"This?" Dongfang Yanghui was stunned and hurriedly said, "this knife is just a concept knife, and it's very heavy. It's more than 100 kilograms, elder..."

"I like heavy knives!" Dongfang Yanghui's eyes brightened. "All my weapons in the door are big iron axes, but the axe is very inflexible to use. It's far worse than a knife. I've always wanted a heavy knife..."

Lin Xiao looks strange. Shouldn't Wudang use a light sword or brush the dust? How do you feel that Li Yangzi is stronger than Kunlun sect?

No wonder it's called lieyangzi

"OK!" Without saying a word, Lin Xiao said, "I sent you."

"Great!" Lieyangzi impatiently took down the knife, held it in his hands and danced gently for a few times. A dull strong wind roared past, and his eyes completely flashed, "good knife! Good knife!"

Lin Xiao was stunned. He didn't expect that lieyangzi's strength was so great that it was not too hard to dance with a knife of more than 100 kg.

Moreover, he found that when lieyangzi danced the knife, he had skills, as if his whole body was exerting force, and then let the knife in his hand be like a light sword, which vividly reflected the nature of the intangible of Tai Chi.

"With this weapon, my combat effectiveness has greatly increased." Lieyangzi laughed excitedly. Limited by technology, it is impossible for Wudang sect to make such weapons. So even though lieyangzi was looking forward to such a weapon, he never realized it.

Lin Xiao made another turn and selected a marching bag, a sleeve cord and some small combat items.

"Has the map been drawn yet?" Seeing that lieyangzi was obsessed with new weapons, Lin Xiao smiled and went to Dongfang Yanghui and asked in a low voice.

Dongfang Yanghui took out a tablet computer and said in a deep voice, "I have drawn around the West mother peak, but I can't detect anything strange. There seems to be no secret channel. I guess my frequency band has been blocked through the encryption of some electronic signal, and I still need to go and investigate it in person."

"Well, I'll go with brother Hua in person. Just find a place to pick him up." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't worry!"

After confirming the equipment again, Lin Xiao took lieyangzi to Ximu peak by helicopter.

Ximu peak is one of the five main peaks of Kunlun Mountain, and the name of this peak is taken by Lin Xiao, because from a distance, the side of this peak is like the Ximu empress on TV.

After arriving at the high altitude of Ximu peak by helicopter, the plane suddenly encountered a violent hurricane and almost lost its balance.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The helicopter swayed left and right in mid air and trembled violently. The pilot tried to stabilize the body and shouted to Lin Xiao, "boss, we have to withdraw in case of a strong magnetic field."

"Strong magnetic field?" Lin Xiao was a little surprised. He didn't come to this place. It was just a strong wind, but there was no magnetic field in the strong wind. It's a little strange today.


A strange noise appeared on the helicopter control panel. Some instruments have failed, making it more and more difficult to control the balance of the fuselage.



Because the propeller mechanical system receives different speed signals, the internal program is disordered and sends out a harsh fault sound.

"Boss, the plane is going to crash!" Exclaimed the driver.

Lin Xiao frowned and immediately grabbed an umbrella bag and stuffed it to lie Yangzi, "brother Hua, can you use a parachute?"

"I, I won't..." lieyangzi was stunned.

Lin Xiao was stunned, quickly put on his parachute, pointed to the pull rope and said, "pull the rope immediately after jumping off the plane in a while..."


Lieyangzi didn't hear clearly, so he pulled the rope directly.

"Lying trough!"


As soon as the umbrella was opened, the strong wind blew away lieyangzi and his umbrella.

The moment the umbrella surface opened, the huge impact directly rushed Lin Xiao in the opposite direction.

The two men shot out from the two hatch doors.

"Ah!" Lieyangzi screamed. Although he was a great master, he had never experienced a parachute crash. Moreover, he was a little afraid of heights and immediately danced with fear.


The helicopter lost control and hit the mountain hundreds of meters.

The pilot parachuted directly to survive in an emergency, but the umbrella surface was scratched by the propeller, broke a big hole and fell rapidly to the ground.

Lin Xiao was in the most dangerous situation. After he was hit high into the air, he paused for a few seconds, and then quickly fell down.

At a height of hundreds of meters, falling straight down is only a dead end. At the critical moment, Lin Xiao took a deep breath, put his arms close to his body and hit it like a shell.


In the middle of the sky, fierce Yangzi was frightened to see this scene and shouted, "Lin Xiao!"

"It's over, Lin Xiao is going to fall to death." Lieyangzi wanted to direct the parachute to move towards the target, but the parachute didn't listen to his command, so he had to worry and stare.

Lin Xiao only heard the wind in his ears. He couldn't hear lieyangzi's cry at all. He didn't have time to manage lieyangzi. He kept his eyes on the driver's position.

The driver rolled over and over, but after all, he still had a broken umbrella to support and won't fall to death. However, for the time being, he can only spin in mid air and try to balance his body.


Lin Xiao was very fast. He caught up with the driver in just three seconds, took off his coat and covered the hole accurately.


The parachute decelerated abruptly and slowly recovered its stability.

Lin Xiao fixed his coat outside the broken hole and slid down the umbrella rope behind the driver.

"Boss, are you okay?" The driver was frightened. He was really afraid of Lin Xiao's accident just now.

Lin Xiao shook his head, pointed to a certain position of Ximu peak and shouted, "I'm fine! Fall over there."

"Good!" The pilot pulled the umbrella rope to change direction and flew towards the steepest north slope of Ximu peak.

Lieyangzi was miserable. He couldn't change his direction. Seeing that he was flying farther and farther, he shouted anxiously, "Lin Xiao! How do you get this umbrella?"


Lin Xiao had already landed on the ground. He looked up at the fiery Yangzi who was circling in the air and couldn't help laughing.

The frightened driver looked up and smiled.

Lieyangzi is really like a headless fly, turning around on their heads and flying under the peak.

"You contact Yanghui and ask him to send a helicopter to bring up lieyangzi." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "I'll go and have a look. What happened and why a strong magnetic field suddenly appeared."

"Yes! Boss!" The pilot flew away.

Lin Xiao turned his eyes and began to scan around the mountain.

The bumpy peak is about one kilometer across, and large and small boulders are scattered around, forming a strange and complex picture.

Obviously, there can be no laboratory on the surface of the peak. Except for the occasional strong wind, it is a lonely rock.

Unlike other main peaks in Kunlun Mountain, Ximu peak is covered with ice and snow all the year round. The only bad environment is the force 10 gale it often blows.

Today, I was lucky. The wind was probably less than force seven, which could not affect Lin Xiao's action.

"Where is the strong magnetic field?" Lin Xiao began to look for suspicious places on the peak.

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