Lin Xiao was brought into the living room. Lieyangzi ordered the little Taoist priest to pour tea. He sat in his chair and fell into silence. After a long time, he said, "in the daytime, black is the first hunter of the hunter sect and the top soldier of silver. His seven star beads are unique in the Wulin, and he can even shoot the top master of gold."

"So powerful?" Lin Xiao's eyes widened slightly.

"But the Bai family's archery is very difficult to train, and few people have his strength, but..." lieyangzi sighed. "It's the so-called truth that the hunter's disciple Ding withered and belongs to a small sect, so the Bai family's archery has been watched."

"By whom?"

"Xingyi menqiu is prosperous!" Lieyangzi said in a deep voice, "the old boy is very despicable. He set up a game to let daytime black fall into the trap and kill an eminent monk in Shaolin in the misunderstanding. Then Qiu Wang used an excuse to encourage the eight sects to pursue daytime black for the crime of attacking the devil..."

"This Qiu Wang really deserves his death." Lin Xiao said slightly, "did Qiu Wang take away the Bai family's archery?"

"It should not be. During the day, the hunter gate fell into the abyss in the dark. The hunter gate dissolved and disappeared. We didn't know that the hunter gate still existed until the white dragon appeared a few days ago." Said lieyangzi youyou.

Lin Xiao said thoughtfully, "it seems that Duanmu Yi didn't die after falling into the abyss during the day... Otherwise Duanmu Yi wouldn't be so sure to find him, which means Duanmu Yi knew that he was hiding somewhere during the day."

"Brother Lin, how did your friend mix with the day and the dark?" Lieyangzi asked suspiciously.

"My friend has been following Duan Muyi. He sent me a picture last night. It's an electronic map, but I don't know where the map lab is." Lin Xiao mused, "so I suspect that the whole thing may have something to do with daytime and darkness."

Lieyangzi thought about it as a bystander, and suddenly said, "if you really didn't die after jumping in the dark during the day, it's very likely Duanmu Yijiu. First, she has excellent medical skills. Second, she really had some roots with the hunter sect. As for this laboratory..."

"Do you have a clue, master lieyangzi?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

"Cough! Don't always call me an elder. In the future, let's talk about friendship among our peers and call me lieyangzi." Lieyangzi waved his hand carelessly.

"OK!" Lin Xiao nodded decisively.

The little Taoist priest came in to deliver tea. Lieyangzi personally poured Lin Xiao a cup, and then youyou said, "I've heard a little about this laboratory. Maybe it's in that place."

"Elder, say..."

"You see, you see, it's called senior!" Lieyangzi is not satisfied.

"Brother Hua, please say!" Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"It's almost the same," said lieyangzi with a smile. His common name is Hua and his Taoist name is lieyangzi, so it's right for Lin Xiao to call him brother Hua. "No one thought he could live when he jumped from Kunlun's Shanxi mother peak in the dark during the day. I never thought he really lived. His life is too big..."

Lin Xiao listened carefully and did not interrupt him.

"The hunter sect needs a very tragic method to practice archery. In order to protect the disciples' lives, he asked for medicine everywhere in the dark during the day. He made some friends with Duan Muyi. They established some friendship when they came and went,

Duan Muyi doesn't seem to know that Bai tianhei is the master of the hunter sect. He only thinks he is a martial artist practicing alone. This is also a lie that he had to tell in order to protect the disciples in the dark of the day. Later... "

Lieyangzi frowned, "I don't know much about them, but later I vaguely heard that duanmuyi cooperated with a foreign organization to carry out a very advanced medical experiment, which can completely solve the worry of darkness during the day. So I built a laboratory somewhere..."

Lin Xiao immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the electronic map, pointed to the icon and said, "brother Hua, look at this icon. Do you have an impression?"

"As like as two peas," the sun went on to breathe. "It looks like the sign of a hunter's door. It's exactly the same as crossing a bow."

Lin Xiao pondered, "do you think it's possible that this sign is the product of the cooperation between hunter gate and duanmuyi? The Cross Represents' medicine 'and the curved sword represents Hunter gate?"

"Possible!" Lieyangzi suddenly patted the table, "I see. The laboratory you said is likely to be somewhere under the mother peak in the west of Kunlun."

"How did brother Hua know?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

"He was chased and killed by dozens of experts during the day. He had many escape directions, but he had to go to Ximu peak. He knew there was no way back. Why did he go?" Strong Yangzi smiled, "I finally know the reason now."

Lin Xiao followed lie Yangzi's train of thought and gradually understood, "brother Hua said that there was his help on Ximu peak, and his jumping career was just an illusion, so he survived?"

"I guess that's the truth, because I heard that the master who chased and killed daytime black said that some strange bodies were found in Ximu peak. These bodies died strangely, as if they were poisoned and eaten by some insects. Now I suspect it's because they did some vicious experiments on the peak."

"So it is possible that the laboratory is near Ximu peak." Lin Xiao immediately stood up. "I'll go to Ximu peak. It's always a clue."

"I'll go with you." Lieyangzi stood up without hesitation. "If it's dark during the day, maybe I can help. I'm more familiar with his archery than you."

Lin Xiao hesitated for a moment. He knew that lie Yangzi's strength was very strong. He was only a little worse than himself. It was definitely a great help.

"Is it convenient for brother Hua? Haven't you been working with abbess Chuanjing on the whole company recently? You must be very busy?"

"I'm an old man and don't understand the operation of the company. I don't need to worry about your team. Besides, the CEO of quanpai company is nun Chuanjing. Let her worry about it. I'm suffocating here. I'm just going to have fun with you. Ha ha......" lieyangzi's voice is like a flood of bells and is happy like a child.

Lin Xiao lost his smile and said in a deep voice, "well, let's start right away without delay."

"Good!" Lieyangzi was even more cheerful. He waved his big hand directly and grabbed the dust from the side, "let's go."

"Don't you... Clean up and settle down?" Lin Xiao asked strangely.

"Settle down? Anyway, you have a plane. It takes only two hours to fly to Kunlun mountain. It won't take much effort to find the laboratory to save your friend. Maybe you can come back for dinner in the evening." Lieyangzi said carelessly.

Lin Xiao's face turned black. It seems that this fierce young man is really careless. He doesn't think about whether there is any danger in this trip.

However, with the strength of lieyangzi, he really doesn't need to worry too much. What's more, Lin Xiao, the first person under the great master, follows him. When they are together, they can protect themselves even in the face of the great master.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao was not vague and said directly, "then go!"

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