
No. 1 Experimental body grabbed the handle of the sword with one hand and slowly pulled out the sword.

Only a small amount of silvery yellow blood was brought out by the sword body, and then the wound was repaired by a pile of silvery animals like mercury at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Come on!

No. 1 Experimental body threw away the long sword, shook its head, stretched out a bleeding red tongue, licked its lips, and said with a smile, "I can't kill. Don't be in vain. Submit."

"Bah!" Gao Haijian slowly stood up and stared at the No. 1 Experimental body very solemnly, "what kind of monster are you?"

"I said, I'm a senior human." No. 1 Experimental body seems to be tired of Gao Haijian's questioning, and his tone becomes stiff.

Gao Haijian's eyes flashed and suddenly said, "senior human? I bah! It's ridiculous. It's just a terrible monster made by people. It's also called human? You're a monster, monster, understand? You say you're a senior human. You're ridiculous."

"Shut up!" This is the first time that experimental body 1 spoke in an impolite tone.

"Why, I said the central thing?" Gao Haijian sneered, "I guess you are not only a monster made by man, but also a product of hybridization. I heard that the combination of nanotechnology and biotechnology requires a lot of people's gene sequences and DNA. In this way, aren't you a hybrid?"

"You want to die!" No. 1 Experimental body was angry. He was obviously hurt by Gao Haijian's words and said in a grim voice, "mole ants who overestimate their strength!"

Feeling that the mood of experimental body 1 fluctuated violently, Gao Haijian continued, "it's a little polite to say hybridization. Why don't you call it a hybrid? A hybrid like you deserves to be compared with humans? Ha ha..."

"Asshole! You're digging your own grave!" Experimental body No. 1 is furious. This time, he will certainly not continue to show mercy.

Gao Haijian is also waiting for this opportunity. If he wants to win the No. 1 Experimental body, he must lose his peace and calm. Anyway, the experimental body is still human. Human beings will have the opportunity as long as their emotions are out of control.


The speed of No. 1 Experimental body was indeed increased by a large section, and almost in the blink of an eye, he jumped in front of Gao Haijian. He bent his hands and claws, and grasped the face door of Gao Haijian with great momentum.

Gao Haijian didn't intend to confront him head-on. He withdrew directly and let the other party catch an empty hand.

Hoo Hoo!

No. 1 Experimental body kept attacking and pressing, and his hands almost turned into a phantom. Gao Haijian was suppressed one claw at a time.


Gao Haijian was still clawed when he retreated. At that time, he was bleeding. He also gave him a kick, but with little effect.

The No. 1 Experimental body has nano robots to repair the body, which is almost invincible.

As long as the number of nano robots is within the normal range, experimental body 1 is immortal.

Unless you hit him directly in the brain or heart, no matter how you hit him, you can't kill him.

Bang bang!

Gao Haijian was defeated and even a move was difficult to stop.

Once the No. 1 Experimental body is serious, the gap between the two will be completely displayed.


Under the continuous establishment of advantages, No. 1 Experimental body finally hit Gao Haijian with one punch.


Gao Haijian was hit into the corpse pile. He felt terrible pain all over his body. He struggled hard for a long time, but he still didn't break away the corpse.

"More than you can chew!" No. 1 Experimental body stepped fiercely towards Gao Haijian step by step.

Gao Haijian knew that the life and death crisis was at hand. Although he angered the other party and affected his mood, the strength gap was quite large. It was not so easy to take the opportunity to counter attack.

Gao Haijian, who pretended to be unconscious in the pile of corpses, did not move, and even deliberately held his breath. Now he can only hope to make a sneak attack while the other party is not paying attention.

Bang bang!

No. 1 Experimental body lifted up the body, and then dragged Gao Haijian out of the corpse mountain.

"Play dead with me?"

Unexpectedly, No. 1 Experimental body saw through Gao Haijian's plot and pinched his neck and carried it into the air.

"Er!" Gao Haijian stared angrily, flew up and kicked the chest position of No. 1 Experimental body, but no matter how hard he tried, the experimental body did not move.


No. 1 Experimental body resumed its joking appearance. A pair of eyes flashing blue light stared at Gao Haijian and said faintly, "in my eyes, you are a mole ant like figure, okay? You didn't grasp the opportunity..."

"I bah!" Gao Haijian shouted hoarsely, "you monster who is neither human nor ghost."

"Hum!" No. 1 Experimental body didn't seem to have the intention to kill Gao Haijian immediately. He directly threw away his arm and smashed people to the ground.


The ground was torn apart by Gao Haijian's body, and the ground quickly cracked out centered on his body.

Cha cha

No. 1 Experimental body stepped on his chest again.

With Gao Haijian's body as the center, the fine crack spread like a spider's web.

Gao Haijian felt as if he had been electrified, and his body was paralyzed in an instant. In his head, he felt countless noises ringing in his ears.

"Cough......" Gao Haijian stood up and stared at the No. 1 Experimental body, "kill me if you have seed."

"Kill you?" No. 1 experimental subject put his hands behind his back and looked at him contemptuously, "killing a mouse is nothing to show off. If this mouse can be my servant, I may make him the king of the rat kingdom in the future, don't you think?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about," said Gao Haijian with a spit of dirty blood and a sneer. "It's just a bastard..."

No. 1 Experimental body's face changed and suddenly roared, "shut up!"

Gao Haijian looked at him contemptuously. "Sure enough, is the bastard your identity? It's said to be painful? Hehe..."


No. 1 Experimental body flew up and kicked Gao Haijian out more than ten meters away.

Gao Haijian stood up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. "No matter how powerful you are, you are just a hybrid. Human beings made you, okay?"

"Die!" No. 1 Experimental body flew over, waved heavy fists and hit Gaohai sword, "I'm not made, I'm human evolution, evolution, understand?"

Bang bang!

One punch after another, Gao Haijian was staggering and dizzy. He insisted on holding on. He didn't want a bastard to knock himself down.


No. 1 Experimental body hit Gao Haijian with more than ten punches continuously, and his whole body was swollen and broken bones everywhere.

Ordinary people have long died from such a blow, but Gao Haijian still holds on.

No. 1 Experimental body didn't do its best with each punch. He was playing Gao Haijian like a mouse, making him feel pain and approaching death.


Probably tired of playing, No. 1 Experimental body returned to its original place, slowly picked up the broken sword, and then walked slowly towards Gao Haijian.

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