After sending the information about the intruder through the wireless receiving device, the first subject's eyes flashed blue light, and then nodded silently.

"I see!"


No. 1 Experimental body was very fast. After pulling out the tube at the back of his head, he rushed to the exit, skillfully entered the password and left quietly.

"He, he is really obedient..."

"It's incredible that the application of nano robots has finally made a qualitative breakthrough."

"Great! The No. 1 Experimental body is at least as good as the gold warrior. With the help of the central CPU, his reaction power should be stronger."

"Yesterday's battle made him learn a lot of skills, but his memory module seems to have a problem and he forgot his goal?"

"After all, the nano robot is only an auxiliary input, and it is not a real robot. There will still be a 1% failure rate when the cerebral cortex is combined with the nano robot. It is normal to be stimulated and forget something."

The two talked excitedly. Although the experiment had defects, they were still full of confidence in the action of experiment body 1.

"I'll tell the boss that you keep an eye on the movement of No. 1 Experimental body and report any abnormalities immediately." The researchers outside said excitedly.

The two people in the experimental center nodded quickly and then turned their eyes to the monitoring screen with the same look of expectation.

On the negative floor of the laboratory, most of the space belongs to the warehouse area, and all kinds of experimental storage areas are complex.

At the moment, in the corner of a storage area, Gao Haijian leaned weakly against the corner of the wall, and his face shook faintly in the half light.

Gao Haijian has fought with the No. 1 Experimental body once. He managed to escape and hide in this place.

Nearby monitoring equipment and electronic detection instruments were damaged by him, so the enemy temporarily lost his trace.

But Gao Haijian's current state is not very good. His face is as white as paper.

"Shit! Who the hell is that? It's so abnormal." Gao Haijian gasped for a moment, took out Jinchuang medicine and sprayed it on his 7788 wounds.

Gao Haijian was found by Duan Muyi when he was tracking in the desert. He was seriously injured after the war.

Later, duanmuyi and Bai Long left on the plane to be picked up by the trial Council. Gao Haijian secretly hid under the cabin and followed.

Unfortunately, Gao Haijian lost all his equipment during the battle with duanmuyi, so he couldn't contact Lin Xiao.

The plane flew back to China and landed near Kunlun mountain. Gao Haijian followed it all the way to this laboratory.

After a fierce battle, Gao Haijian broke into the technology room and took the opportunity to send out the electronic map in the technology computer.

It's just that Gao Haijian really doesn't have time to send more messages, only for a short moment of forwarding the map.

Then Gao Haijian was chased all the way by No. 1 Experimental body.

Gao Haijian was chased away by No. 1 Experimental body for a whole day. From the experimental area on the first floor to the negative floor, he ran almost everywhere.

That is, the area of the negative layer is large enough, so Gao Haijian has time to hide.

According to Gao Haijian's estimation, the area of each floor of the laboratory can be tens of thousands of square meters, equivalent to a small town.

The total building area of three floors is no less than that of a city.

Such a large-scale laboratory, Gao Haijian, is unprecedented, even several times larger than the laboratory at the headquarters of the drug dragon temple.


Gao Haijian took a long breath and quietly hid in the corner thinking about the next countermeasures.

He didn't know what Lin Xiao would do when he received the news. It was too difficult to find this place just by relying on an electronic map. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, Gao Haijian doesn't hold much hope that Lin Xiao can provide timely support.

The effect of Jinchuang medicine is very good. The wound on Gao Hai Jian's body recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye, and scabs form ten minutes later.

After a few more minutes of rest, Gao Haijian slowly stood up and moved his body slightly. He felt that his physical ability had been restored.

He walked quietly to the door and listened. He found someone walking near or far away.

There were not many guards in the laboratory, only 30 or 40. Gao Haijian killed more than half of them, leaving only a dozen people.

It's unrealistic for more than a dozen people to search such a large space, so Gao Haijian doesn't worry about the guards.

He is most worried about the guy called experimental body one.

No. 1 Experimental body is obviously a human, but it has the visual sense of a robot, and its strength is too strong. It has been playing under the pressure of Gao Haijian.

Gao Haijian also had rich experience, so he fought and retreated and escaped.

He must now find a way to contact the outside world so that he can escape.

According to the current situation, Gao Haijian will be consumed and killed here by No. 1 Experimental body sooner or later.

The door was opened quietly. It was dark outside the doorway, and the sound of a generator engine echoed in the space.

There is no communication equipment on the ground floor, and there is little lighting. Only some important storage areas have electric lights.

However, this also provides convenience for Gao Haijian, making it easier for him to hide.

Pedal pedal

There are footsteps coming from the corner ahead. Listen to the sound of at least two people.

Gao Haijian hurried back.

"Shit, this mouse ran away for days without being caught. Is it too slippery?"

"The boss said that there is a great reward for catching mice. It is estimated that there is still a chance to go out for a few days. So the brothers tried their best to finish the task early."

"Hum! I don't believe he can hold on without eating for days and nights. I have a way..."

"What can I do?"

"Hey... I'll go to the kitchen and get some hot food. Let's find a place to pretend to eat. I don't believe he won't come out after smelling the rice."

"I'll go! Do you really think he's a mouse?"

"Hey! I didn't eat for three days in a row when I was fighting in the Amazon forest. I was hungry. Even if I saw a dead mouse, I would swallow it without hesitation. This boy will be fooled."

"That's OK."

"Let's go to the kitchen."

Five or six people turned a corner and walked towards the first floor.

Gao Haijian heard it clearly. When they said this, he really felt the rumbling sound in his stomach and felt a sense of hunger for no reason.

Even if Gao Haijian's strength is strong, he is just a mortal. People are iron and steel. They don't panic when they are hungry.

After several days of fighting and running away, plus no food, Gao Haijian felt really tired and his combat effectiveness was declining rapidly.

"Hey! If you want to lead me out, I'll do it." Gao Haijian pulled out a long sword and put it around his waist. With a sneer, he pushed the door open and slowly dived in the direction of the sound.

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