Let Langyan transfer a small private plane to land at the airport just built in Nanlong villa. Lin Xiao and lie Yangzi set out for Kunlun Mountain at the first time.

Coincidentally, the headquarters of the medicine dragon temple was only 40 kilometers away from Ximu peak, so Lin Xiao went back to the base to get some equipment.

Lin Xiao didn't avoid lieyangzi. He took him directly from the secret passage into the main peak of the deep mountain.

Looking at the magnificent medicine dragon temple surrounded by mountains in front of him, lieyangzi was shocked and stood still.

"What's the matter, master?" Lin Xiao asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, nothing..." lieyangzi said nothing, but his eyes were not so, and the color of shock was getting stronger and stronger.

"Let's go." Lin Xiao smiled and then stepped forward to lead the way.

The medicine dragon temple as a whole is like a towering giant sword, with four small buildings on the side, and it is like a rocket ready to fly.

The trend of the surrounding mountains is also very clever. They extend upward in a concave way from the bottom of the mountain. Under the concealment of some science and technology and natural vegetation, it is difficult to find the location of the base even from a high altitude.

The entry point is more wonderful. Half of the hill has been hollowed out and become an access channel. The top of the mountain is made of special alloy to create a lifting platform for several helicopters to take off and land at the same time.

Lie Yangzi went down from the lifting platform to the entrance of the base. The spectacular outside has made him unable to walk. The luxury and delicacy inside the base make him dizzy.

"Lin Xiao, you are too rich." After struggling for a long time, lieyangzi could only say such a word without nutrition.

At this moment, lieyangzi has more confidence in the company of the whole sect. If Wudang sect is as rich as Lin Xiao, the inheritance of Wudang will make Wudang disciples shine and restore the real prestige of Taishan and Beidou in ancient times.

"Hehe, brother Hua is joking. What is much richer than me is that we should prepare some equipment first in case of need." Lin Xiao took lieyangzi to the entrance.

The alloy electronic door burst open and a large group of soldiers in black lined up to welcome.


"The boss is back!"

The faces of all the soldiers showed irrecoverable excitement and laughter.

These soldiers fought north and South with Lin Xiao. They did not know how many victories they had won. They fought with terrorist organizations and fought with hostile forces. They had long established a strong feeling of blood and water.

Therefore, they will affectionately call Lin Xiao the boss.

More than 20000 people have entered the establishment of the drug Dragon Temple, but the real core force is less than 3000.

The last time he fought with the death alliance, he lost more than 300 core troops, which really hurt Lin Xiao.

When he came back this time, Lin Xiao actually meant to comfort his brothers.

Lin Xiao stood still, looked at the 100 core representatives in front of him, and slowly picked up his fist.

"Brothers, you have suffered with me..."

Lin Xiao's voice is sincere and full of emotion.

These soldiers have families and mouths. They may be for money, for love, or for eliminating evil and promoting good, but they all choose to follow Lin Xiao and perform their tasks without complaint or regret.

Sometimes there is a power called the power of leaders.

They are willing to follow Lin Xiao, because Lin Xiao has a power that allows them to always build unimaginable courage and confidence.

"Boss, it's hard!"

Everyone responded with a roar.

Lin Xiao smiled, "OK, it's like a leader's inspection. I don't have so many rules here. I heard that Yanghui has distributed new equipment to you recently. How's the effect?"

A team leader came out and reported with a smile, "boss, haven't we tracked the remaining evils of the death alliance in the nearby mountains recently? This batch of armor made by wise adult is really too powerful, much better than bulletproof vests. Fighting with those fugitives greatly reduces injuries and deaths."

The man patted the close fitting inner armor and said happily, "you see, this quality is not only light and thin, but also has high protection, which is stronger than the actual combat effect of Titan armor."

Titan armor is a full defensive armor. It can resist attacks from any direction after wearing it, but its biggest disadvantage is that it is too slow to move. When it meets an expert, it can only be beaten.

The new inner armor developed by Dongfang Yanghui can effectively protect the vital parts of the body without affecting any action effect. It is suitable for real commandos.

These 100 people are members of the Yaolong commando team, and more than 2000 commando members are under the management of Yaolong commander Dong Qianjun.

However, Dong Qianjun and his commandos are returning to Tiangang District of Philippine island after the defeat of the red eyed king. They are wantonly occupying the territory. It is said that they are playing very well

The red eyed king must be mad.

Lin Xiao put him in the desert. Now even the base camp is about to fry. The red eyed king may have been angry and only half his life is left

"Boss, I'll tell you, the commander of the thousand troops has recently turned upside down, and the whole Tiangang district has turned upside down. I guess the red eyed King's eyes are blue." The team leader said to Lin Xiao with a smile, almost dancing.

"The red eyed king is planted this time..."

"That old guy deserves it."

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I knew this would happen. The old man, the red eyed king, will beg me for mercy sooner or later."


The soldiers laughed.

"All right, you rest. I'll find Yanghui!" Lin Xiao waved to the soldiers and took lie Yangzi away.

As soon as he was observing the soldiers, lieyangzi said meaningfully, "brother Lin, those are all your men?"

"Yes." Lin Xiao said casually, "this is only part."

Lieyangzi shivered and took a deep breath, "I didn't feel much about the four heavenly kings of the dark world, but now I find that your power is no worse than that of the country."

"There's no exaggeration," said Lin Xiao with a chuckle. "In front of the country, I'm at best a bigger ant."

"You can't say that," lieyangzi followed, "just from the energy and spirit of the soldiers just now, it can be seen that they are definitely stronger than the regular troops. Their physical quality is terrible, especially the fanaticism in their eyes. That is the biggest capital to win the war."

"Brother Hua still knows how to look at faces?" Lin Xiao joked.

"I'm serious. Do you soldiers want to join our Wudang?" Lieyangzi looked like a thief, which stunned Lin Xiao.

"Really? Is Wudang willing to accept them?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

Lieyangzi also has his own selfishness. If he has a teacher and apprentice name with Lin Xiao's elite soldiers, even if Wudang Mountain depends on Lin Xiao, its future will be brighter, "of course, I'm afraid you don't want to."

"Why not? With the instruction of the first master of Wudang, their strength will be greatly improved? Wudang tiyunzong and Taiji are powerful fighting skills. Even I want to learn them." Lin Xiao said excitedly.

"OK! Let's go back and talk about it in detail." Strong Yangzi laughed.

When they came to the office area, Dongfang Yanghui stood at the gate of the office area with a smile.

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