It is said to be an invincible place to live. In fact, invincible has no sense of living as a human being. It stands motionless in the room like a statue.

Without the induced fragrance made of magic eye grass, Lin Xiao could not establish a connection with it at all.

There is no medium among them, just as there is a computer in front of them, but there is no keyboard and mouse to command it.

Staring at the "invincible" more than two meters high, Lin Xiao mused that the wedding would be held soon. Maybe someone would come out and make trouble. We must get the magic eye grass as soon as possible, so that even if a great master jumped out to find something, he would make the other party lose.

But magic eye grass is too rare. There has been no news about this rare herb since I got one from the dark Internet last time.

Linglong's magic eye grass planting plan has begun. Unfortunately, women can't make bricks without rice. Without magic eye grass seeds, it can't be carried out at all.

Lin Xiao reached out and patted "unbeaten" on his chest. Even across his clothes, he could hear a dull and thick voice.

Today's "invincible" is dressed by Lin Xiao as a bald man, wearing a black suit and big sunglasses. He looks very fierce.

This image alone is enough to frighten many people.

"Unbeaten, what's the secret of your Dugu family? You were also the top person in those years. How did you come to this place now?" Lin Xiao said to himself around the puppet.

Of course, the puppet will not respond to Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao just has some doubts in his heart.

Before Dugu Weiyi died, he always emphasized the word "Dugu" and said that Dugu Weiyi had some secrets.

Lin Xiao was really surprised by the emergence of Dugu sect, but now Dugu Zhongshan may have died in the desert, and all the subversives belonging to Dugu sect have been destroyed.

There was not much information from the wind god. Lin Xiao was worried about who was a big man hidden behind Dugu Aotian.

If the big man has any conspiracy, he may still do it. Now the wind god is in Lin Xiao's hand. Maybe he can lead the other party out.

There are many things about Xiaosu that make Lin Xiao wonder.

For example, why did Fang subversive pursue Xiaosu? Even after knowing that Xiaosu was accepted by Lin Xiao, they acted recklessly.

And ah Dai's attitude towards Xiaosu is also strange.

Xiaosu seemed to be shrouded in a fog. Even Lin Xiao couldn't guess what secret Xiaosu was hiding.

Staring at the puppet for a long time, Lin Xiao couldn't see any flowers. He wanted to call Linglong to ask about the progress of the experiment.

Linglong was in class. When she received Lin Xiao's call, she ran out of the class and asked excitedly, "brother Lin, is there any news about magic eye grass? Now everything is ready, only due to the east wind."

"Are you ready there?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"Yes, I have checked all the steps with a computer program, and now it's time to practice. However, if I can, I'd better prepare one more plant of magic eye grass. I'm afraid in case of failure..." Linglong was a little embarrassed.

Lin Xiao said, "don't worry. I promise I'll supply you with enough. I'll contact you if I have any news."

"Good brother Lin!" Linglong hung up the phone happily. As soon as she was going to class, she saw a sneaky shadow in the woods, showing half of her head and waving to her.

"Linglong, come here!"

Linglong looked at Gao Xiaoshan and his expression became gloomy. Li didn't want to talk to him and walked to the classroom without squinting.

When Gao Xiaoshan saw Linglong's attitude towards him, he rushed out of the woods and stopped in front of her, "Linglong, wait a minute, listen to me..."

"What can I say?" Linglong's eyes turned. "I didn't care about last time. What else do you want to do? I warn you, stay away from my brother in the future."

"No," said Gao Xiaoshan with a wry smile, "I refused the last time Linghu told me about it, but there's really no way. Those usurers are catching up. We..."

"Then why don't you just tell me? In that despicable way?" Linglong sneered, "I think you have ulterior motives and have ruined Linghu."

Looking at Linglong's leaving, Gao Xiaoshan caught up again and begged, "Yongwei and I know we were wrong, so I came here today. I want to invite you to dinner, explain everything clearly and apologize to you."

"No, anyway, you don't want to associate with my brother in the future. If he mixes with you again, I won't recognize him as a brother." Linglong said very seriously that she was really angry this time. She didn't slow down. These boys dared to kidnap and extort money. It was in the face of her brother to call the police.

Originally, Linglong wanted to go away immediately and would not pay attention to him, but Gao Xiaoshan rushed directly to Linglong and knelt down with a plop.

"Sister Linglong! We've had a good relationship for several years. Can't I sincerely admit my mistake? Why is the relationship so rigid? Now Linghu shut down and locked himself at home. We're all brothers who played together since childhood. We just made a mistake once. Can't we make up for it?"

"You, what are you doing? Get up." Linglong even pulled to help him up. The students passing by looked at them strangely. She was embarrassed by the narrow expression in her doubt.

"If you don't forgive me, I won't get up." Gao Xiaoshan's hair dangled between his eyebrows and said solemnly, "unless you forgive me."

Linglong was also forced to do nothing. She couldn't pull a big man again, so she had to say helplessly, "OK, I forgive you. Get up."

"Really?" Gao Xiaoshan's eyes brightened.

"Really, get up." Linglong is so embarrassed.

Gao Xiaoshan stood up with a happy face. "I invited you to dinner that night to apologize. You must come."

"Let's just eat. I have something to do at night." Linglong is still thinking about what Lin Xiaofen told her. She should confirm the experimental results again and again and ensure that there will be no mistakes as much as possible.

"If you don't go, I'll kneel again." Gao Haishan tried to kneel.

Linglong had a black line. She was really defeated by the other party and said impatiently, "OK, where to eat?"

"I'll pick you up in the evening, as well as Liang Yongwei and some classmates." Gao Xiaoshan said excitedly.

"All right!" Linglong can't refuse, otherwise Gao Xiaoshan's kneeling will not let the students pass it on.

The high hill bounced away.

Linglong didn't want to listen to the class after she returned to class. She had been thinking about Gao Xiaoshan's invitation to dinner.

Finally, Linglong ran out of class and called her brother.

"Ling Hu, Gao Xiaoshan, why did they invite me to dinner?"

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