difficult for Yu Meili to give up her love. Unexpectedly, she said very forthright, "as long as you cure my disease, the rest of wenxiangyu will be sent to you."

"Great!" Lin Xiao was not polite at all. He didn't mention the money any more. He just silently wrote down Yu Meili's intention.

The pharmaceutical process was very smooth, but it also consumed Lin Xiao's great energy.

After working hard day and night, Lin Xiao finally made a pill for two.

With acupuncture, Lin Xiao treated Yu Meili and Nangong Fuhu respectively.

The treatment process was not so easy, but the results were very gratifying.

After the diagnosis and filming by a private doctor, the changes in the position of the lumbar bones of the two people can be clearly seen from the film. The cancer cells have completely disappeared, and the internal injury caused by trauma is also recovering.

In less than a week, their incurable diseases will completely disappear, and even their lumbar spine will become stronger than ordinary people.

Yu Meili never dreamed that her incurable disease would be cured by Lin Xiao under such circumstances.

She felt that she had her own destiny. After tossing about her serious illness for half a life, she had to spend tens of millions of dollars to renew her life every year. Finally, she solved it when she met Lin Xiao.

Nanlong villa.

The villa restaurant is full tonight.

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