Lin Xiao can be sure that there must have been no strong magnetic field here in the past. Unless there are qualitative changes in the mountains, there can be no natural strong magnetic field.

Then there is only one reason. The strong magnetic field is man-made.

In fact, it is not so complicated to arrange a strong magnetic field to affect helicopter flight. It only needs to place a magnetic separator for smelting and ore dressing, and then make a little transformation.

The magnetic force Lin Xiao felt just now was at least 2T or more, so the required machine must be very large, and it will not be difficult to find no matter where it is hidden.

Sure enough, Lin Xiao turned on the mountain for two or three minutes and saw a corner of the machine in the middle of a piece of gravel.

Buzzing, buzzing!

Lin Xiao was close, and the magnetic knife behind him was also affected and made a slight vibration.

"It seems to be here." Lin Xiao took out his magnetic knife and waved it down.


The powerful destructive power of the magnetic knife was beyond Lin Xiao's expectation. Not to mention the rocks covered on the machine, even the machine itself was broken by a knife.

The neat and smooth section shows the unparalleled sharpness of the magnetic knife.

In contrast, the magnetic knife has a visible tremor at the blade, but there is no damage at all.

"It's really a good knife." Lin Xiao touched the back of the knife with both fingers, felt its heaviness and tremor, and sighed heartily.

Lin Xiao took the knife and split the blocking rock in five, revealing a huge magnetic separator that is tall enough. The machine is also wound with a large number of copper wires and wire coils, and there is a generator inside.

"Magnetoelectric conversion..." Lin Xiao frowned, which was obviously the newly set thing. In this deserted place, who would be bored to put a strong magnetic machine on the mountain?

While Lin Xiao was meditating, a helicopter flew overhead. Without the influence of the strong magnetic machine, it fell steadily.

The ashen and embarrassed lieyangzi jumped out of the helicopter and greeted Lin Xiaogan with a smile, "Hey!"

"Brother Hua, are you afraid of heights?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"Er... A little bit." Lieyangzi pretended to be nothing and said.

Lin Xiao didn't point him out either. He continued, "I'm afraid our actions have been discovered."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Lieyang zikong has strength, but he is not very clear about some means of modern war.

"I guess Haijian was found. The other party was afraid of support, so he temporarily set a trap."

Lin Xiao simply explained a few words, which made lie Yangzi suddenly. He thought for a moment and said calmly, "since it has been found, it's easier to do, so you don't have to look around. It's estimated that the experimental test is on the West mother peak."

"It's not so easy to find the entrance. I've searched at the top of the mountain. It's almost impossible to have an entrance unless..."

"Do you know where it is?"

"I'm just guessing, but I need to take a risk." Before Lin Xiao and lie Yangzi came to the cliff, there was an abyss under his feet. Affected by the strong wind, he looked very terrible.

This is also the place where I jumped in the dark during the day.

Lieyangzi rubbed forward a few steps, completely afraid to look down, and said nervously, "brother Lin, the entrance you said won't be below here?"

"Of course not!" Lin Xiao smiled.

"Well, what are you bringing me here for? Go, go, go, I'm faint." Lieyangzi closed his eyes and shook his head. He was scared and sweating.

Lin Xiao was also surprised that the head of Wudang, a first-class expert in the Jianghu, was afraid of heights?

Feeling Lin Xiao looking at himself with strange eyes, strong Yangzi slowly opened his eyes and asked awkwardly, "where is the entrance?"

"Just above the cliff!" Lin Xiao confidently pointed to the vegetation with peaks on the cliff, "why did you jump from here when it was dark in the daytime? Because there are trees below. With his strength, he can use the buffer of trees to protect his life."

"But when they searched at the foot of the mountain, they did find a bloody body." Lieyangzi asked suspiciously, "what's going on?"

Lin Xiao smiled. "If it's really not dead during the day, there's only one possibility. Even if he had planned to be chased, he prepared a double in advance to get a clever golden cicada out of his shell."

Lin Xiao continued, "there must be a cave or an entrance to the escape point in the middle of the cliff. After the black golden cicada shelled during the day, they hid there and came out again when there was no danger. God didn't know it."

How could lieyangzi think of such a thing, "it's too cunning to be dark in the daytime."

"Hehe, so I guess the laboratory is down here. How about it? Dare not go down?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

Lieyangzi bit his teeth. "Shit! Since I'm here, how can I be a deserter? I have to go."

He walked hard to the cliff and stared down to relieve his fear of heights.

Fear of heights comes from the response of the cerebral cortex to the real world, which is not controlled by itself. Therefore, no matter how powerful lie Yangzi is, he can't resist the physiological response.

"Well, I'll give you a few needles, which can temporarily paralyze the nervous system, but it can only last for a few minutes. In these minutes, your reaction to your surroundings will be weakened." Lin Xiao said as he took out a needle, "just stay with me until you find the entrance."

"OK!" Strong Yangzi nods hard.

Lin Xiao quickly pricked him.

I just felt in a trance. Lieyangzi felt as if he was in the clouds. His reaction to the surroundings decreased a lot. He didn't feel dizzy at the foot of the mountain.

"Go!" Lin Xiao had fixed the rope and pulled lieyangzi to climb down the cliff.


They had just descended more than ten meters when a black poisonous snake rushed like lightning.

"Ah! Snake!" Strong Yangzi shouted with open teeth. His reaction was several beats slower than usual. He watched the poisonous snake spit out a letter and rush to his eyes, but he couldn't respond. He was stunned.


Lin Xiao punched the poisonous snake away, but found that more and more poisonous snakes swam out of the fallen bushes, and then frantically jumped on them.

Lieyangzi was dizzy and could only subconsciously resist the bite of the poisonous snake, while Lin Xiao untied the magnetic knife and cut up and down, and the scene was full of blood and flesh.


Lin Xiao accelerated his downward speed, and the poisonous snakes gradually decreased until he finally lost his movement.

"How close!" Lieyangzi finally recovered. At the moment, they stopped on a slightly raised small platform, looked at the dense vegetation in front of them and looked at each other.

"This should be the entrance." Lin Xiao looked up and down for a long time, carefully walked forward a few steps, stretched out a magnetic knife, cut off several twigs, and immediately locked a piece of weeds that looked like camouflage.

If you look at it with the naked eye, the camouflage in front of you is difficult to be found, but Lin Xiao still found the difference in the scene with experience.

"I'll come!" Just now, lieyangzi was protected by Lin Xiao. He felt very embarrassed. Now he wanted to play his role. He took out the big knife and slashed it forward.

When he wants to come, no matter what kind of entrance, this knife will reveal the truth.

Lin Xiao didn't have time to stop it. With a knife, lieyangzi cut into the grass in front of him.

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