No. 1 Experimental body was not angry and said faintly, "human beings just like to look at the surface and don't understand the deep meaning. I think you have good strength. How about giving you a chance to be loyal to me?"

"You're killing me." Gao Haijian shook his long sword and made a light and crisp sound of the sword. He sneered, "don't talk nonsense. Today, only one of you and I can go out."

"Why, you are not my opponent!" In this closed space, No. 1 Experimental body seems to have lost the stupidity and rigidity in the laboratory, but it is much more flexible.

Gao Haijian frowned. He really didn't understand the other party's meaning. At the same time, the shoulder wound hasn't stopped bleeding. He thought he might as well have a meal with him, maybe he can delay the time.

Thinking of this, Gao Haijian took back the long sword and said in a cold voice, "are you a human or a ghost? Or are you just a failed experimental product?"

Experimental body 1 smiled, "I am a higher human being and the future of mankind. Do you understand? If you have to use a name to describe my existence, you can call me... God!"

"I bah!" Gao Haijian wanted to say a few words to delay time, but he was shocked by his sentence, "are you a God? I think you are a God... Are you sick? Is there too much chemical injection in your head and start talking nonsense?"

"Hehe, I know it's hard to understand, but it's a fact. I represent the ultimate evolution of mankind in the future. As long as you become my servant, you will be my first God servant and command the world in the future!" Experimental body No. 1 was talking.

Gao Haijian turned his eyes and sneered, "sorry, I don't like to be a divine stick. It seems that you are a monster created by Duanmu Yi's old witch. Monsters are not suitable to appear in the human world. Let me surpass you today."

"Duanmuyi?" No. 1 Experimental body Gu smiled strangely, his hands slowly behind his back, and stared at Gao Haijian seriously, "don't you really consider my suggestion? Be my God servant!"

"Ridiculous!" Gao Haijian didn't want to talk nonsense with him. If the nonsense went on, he felt that he was going to vomit, so the long sword shook slightly, and his right hand took out a gun and shot decisively.


No. 1 Experimental body turned slightly and avoided the bullet. With some regret, it shook its head and said, "human beings are really stupid animals."


Gao Haijian's shot is not expected to hit the other party. His real killing move is the long sword in his hand.

After a sword roared, Gao Haijian grew up and rushed to the No. 1 Experimental body like a swimming dragon, stabbing in front of the sword decisively and neatly.


No. 1 Experimental body lightning shot, his fingers clamped the tip of the sword, saw his wrist shake, cut off the sword body, and hit him with his right foot in front of his elbow.


Gao Haijian quickly threw away the pistol and slapped back. The huge impact made him withdraw uncontrollably more than ten meters away.

"Hum!" Gao Haijian frowned tightly. He only felt that his right hand was numb, and the whole arm felt short-term numbness.

The No. 1 Experimental body is stronger than a day ago, and its combat skills have been significantly improved.

He is learning according to Gao Haijian's combat skills and applies them flexibly in combat.

Thinking of this possibility, Gao Haijian couldn't help taking a cold breath.

If the No. 1 Experimental body can learn infinitely, his combat skills will draw on the strengths of others and become stronger all the time. Who else is his opponent under the same physical quality?

"Give you another chance." No. 1 Experimental body is as indifferent as ever, and its speech is clear and light without any fireworks. It is completely different from the state encountered in the laboratory.

Gao Hai Jian was as like as two peas. He would almost have suspected two identical bodies if they were not changed.

"Wishful thinking!" Gao Haijian readjusted his breath, clenched the long sword, slowly stretched out in front of him and pointed to the experimental body, "why don't you be my God servant and seal you a great God when my God comes to the world?"

"Stupid human!" No. 1 Experimental body touched the big bald head and said faintly, "in that case, you can only be purified, and disobedient humans can only be purified."

"Bah!" Gao Haijian made a preemptive attack and rushed at the No. 1 Experimental body.

The sword roared like a dragon. This sword is full of awe inspiring breath. Ordinary gold soldiers can only avoid its edge when they encounter this sword.

Even if it's just a broken sword, its power can't be underestimated.

In close combat, ice coolers are more effective than guns, and they kill every step. If you don't pay attention, you may judge life and death.


No. 1 Experimental body was obviously serious. He gently sideways flashed the long sword, and his right hand was raised rapidly, patting on the sword like a fly.


Gao Haijian knew that the No. 1 Experimental body was extremely powerful. He took off the strength on his wrist, shifted the sword by one foot, turned around and lifted it on the ground with the help of inertia.


Experimental body 1 retreated two steps and a blood mark was cut on its chin.

No. 1 touched his chin and said with a smile, "I haven't seen this move. I've been taught."

"You haven't seen much!" Gao Haijian sneered again and again, and the attack was more fierce. Each sword went straight to the throat or eyes of No. 1 Experimental body.

After several fights, Gao Haijian knew that the muscles and skin of No. 1 Experimental body would recover quickly by the nano robot after being damaged, so he had to aim at the key if he wanted to kill him.

For example, the eye, throat, heart and temple, which can be killed in one shot, are the weakness of No. 1 Experimental body.

No. 1 Experimental body seemed to be suppressed. It kept retreating and dodging, looking a little embarrassed.

But with the continuous attack of Gao Haijian, the reaction of No. 1 Experimental body became more and more agile, and it became easier and easier to resist his moves.

Five minutes later, the experimental body suddenly stopped and retreated, and fought back against Gao Haijian's murderous sword.

If someone sees this scene, they will certainly think that experimental body 1 is crazy. This is the rhythm of taking the initiative to die.

Seeing that the No. 1 Experimental body was about to be broken by Gao Haijian, he still didn't stop.

Gao Haijian was overjoyed. At first, he thought the experimental body had some conspiracy, but even the great master couldn't hide from him at this distance.

"Die!" Gao Haijian tried his best with three more points, and even stabbed with his sword in both hands.


As Gao Haijian expected, the sword penetrated through the chest and passed through the body of No. 1 Experimental body without any fancy.

However, before Gao Haijian was happy, he found that No. 1 Experimental body smiled strangely. He not only didn't have any pain, but calmly grabbed his long sword

After that, No. 1 Experimental body suddenly stretched out its hand and stuck Gao Haijian's neck.



Gao Haijian flew up and kicked his feet to the chest of No. 1 Experimental body, but was hit back by the huge anti shock force, and the hand of No. 1 Experimental body was still around his neck.

Bang bang!

Gao Haijian gave up the long sword and began to struggle. However, the strength of No. 1 Experimental body was too strong and directly pressed him to the ground.

"Go away!" Gao Haijian kept waving his fists. Each fist hit the head of No. 1 Experimental body heavily. After more than ten fists, Kan Kan got out of his control.

Gao Haijian rolled back out and looked at the No. 1 Experimental body in horror. He found that the other party was still smiling, as if he could not detect any pain penetrated by the sword.

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