Che Linghu was sleeping at home. He got up vaguely and asked suspiciously, "invite you to dinner? I don't know. I haven't contacted them these days. I stopped using that mobile phone."

After this incident, Che Linghu also felt that the two friends were unreliable. If they hadn't been encouraging themselves, he couldn't have robbed his sister.

"Go with me that night. I don't want to have dinner with them alone." Linglong said.

"Sister! Don't you let me deal with them? Why do you think of going to dinner?" Che Linghu asked suspiciously.

"I can't help the shameless Gao Xiaoshan. I'll just make things clear at dinner at night and calculate the account. They have to repay all the money they owe you. Don't forget, I'm still carrying more than one million debts for you." Che Linglong said unhappily.

"All right." Che Linghu said weakly. He also had a headache when he thought of the more than one million yuan.

He knew that it was a public fund secretly misappropriated by his sister. He must pay it back. If he was known, he might go to jail.

"Then get up and have dinner. Come to school and meet me in the evening. Let's go together." Linglong said.

Linglong hung up the phone and hurried to the canteen. After a simple meal, she went to the underground warehouse to see the rare herbs.

For these rare herbs in the world, Linglong is more important than his life. He takes care of them carefully every day for fear of any problems.

A few days ago, Nangong brocade sent another rare medicine essence iron core. This medicine is somewhat different from other herbs. It is very sensitive to the changes of cold and hot temperature and needs different storage conditions.

Therefore, Linglong has been balancing the living environment of new herbs these days, and has to stay in the secret room of the underground warehouse for a long time every day.

After doing things here, Linglong returned to the school and came to the independent laboratory on the top floor of the experimental building.

This laboratory is the place that Lin Xiao bought from the school for Linglong to do experiments. It is also the base for cultivating magic eye grass and the main growth base of magic eye grass in the future.


Linglong was about to enter the laboratory when she was stopped by a classmate.

"Xiaojia?" Linglong was stunned and quickly asked with a smile, "Why are you? Do you come to the experimental building to do the experiment?"

"No! I'm looking for you." Xiao Jia is wearing a long blue dress. She smiles and has a dimple on her face. She looks very pure.

"Looking for me?" Linglong took the key back and asked unexpectedly, "what's the matter?"

"In fact, it's nothing. I haven't seen you for a long time. I followed you up just now when I saw you enter the building." Xiaojia's expression is a little pinched. It's obviously something, but she's embarrassed to say.

"Ouch! They are all classmates. If you have anything to do, just say it." Linglong saw her embarrassment, walked over, took her hand and asked, "what's the matter?"

Xiaojia looked a little embarrassed and said, "can you lend me some money? I'm a little short of money recently..."

"Borrow money?" Linglong was stunned, hesitated for a long time and said shyly, "I don't have much money. Something has happened recently, and all the money on hand has been spent, so..."

Xiaojia was stunned, "but I heard you made a boyfriend who was very rich and helped your brother repay more than a million usury loans. Can't you help me?"

Linglong was a little confused when she heard that she was rich and had made a rich boyfriend. She asked in tears and laughter, "who told you this?"

"Yes, someone said. I think you've been very busy recently. You seem to have found a part-time job. A Rolls Royce came to pick you up a few days ago, right? Linglong, please, I really need money. Just borrow 50000, OK?" Xiaojia took Linglong's hand and shook it around. Her eyes were full of prayer.

"If I had it, I would have lent it to you, but I really didn't. I still owe a lot of debt..."

Before Linglong finished, Xiaojia was annoyed. She let go of Linglong's hand and said, "it's just to borrow some money and see if you're worried. I'm not in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry."

"I......" Linglong looked embarrassed.

Xiaojia frowned, "forget it, don't borrow it if you don't borrow it. What's the big deal? Just make a rich boyfriend?"

Xiaojia turned and left.

Linglong looked melancholy. She couldn't explain, so she had to sigh.

After standing at the door for a while, Linglong seemed not in the mood to recheck the laboratory equipment and walked out listlessly.

Just out of the experimental building, I met a sunny looking male classmate.

The male classmate held the basketball in his hand and ran sweating. When he saw Linglong, he shouted happily, "Linglong, you're out."

"Ah? It's you, Jiang Hua." Linglong's heart beat faster.

Jiang Hua is the captain of the school basketball team. He usually plays well and is super handsome. He has always been the male god in Linglong's heart.

Although they knew each other, they never said a few words seriously. When they met Jiang Hua, Linglong walked around with her head down.

I didn't expect that Jiang Hua was still so eager to chat up with himself today, which made Linglong have a glimmer of fantasy. Is his good luck coming.

"Are you free tonight, Linglong? Have dinner together." Jiang Hua smiled and the sun was shining, bringing a warm feeling.

"Evening, evening?" Linglong was tangled in an instant and almost blurted out to promise each other, but her heart was cold at the thought of Gao Xiaoshan's invitation.

"Please eat seafood. I heard you like crayfish best, don't you?"

Linglong was stunned, thinking that Jiang Hua had been paying attention to herself? She knows exactly what she likes to eat.

"I, I especially like to eat, but at night, I have an appointment at night..." Linglong said this sentence and her intestines were blue with regret.

"Oh, yes, it must be a date with a boyfriend?" Jiang Hua smiled narrowly, "then I won't bother you. I'll introduce us when I have time."

"Ah?" Linglong shouted in her heart that I don't have a boyfriend. It's not what you think.

Unfortunately, without waiting for Linglong's explanation, Jiang Hua has run away with his basketball. When he is ready, he doesn't forget to add, "don't forget, remember to introduce us."

Linglong just feels a little unreal.

She is usually very low-key, has few friends and doesn't communicate with others. A boy like Jiang Hua is even less likely to say one more word to her.

But today, not only did Xiaojia borrow money from her and treat her as a rich man, but even Jiang Hua lowered his frame to talk to her, and even knew her boyfriend

"That's strange. What's going on?" Linglong walked out slowly with her bag in her arms, thinking about what had just happened.

"My boyfriend? I don't have any boyfriend. I took brother Lin's car last time..." Linglong pursed her lips and walked forward alone.

Suddenly, she was stopped again.

Seeing this man, Linglong was more at a loss

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