"Since you are so stubborn, I have to find another god servant!"

The No. 1 Experimental body raised its long sword high and was about to cut it down in a judge's posture.

Gao Haijian's heart almost stopped. Now he has almost no resistance. He even hopes to escape.

Am I going to die here?

At this moment, Ding Qiu suddenly flashed in Gao Haijian's mind.

The cold, arrogant and cruel Great Master seemed to be the last shadow in Gao Haijian's mind.

Death is not terrible.

What's terrible is that Gao Hai Jian still has some regrets in his heart


Suddenly, the door of the storeroom was violently kicked open.


Lin Xiao finally found Gao Haijian's position and tracked it all the way with his keen hearing and insight.

No. 1 Experimental body turned around in amazement. At the moment of seeing Lin Xiao, LAN mang flashed in his eyes and threw Gao Haijian directly. He said with a little excitement, "divine servant? This is the physique that a divine servant should have!"

Gao Haijian woke up with a start. He was also very surprised. He never thought Lin Xiao would kill him at this moment. He was surprised and worried about his stomach at the same time. "Boss! Be careful, this guy is weird. He's not human!"

"I am God!" No. 1 Experimental body raised its head high, regarded itself as a God in the world, and said proudly with a smile, "you are all my divine servants..."

Lin Xiaocai didn't talk nonsense with him. Seeing Gao Haijian's tragic appearance, he had long been angry and jumped up with a magnetic knife. "My God, your uncle!"


Dark mang was filled with infinite killing intention. When Lin Xiao chopped over with a knife, the No. 1 Experimental body still looked contemptuous. He laughed, "humble mole ants, it's up to you..."


However, Lin Xiao cut off half of the No. 1 Experimental body with a knife, and then kicked him off with a kick.

It was just a move, and Experiment 1 failed.

Experimental body 1 thinks that its strong physical defense ability is not worth mentioning like tofu under Lin Xiao's magnetic knife.

Rushed to Gao Haijian and looked at his injury carefully. Lin Xiao took a breath.

"Lie down and don't move. Why are you hurt so badly?" Lin Xiao urged.

Gao Haijian breathed a sigh of relief and said weakly, "that thing seems to be an experimental product of nanotechnology and biotechnology. It's very powerful. But... Where did you get this knife, boss?"

The knife just made Gao Haijian find it extraordinary.

"You still care about the knife? Care about your injury." Lin Xiao angrily took out Jinchuang medicine to spray him, and then began to give him acupuncture.

"Hiss... Gently, gently." Gao Haijian pretends to be relaxed. In fact, he knows how much the injury is.

At least more than 30 bones were broken, and internal bleeding could kill him. If Lin Xiao hadn't come in time, he wouldn't live for five minutes.

But Gao Haijian is really a tough guy. He can talk and laugh with Lin Xiao with such a heavy injury.

"Come a minute later and you'll be gone." Lin Xiao frowned and asked, "who is he?"

"People here call him No. 1 Experimental body, which can't die..." Gao Haijian inadvertently glanced at it and shouted in horror, "boss, be careful!"

I don't know when half of the body of No. 1 Experimental body seemed to have long legs, was brought back to the body by a silver like mercury torrent, and began to recover quickly.

Hiss, hiss

The No. 1 Experimental body stood up hard, and half of the body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye under the crazy repair of the nano robot.

Lin Xiao stared in surprise, "what the hell?"

He has heard of nanotechnology, and he has heard of nano robots entering the medical field, but this kind of nanotechnology has never been seen before.

"Boss! Kill him quickly. Maybe he will be stronger when he recovers." Gao Hai's sword heart cried with lingering palpitations.

Lin Xiao got up, rushed to the No. 1 Experimental body with a magnetic knife and swept across it mercilessly.


The head of No. 1 Experimental body went up to the sky, and then a stream of silver yellow blood gushed from his neck, which was as spectacular as a fountain.


Experimental body 1 fell to the ground.

If you cut off your head and don't die again, you'll really go to hell.

Wow, wow

Lin Xiao saw that the nano robot converging into a silver river ran out of the No. 1 experiment and swam away like a snake.

Lin Xiao intercepted quickly, but those nano robots were obviously organized and disciplined, cleverly avoided his interception, and all disappeared into the corpse mountain.

"Boss, did you kill it?" Gao Haijian staggered over and asked anxiously.

"The man died, but the nano robot in his body ran away." Lin Xiao said strangely.

Just now, those nano robots invisible to the naked eye gathered into a silver snake and ran away very spiritually.

Gao Haijian was uneasy. "Boss, how did you find here? Did you receive my electronic map?"

"It's a mistake." Lin Xiao nodded, held him and said, "go out first. She hasn't found duanmuyi yet. She won't let us leave so easily."


Lin Xiao took Gao Haijian to the first floor and heard a roar like a crazy lion.

"I burned your broken place with a fire."

Boom, boom!

Click, click!


There was a violent crash and scream

Gao Haijian was slightly stunned, "lieyangzi?"

"Hmm! This time, lieyangzi volunteered to save you. You owe him a favor." Lin Xiao smiled.

Gao Haijian quickly moves his eyes.

Lieyangzi crazily destroyed the first floor of the laboratory with a two meter long knife, but everything in front of him was brutally destroyed by him.

"This guy..." Gao Haijian jerked a few times from the corner of his eye, "it's not like the soft style of Wudang school at all."

Lin Xiao looked around warily and found that many scientific researchers were running for their lives. There was no shadow of white dragon or duanmuyi. When he heard the speech, he smiled, "just take him as an upgraded version of Wudang sect."

"Upgrade, upgrade?" Gao Haijian was confused.

"OK! Go to meet leader lie first, and then go to the main laboratory." Lin Xiao holds Gao Haijian and walks towards lie Yangzi.

Strong Yangzi had destroyed the past along the road and smashed more than a dozen laboratories. He was a little ahead. When he saw Lin Xiao appear, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Is your friend okay?"

"OK!" Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "where's the white dragon?"


"Shit! This bastard was saved by Duan Muyi. I almost killed the white dragon." Lieyangzi put the sword on the ground and angrily said, "duanmuyi's old women still wanted to sneak attack. I almost got caught."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao took a breath, "sneak attack on you? If you sneak attack with duanmuyi's strength..."

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