Lin Xiaoyan invites Yu Meili and others to eat at home. He wants to do his host's friendship. Moreover, Yu Meili gave him more than half of the smelling jade, which is not something that money can measure.

Together, smelling jade is invaluable, and real high quality is hard to find. With the remaining smelling jade, Lin Xiao can make at least two big return pills.

With two big return pills, Lin Xiao has two more lives. As long as he is not a destructive injury, he can recover with the help of big return pills.

Lin Xiao naturally wanted to express such kindness.

Dinner is the best way to express goodwill and friendship. Coupled with Xiaosu's relationship, the two sides are now like a family.

Lin Xiao's brothers in the south of the town were also present.

Lao Zhang, Lang Yan and Ling Yu are now mainly in Zhennan. They will go to the western regions with Nangong Jin in a few days, and the small blacksmiths who have been secretly trained will also choose to follow.

However, the little blacksmiths didn't come today. They have been training under the supervision of Zhou Bo. These days are a critical moment. They will reach the level of silver top soldiers, so they dare not delay for a moment.

The table was full of joy and laughter.

"Xiaosu! A toast to your master." Yu Meili looked at Xiaosu with a spoiled face. "If it weren't for your master, godmother's disease wouldn't get better so soon. You should help godmother thank your master in the future."

"Master!" Xiaosu flopped down on his knees, holding the wine cup in both hands, and said solemnly, "thank you for your cultivation and help to my godmother. Xiaosu will practice hard in his life, be the top martial artist, and never throw gizzards for your old man."

Lin Xiao said with a dumbfounded smile, "where did you learn such a set of literary words? And... Old man? Am I so old?"

"No, no, no, I mean, master is old and strong, no, no, no, no, old and strong, ah... Old, old and not serious..." Xiaosu has been nervous and incoherent.

Everyone laughed into a pot of porridge.

Lin Xiao's face was almost black. He smiled and scolded, "you smelly boy, what are you talking about? Study culture for me in the future."

"I remember." Xiaosu exclaimed excitedly, "master is not old at all. I wish master an early birth!"


Lin Xiao directly sprayed the wine he drank into the face of Langyan sitting next to him.

"Boss... Who did I provoke?" The waves screamed.

Nangong Jin was very red faced. She stuffed a piece of meat into Xiaosu's mouth and said angrily, "eating meat can't block your mouth."

Yu Meijiao said with a smile, "listen to Lin Xiao, you two are going to have a make-up wedding, right? Have you chosen a date? It's a big event. I can't be vague. I'll help you at that time."

"In a few days, I'll wait to finish Xiaosu's work and I can do it safely." Lin Xiao smiled.

"Miss Nangong is really lucky. I envy her." Yu Meili raised her glass with a smile and said mischievously, "I must respect you for this glass of wine. As a woman's jealousy!"

Nangong Jin giggled. She also drank a lot of wine today. She felt very happy, not because of the beautiful compliment, but because the disease that bothered grandpa was finally solved.

After this, Nangong Jin only felt that everything was pleasing to the eye and happy to do. He took up his glass and said, "Miss Yu is really modest. I think ah Dai is also good. You see, he is beautiful and has such high strength. At least he is not as glib as Lin Xiao. You should take good advantage of it."

A Dai is talking to Xiao Su about his recent training experience. Unexpectedly, the topic shifted to himself, which surprised him.

"Ah? Fool?" Yu Meili's pretty face is slightly red. At her age, she doesn't think much about men, but she really has a little interest in ah Dai.

Unfortunately, ah Dai never showed any meaning in that regard for so many years, which once embarrassed Yu Meili.

Ah Dai blushed infrequently. He picked up the wine glass as a cover and said to Lin Xiao, "come on! I wish you a happy wedding."

"Good!" Lin Xiao smiled, stared at ah Dai and said, "ah Dai, we are familiar now. I don't know who you are."

"Me?" A Dai was stunned and blurted out, "the western regions."

"Western regions?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Then you and Xiaosu are from the same place."

Xiaosu was eating chicken legs with a greasy mouth. When he heard the speech, he cried in surprise, "ah Dai, you are also from the western regions? I haven't heard of you before."

Ah Dai said quietly, "you haven't asked."

"Oh." Xiaosu didn't care about his business. He continued to eat his chicken legs and shouted, "this is the Coke chicken cooked by his mother. It's delicious."

People can't help smiling. Children are really happy all the time. Unlike adults like them, they always worry about some idle things every day.

Affected by Xiaosu, everyone's mood became more cheerful. After pushing cups and changing lamps, they were all drunk. Even Lin Xiao drank a lot.

Lin Xiao has always been worried about the origin of a Dai. He is such a person. He always cares about one thing if he doesn't know it clearly.

While everyone was chatting, Lin Xiao pulled ah Dai into the yard with the strength of wine.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse. It's a nice day today.

The breeze slowly gives people a cool feeling, very comfortable.

Ah Dai narrowed his eyes and looked at the Far West.

"Burp! Ah Dai, where are you from in the western regions?" Lin Xiao burped and asked with a smile.

A Dai youyou said, "it's the western regions."

"The western regions are so big that there is no specific place name?" Lin Xiao asked vaguely.

A Dai glanced at him, "don't pretend! Will a super expert close to the great master be drunk by a little alcohol?"

Lin Xiao blinked and smiled awkwardly, "today is happy. People are easy to get excited when they are happy. When they are excited, the alcohol will go up."

"All right, you." Ah Dai sneered, "don't worry, I don't mean any harm to you."

Lin Xiao smiled, "what about the millet?"

"What do you think?" Ah Dai asked.

They looked at each other, as if some sharp light flashed past.

"Everyone has their own secrets. I'm just curious." Lin Xiao smiled.

Ah Dai youyou said, "yes! Everyone has secrets, including you."

"My secret is now well known." Lin Xiao guessed that ah Dai meant the drug Dragon King.

"Hehe, what I said is not what you think, right?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes flashed, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"In fact, it's nothing. I don't care about you."

Ah Dai's tone was cold, but Lin Xiao heard a trace of kindness and nodded silently, "let's go and continue to drink."

"OK! I'm not afraid of you for drinking."

All night, a large group of men were drunk, but pretended, and didn't leave the table until the next morning.

After Lin Xiao sent off the guests early in the morning, he didn't go anywhere and went directly to the "invincible" residence.

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