"Let's go. Those people will certainly search all the way back, and go in when they go back to the laboratory." Lin Xiao whispered.

"Yes!" Lieyangzi pretended to understand and nodded, "good!"

They slowly touched forward along the footprints left by Gao Haijian. Ten minutes later, they saw the light, and a small iron door appeared in front of them.

"It's not easy to open this door." Lin Xiao went to the door and scanned his eyes. There was no electronic fingerprint or portrait identification system. It was just mechanical locking.

The more ancient the mechanical lock, the more ugly it is. If you want to go in, you can only use brute force, but brute force will cause great movement.

"What now?" Strong Yangzi was a little impatient. He didn't even see a shadow all the way. He came to fight, but now he can't touch anyone. He feels his hands itchy.

"Wait!" Lin Xiao said quietly.

"Wait?" Lieyangzi didn't quite understand, "when? Can't you wait here?"

Lin Xiao shook his head and said with a smile, "it won't be long before they will search and let them open the door for us."

"Here, open the door for us? Will they open the door honestly?" Lieyangzi was stunned.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao smiled strangely.

Pull strong Yangzi to flash into the nearby channel, and swim to the top of the channel like a gecko, quietly lurking.

More than ten minutes later, footsteps appeared in the channel.

"There's no one outside and there's no one in other channels. Where have these two boys gone?"

"In short, be careful and see if there is anything at B101 entrance."

"We all have a good start. We have lost a lot of brothers these days. The boss is very angry. We can't make any more mistakes."

"I see!"

About six or seven people approached with guns, came to the door, made a tour around, and finally stood at the entrance.

"All searched, no one!"

"What about people? They can't evaporate?"

"What should I do now? Report to the boss?"

"Report a fart! If you don't catch it, you will be scolded. Go find it again."


Lin Xiao jumped down from the top, stopped behind several people and said with a smile, "are you looking for me?"


The gang thought it was a ghost. They jumped up and turned around with a gunshot.

Bang Bang

After the noise, there was not even a ghost in front of me.

Lin Xiao didn't know when he had come to them. In the dark environment, it was difficult for them to find someone.

"I'm here..." Lin Xiao smiled.

"Lying trough!"


Bang bang!

Lin Xiao knocked down the others with three fists and two feet and put the knife directly on the leader's neck.

The cold blade touched the skin of his neck, and the chilly touch made him shiver uncontrollably.

"No, don't be impulsive!" The team leader directly raised his hand and surrendered.

Lieyangzi also came out with a big knife and muttered, "it's so troublesome. I'd like to kill all the animals with one knife. These animals are definitely not good people to do this experiment."

The team leader trembled with fear and hurriedly said, "I, I'm a guard. I don't know what they do."

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I won't kill you, but you have to tell me some useful information, okay?"

"Understand... Ask, and I'll tell you everything I know."

Lin Xiao glanced at lie Yangzi and motioned him to tie up the others who had been knocked down and throw them aside.

The captain looked at Lin Xiao quietly and asked carefully, "you, what do you want to ask?"

"What is this place for?" Lin Xiao asked.

"One, a laboratory, doing some experiments on the human body, seems to have something to do with nanotechnology, and I heard about Biotechnology..." the team quickly said.

"Nanotechnology and biotechnology?" Lin Xiao's eyes widened slightly. Hearing the news, he did have some waves in his heart.

Nanotechnology is an advanced technology being studied all over the world. The concept of nano robot proposed by the United States has been applied to the field of medicine.

As for biotechnology, it is becoming more and more mature. There are typical application examples in major countries all over the world.

He just didn't expect that in such a secret place, someone was secretly studying, and it didn't seem to use the conventional method, and the process was full of blood and cruelty.

If this anti-human research method is exposed, it will certainly cause strong discomfort to the public.

That's why they choose such a place.

"Yes, I heard what they said..." the team leader said with a bitter smile, "they used living people to do experiments, because many people died."

Lin Xiao frowned, "did you come here a few days ago?"

"Yes, there is a man and a woman. They seem to be friends of the boss. By the way, there is another intruder..." the team leader realized something was wrong and thought that the two people would not come to save the 'mouse'?

As soon as Gao Haijian invaded, he was chased by all the laboratory. The boss gave him a code name called "mouse".

But the mouse was so cunning that he was still free after dealing with them for several days.

"Intruder? Where is he?" Lin Xiao shouted in a deep voice.

"I wish I knew. He's been running away and there's nothing I can do about him. Now the boss sent No. 1 Experimental body to hunt him down. I guess I should have succeeded by now." The team leader smiled and said truthfully.

"Experimental body No. 1..." Lin Xiao said with a thump in his heart, "what's that?"

The team leader hesitated for a few seconds and said thoughtfully, "it seems that he is the only successful research object? They implanted the nano robot into the experimenter, but most of the people who accepted the experiment died. Only experimental body 1 is still alive, well and powerful..."

Lin Xiao was a little frightened. Has the use of nano robots reached such a level?

If so, Duanmu is a little big according to this bureau.

Such a large laboratory has been built in Kunlun mountain to study the world's most cutting-edge and advanced scientific research projects. The most critical point is that the nano robot implantation system has also made her successful, which is of extraordinary significance.

"Have you ever seen an experimental body?" Lin Xiao raised the magnetic knife and asked in a deep voice.

"Small, be careful," the team leader screamed, "I haven't seen it, but I heard that the No. 1 Experimental body is very powerful, at least it has the level of a gold warrior, and there is a super CPU connected with a nano robot in his head, which can accurately calculate all kinds of data..."

"Open the door now!" Lin Xiao pushed the team leader.

He felt that Gao Haijian was in a very dangerous situation.

If the No. 1 Experimental body really has the physique of the golden warrior as the other party said, as well as the reaction and agility of the super warrior, Gao Haijian is by no means his opponent.

"Yes..." the team leader didn't dare to neglect. He trembled and opened the door with the key.


The iron door was so thick that the team leader took great pains to open it.

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