Sneaking all the way, Gao Haijian heard the footsteps of those people coming from the next floor. He subconsciously twitched his nose. Sure enough, he smelled an arresting smell of rice.

It's good that he can't smell the rice fragrance. After hearing this, Gao Haijian immediately recalled his strong hunger and made him swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Go! Let's go to warehouse 17. The terrain there is open. Once he shows his shape, he has no place to hide."

They walked in front with chicken leg set meal and a lot of food, and four heavily armed guards followed behind them, eyeing around.

Gao Haijian repressed his killing intention and stared at them silently. He didn't follow them until several people disappeared at the end of the channel.

He can't make much noise now, otherwise he will be unlucky if No. 1 Experimental body rushes out again.

Six guards came to warehouse 17, brought some broken boxes and put them outside the door. They swaggered the food on the boxes.

Chicken legs, braised meat, fried meat powder, sliced beef, a pot of eggs and hot rice. When you lift the pot, the smell of rice will come out. It's so tempting.

Let alone people who have been hungry for three days, even if they haven't eaten for a long time, they can't help swallowing when they see a lot of food.

Gao Haijian came when he smelled the smell. The smell of rice almost seemed to have the function of attracting souls, which made his eyes straight.

"Come on, let's eat slowly." The two sat down and smiled to sort the food.

Others scattered into the shadow of the corner of the warehouse and began to guard.

If Gao Haijian hadn't discovered their trick in advance, he would have been tempted to see this scene.

Once the shot is made, the four people scattered around will attack decisively and catch the turtle in a jar with Gao Haijian.

Looking at the incense they ate there, Gao Haijian kept swallowing, but he held back and began to look for the enemy hiding on all sides.

Now he has no long-range weapons and can only kill the enemy with a long sword, so he must move fast.

The nearest guard was only ten meters away, but the passage between them was too dark for the other party to see him.

After adjusting his breathing, Gao Haijian lifted the long sword upside down, bent down slowly like a cheetah ready to go, and locked his breath in the dark.


Gao Haijian rushed out like an arrow when the other party yawned.


The other party just blinked and found that he had a different head.

Gao Haijian pulled his body outward, turned the long sword into a sharp arrow and shot it out, instantly penetrating another person.

After a short pause, Gao Haijian pulled out the silencing pistol at the guard's waist and raised his hand with two shots.


The four people hidden in the dark died in less than two seconds.

The remaining two guys who were eating had reacted and were in a hurry to catch the gun, but Gao Haijian had already prepared and threw out the body in front of him.


The two people were knocked upside down, and Gao Haijian rushed forward in a short moment, his hands turned into sharp claws, fiercely grabbed their throats, pulled them gently and tore off the throat.



Several other guards fell to the ground at this time.

Gao Haijian didn't care about anything else. He immediately went back to the food, grabbed the chicken leg and beef, and wolfed them into his mouth.

He knew that these guards had no external communication equipment at all, so he didn't waste time looking for them.

After a gust of wind swept like leaves, all the food was eaten up.

Gao Haijian backed into the shadow with burping, checked the weapons and ammunition grabbed from the guard, and quickly put them back to his waist.

When he had enough to eat and drink, Gao Haijian felt energetic again. He had no place to use his strength.

Now in this state, he felt that he would not be afraid even if he met experimental body 1 again.

Maybe food gave him confidence and strength. Gao Haijian decided to take a risk to try. If he could find a communication device, he would be successful.

After a few minutes of rest, Gao Haijian took a sword in his left hand and a gun in his right hand and ran quickly towards the elevator on the first floor.

There are few guards in the whole laboratory, so Gao Haijian's action is almost unimpeded. He goes straight to the experimental area on the first floor and stands in front of an electronic door.

There is a face input system on the door, which is not fixed. People can't get in at all.

Gao Haijian frowned. He thought for a while and slowly retreated back.

Find the six corpses just now. Gao Haijian cut off one person's head with a sword and returned to the electronic door with his bloody head.

Lean your bloody head against the electronic eye, you hear the door drop, and then it opens.

Gao Haijian's eyes brightened, threw his dead head aside and flashed into the door with a gun.

There are laboratories on both sides. Many researchers are busy. No one notices Gao Haijian's sudden intrusion.

He squatted down and moved forward. At the same time, he kept watching the situation around him and closely observed the researchers who might come out.

After three days of fleeing, Gao Haijian basically found out the situation of these people. Only those scientific researchers dressed in white have the authority to contact the outside world.

Among the more than 100 scientific researchers, only three or four were dressed in white, and the rest were dressed in dark red anti-static clothes.

So it's not easy to wait for the three or four people in white. Gao Haijian knows it's a chance, but he has no better way.

The whole laboratory is very quiet. Gao Haijian tries to keep quiet and can't make any abnormal sound.

Gao Haijian can only bet that No. 1 Experimental body has not been dispatched, so he still has a chance.

"I heard that the No. 1 Experimental body is out again."

Just then, Gao Haijian heard a voice coming from his head. He quickly lowered his body and leaned close to the wall.

The two staff members leaned against the glass to chat. One continued, "the mouse hasn't been caught yet. The boss seems very unhappy."

"Hehe, I don't blame the boss for being unhappy. Do you remember the woman who came a few days ago?"

"Of course, the old woman, isn't she? She was so fierce that she scolded the boss as soon as she came in."

They were gloating and quietly lowered their voice. The younger continued, "I heard that our laboratory was actually funded by the old woman, and she brought about nanotechnology and biotechnology."

"True or false? No wonder the boss has to look at others' eyes. It turns out that this technology is owned by others."

"Who said no," sighed the other, "I don't blame the boss for being angry. I can't catch an intruder these days. I guess I've been scolded by the woman."

"The No. 1 Experimental body has made a new breakthrough. It must be no problem this time. As long as you find the trace of the intruder, you will never eat his good fruit."

"I hope so, so that we can get less scolding."

"Let's go and sort out that pile of medicinal materials. Maybe we can use it tomorrow."


The two drank tea and left together.

From their conversation, Gao Haijian mastered a lot of information. After deep thinking, he frowned deeply, "nanotechnology and biotechnology? Duanmu Yi was doing this many years ago?"

Didi didi!

Suddenly, there was an urgent alarm in the passage.

The sudden alarm surprised Gao Haijian.

Then he saw a dark figure rushing towards him.

Experimental body one.

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