Gao Haijian's pupils narrowed sharply and subconsciously raised his hand to shoot.


Since it was discovered by No. 1 Experimental body, Gao Haijian didn't need to continue to hide his shape. He turned back at the moment of shooting.

In addition to the No. 1 Experimental body, there are also duanmuyi and white dragon. If surrounded by them, Gao Haijian will almost die.

In addition, the boss mentioned by these people is more terrible. Gao Haijian faintly feels that the middle-aged man is no worse than duanmuyi.

When he first came in, the boss shot an arrow with a reverse bow. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly at that time, so he escaped.

But the arrow directly penetrated the iron gate, and its strength was incredible. It really frightened Gao Haijian at that time. If you were not careful, that arrow could kill him.

That's why Gao Haijian hid and dared not fight them head-on.


Gao Haijian tilted his head vigilantly to dodge.

A sharp arrow glanced past.

"It's white dragon!" Gao Haijian's heart beat faster and rushed desperately to the entrance of the negative layer.

Not only the No. 1 Experimental body, but also the white dragon.

Fortunately, Gao Haijian had a heart just now and stuck the electronic door with something, which gave him a chance to pull the door and escape.


As soon as Gao Haijian stepped into the door, No. 1 Experimental body chased in.


Experiment No. 1 was decent and expressionless, but his hand was unambiguous and suddenly slapped.

In a hurry, Gao Haijian turned back and spread his wrist and cut horizontally. The sword's awn was like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It was hard to chop on the forearm of No. 1 Experimental body.


The sword was so powerful that a deep cut was made in the arm of No. 1 Experimental body, and silver red blood gushed out quickly.

Gao Haijian was not happy. He knew that this sword could only block each other for a short time.

Experimental body 1 stopped and looked at the wound on his arm. In just a few seconds, an endless torrent of nano robots began to repair the wound.


Bai Long chased over the No. 1 Experimental body, pulled the long bow in his hand, and the finished three sharp arrows shot at the back of Gao Haijian.

"Look where you're going!" The white dragon smiled grimly.


Gao Haijian split the left and right arrows. At the same time, his head tilted slightly. He just bit the third arrow with his mouth, and then jumped more than ten meters away.

"Hey! Have some skills!" The white dragon pulled the bow and shot again like lightning.


The arrow locked Gao Haijian's dodging route in advance with the roaring wind.


Gao Haijian resisted with the horizontal sword again, but the strength of this arrow was very fierce, almost twice as strong as that just now.

Gao Haijian also used the same strength just now to resist, and suffered a loss at that time.

The sharp arrow went straight through his shoulder blade.


After shooting through the high sea sword, the arrow is deeply embedded in the wall.

"Er!" Gao Haijian trembled slightly, retreated quickly, increased his speed by 30% again, and rushed straight into the complex and staggered channel of the negative layer.

It's not that Gao Haijian can't do the white dragon in the front, but there is an experimental body No. 1 nearby threatening that he doesn't dare to fight. In addition, he has just eaten and is in the process of digestion. Even if his strength has just recovered, his nerve reaction is still a little slow.

Gao Haijian stumbled all the way. The wound on his shoulder was dripping blood. The faster he ran, the faster he lost blood. Moreover, he didn't have time to take medicine, so he had to run away quickly.

The speed of No. 1 Experimental body was faster. After the wound recovered, he directly crossed the white dragon and chased it like a gust of wind.

The terrain of the storage area is very complex. It is not so easy to find Gao Haijian, and he is locked by No. 1 Experimental body. It is not so easy to escape.

Lin Xiao and lie Yangzi got lost after they entered the passage.

They didn't expect that the cave passage was so complex that it was like entering the honeycomb maze, or the maze of the upper, middle and lower floors.

"It's hard to crack this maze. I can't get in for a few hours..." Lin Xiao frowned and thought, "maybe there are other convenient ways."

Lieyangzi didn't know anything about the maze. He took a heavy knife to chop around. He just splashed the earth and rock from the channel, but it didn't work.

"It's suffocated in here. How can you feel that it's not ventilated?" Lieyangzi panted with a big knife and said impatiently.

"This is what happens inside the mountain." Lin Xiao said as he turned on the lights and looked around.

"Brother Lin, do you think there's a convenient way to get in? You're right. You're selling off."

Lin Xiao smiled. "When I came in just now, I found something. There were footprints on the ground."

"Footprints?" Lieyangzi quickly looked at the ground.

If you walk normally, you will not leave footprints on the hard rock ground, but if you do it deliberately, it is not necessarily.

After careful observation, lieyangzi's eyes brightened, "eh? There are really footprints, this can't be..."

"Brother Hua, you are smart at last." Lin Xiao smiled.

"You boy..." lieyangzi was embarrassed. "Is this a compliment or a scold?"

Deliberately make footprints on the ground. Who else can it be except Gao Haijian?

It must be the trace left by Gao Haijian when he entered, just to guide the rescue workers.

"Let's go! The footprints extend all the time, indicating that Haijian has entered the laboratory." Lin Xiao stepped out first.

The cave was dark and damp, and the specially carved stones were like hell, and the cold wind and bloody smell kept drilling into his nose, which made lieyangzi very uncomfortable.

"Shit! What the hell are these guys doing with such a laboratory here?"

Lin Xiao shook his head. "I'm not sure. Those dead bodies outside have been dried for a long time, and there's no clue."

"It's definitely not a good thing. Otherwise, how can we experiment with people?" Burning Yangzi's anger surged, "these bastards, if I have a chance, I will give him a fire in the laboratory."


Suddenly Lin Xiao stopped, pressed tightly to the edge of the passage and said in a deep voice, "it seems that someone is coming."

"Oh?" Lieyangzi wanted to rush forward. Hearing Lin Xiao's words, he quickly withdrew back. With a wave of his big knife, he said in a deep voice, "just in time! I'll kill all these grandchildren. Let's rush in directly."

Lin Xiao grabbed lie Yangzi and said with a dry smile, "brother Hua, we're in the dark now. It's just convenient for us to move. Don't you go up and have a meal? Besides, what's the situation? It's not clear. It's not suitable to scare the snake."

"Well, listen to you!" As soon as lieyangzi shook his hair, he stuck it to the edge with a knife.

Footsteps came closer and closer, but not in front, but above.

When they came in, they found that this place was a honeycomb maze with channels up, down, left and right.

Lin Xiao followed Gao Haijian's deliberately left footsteps all the way. He was about to enter the laboratory area. The footsteps suddenly came. Nine times out of ten, their whereabouts were found.

But Lin Xiao was sure that the other party must only know that they had entered the cave, not necessarily the specific location.

If you sneak in while the enemy is moving, you will save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The electronic map sent by Gao Haijian has no peripheral route, only the route after entering the laboratory, so Lin Xiao can't make an action plan at present.

Pedal pedal

The sound of footsteps passed quickly over his head and headed back.

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