Dongfang Yanghui is also taking super medicine bath recently. With his potential, he has reached the top level of silver in just half a month and is about to break through the level of golden warrior.

At this moment, it seems that even the skin is beginning to shine. The bulging temples show that his exquisite power of Qi and blood has reached a very peak.

"He's your man, too?" Lieyangzi asked knowingly, and his tone was full of envy.

"His name is Dongfang Yanghui, my brother." Lin Xiao waved to Dongfang Yanghui.

Dongfang Yanghui's eyes fell on lieyangzi, bowed to the ground and greeted him with Wulin etiquette, "welcome leader lieyangzi!"

"Hahaha, Lin Xiao's brothers are better than each other. Those who are better than Wudang disciples are not a bit. They are really enviable." Lieyangzi smiled with emotion.

"The elder is joking, please!" Dongfang Yanghui reached out for guidance.

The three walked into the office area.

Dongfang Yanghui whispered, "boss, the equipment is ready. You can start at any time."

"Well! Take me to see first. It's urgent. I'm afraid Haijian can't hold on, and the target is unknown. We must be fully prepared." Lin Xiao said anxiously.

"Don't worry, Gao Haijian has a hard life. Since he can send you a message, he must be fine." Dongfang Yanghui comforted.

Dongfang Yanghui said so, but he was very nervous in his heart.

With Gao Haijian's character and style, he never asks for help from others when in trouble, let alone Lin Xiao.

This time, Gao Haijian took the initiative to send a message to Lin Xiao, which is unique.

Lin Xiao didn't say it, Dongfang Yanghui didn't say it, and other brothers didn't say it, but they all knew that Gao Haijian must be in real danger this time.

Maybe Gao Haijian sent a warning to Lin Xiao not for his own safety, but it is enough to show that the situation is dangerous and beyond his control.

It is precisely because he understands Gao Haijian's character that Lin Xiao is so solemn and worried.

When I came to the equipment room, I was amazed by the dazzling variety of equipment.

"Boss, this is a new version of the inner armor. It's almost ten inches longer than in the past. It can effectively protect the abdomen and crotch." Dongfang Yanghui took them to a workbench with a row of inner armor of different colors.

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. The inner armor began to bifurcate from below the waist, but it can fit closely without gaps. It not only does not affect the movement, but also can effectively protect the thigh and crotch.

"And this, jamming magnetic mine, which will simulate some fighting sounds, such as gunshots, shouts and screams, and can attract the enemy's attention..."

"The magnetic knife uses a strong magnetic field to strengthen the destructive force of the knife. I've tried, and it can strengthen the destructive force by at least 30 percent." Dongfang Yanghui took Lin Xiao to a copper wall with three knives hanging on it.

One is about two feet long, with thick ridges and thin blades flashing blue light; The second handle is about one meter long, as thin as a fish scale, and the tip of the knife is divided into three trigemines; The third one is about half a foot wide and two meters long. It looks like an enhanced version of mountain chopping knife. It looks very shocking.

Dongfang Yanghui introduced the first one, which is also the most suitable one for assault combat.

"This one is good!" Lin Xiao reached out and grabbed the first knife. He danced several times in his hand. It was very heavy. It weighed about 20 kilograms, but he waved it easily.

Dongfang Yanghui grabbed a belt from the side and handed it to Lin Xiao. "This belt is connected with the inner armor. It can adsorb the knife on it for easy carrying."

Lin Xiao connected the belt with the new inner armor, then quickly took off the old inner armor, put on the new one, put on the coat, threw the knife back and automatically adsorbed it.

"This design is too clever..." lieyangzi looked envious.

Dongfang Yanghui smiled, "master lieyangzi, I only have this knife for the time being. When I have more materials in the future, I will make another one for you."

"Hey, that's enough with you." Lieyangzi was happy, but his eyes were always aiming at the huge knife.

Dongfang Yanghui continued to introduce, "boss, and this..."

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened. "Isn't this the laser gun just sent back? Have you finished the transformation?"

"Hey, it's not that fast. But I did make some simple improvements. Now, after charging, I can emit current pulses. It's less powerful than laser, but it's still stronger than ordinary bullets, and the accuracy is very high. The effective distance is 300 meters." Dongfang Yanghui solemnly picked up a new laser gun about the size of the desert eagle and said proudly, "I named it 'kill God'."

"Ho! The name is domineering enough. Let me try..." Lin Xiao narrowed his smiling eyes into a seam, grabbed the "killing God" and looked back, shooting at the metal target hanging on the wall in the equipment room all the year round.


The surface of the metal target was immediately melted into a large hole, and the destructive force was amazing.

"It can be launched 46 times, and then it needs to be charged." Dongfang Yanghui said.

Lin Xiao observed "killing God" over and over again. He couldn't put it down. He sincerely said, "technology is really a good thing."

"It's just that the charging device is difficult and unstable. I've charged and blasted two laser guns, so you can save some use..." Dongfang Yanghui smiled awkwardly.

"Shit!" Lin Xiao turned his eyes. "It seems that we have to find a way to get some samples from the dark net."

"This kind of thing is very scarce. I estimate that the dark net has lost several. It must be very painful."

Lin Xiao hung the gun on the side of the inner armour. His eyes brightened, "there is also magnetic adsorption?"


Lin Xiao hasn't come to the equipment room for a long time. Unexpectedly, there are so many good things. Xing hurried around and praised, "it's great to have you in the base."

Dongfang Yanghui said with a smile, "the boss has to work hard outside to make money. Now the stock of alpha uranium has bottomed out again. This thing can't be broken. Many equipment need it. How about the boss? Can you start mining?"

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao immediately said, "I've been worried about the subversives some time ago. Now all the subversives have been destroyed, and the ore vein of Wangchao village can be started. Don't worry, a large amount of Al uranium will be delivered soon."


Lin Xiao turned to look at the blazing Yangzi with dull eyes and asked with a smile, "brother Hua, do you have any equipment you like? Take it casually. I don't know what you are good at, so... I don't know how to recommend it."

"This inner armor..." lieyangzi wanted to say it for a long time, and finally waited for the opportunity.

"No problem!"

Lin Xiao winked at Dongfang Yanghui, who immediately took one and handed it over.

Lieyangzi looked at the two knives hanging on the copper wall and pointed to the two meter high machete, "what about this? Can I use it?"

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