Lin Xiao didn't dare to say too clearly. If duanmuyi's strength was a sneak attack, lieyangzi would never be so relaxed as now.

"Cough! I know what you want to say. I'm also very strange. Duan Muyi seems to have been injured. The whole person's state is very strange, so she just made a symbolic sneak attack and escaped after saving the white dragon. I didn't react until later." Lieyangzi scratched his head in embarrassment, "let her run away."

"I wish brother Hua wasn't hurt." Lin Xiao comforted, "let's go to the monitoring room. Maybe we'll have a chance to block them."


The three came to the monitoring room all the way. The alarm sounded loudly on the road. Many researchers fled in all directions, and the whole laboratory was in disorder.

By retrieving the surveillance video, duanmuyi was found to have escaped with the injured Bai Long in the central elevator.

The guards of the whole laboratory were almost gone, leaving only some researchers without force, and Lin Xiao was not ready to embarrass them.

"Go to the main laboratory!" What Lin Xiao is curious about now is the content of the experiment made here.

The main laboratory was already empty, and the No. 1 Experimental body on the central silver platform was also killed in the No. 6 storage area, with only a few lonely pipes swinging in the air.

The computer hard disk has been formatted and can't find any useful information and intelligence.

The medicine dishes for culturing organisms were also damaged, and glass fragments were scattered all over the ground.

A silver metal box is probably the only thing intact, but the honeycomb like lattice inside is empty and has nothing to pay attention to.

"This thing should be the device for saving nano robots." Lin Xiao patted the silver box and said thoughtfully, "look at the three connections behind it. They should be the biological channels for transmitting nano robots."

"Boss! Duan Muyi has run away. What shall we do? Shall we send our brothers to catch him?"

Lin Xiao shook his head. "It's too late. Duanmu Yi must have a backhand. It's estimated that he has long hidden. We can't find her."

"What about the laboratory? I saw a lot of corpses on the negative floor. It's terrible..." Gao Hai Jianxin couldn't bear it. He wanted to bury those corpses.

Lin Xiao frowned and thought, "the key things have been transferred, and it's useless to keep this laboratory. Blow it up. Let those innocent people who die in peace rest in peace."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Lieyangzi most agreed with this idea and shouted, "it should be blown up. Keeping this hell like place will certainly be a disaster in the future."

"Yes!" Gao Haijian nodded silently, "those innocent people who died are too miserable. The old guy is too cruel in the dark of the day. Fortunately, he was killed by the boss, so that he won't continue to work for the evil world in the future."

The alarm is getting louder and louder. It seems that the laboratory is about to start the active defense system. It will be difficult for them to leave at that time.

"Let's go!" Lin Xiao picked Gao Haijian up on his back and said to lieyangzi, "brother Hua, I'll lead the way. After you break, go out as soon as possible."

"I see!" Lieyangzi crossed his broadsword like a mighty God of war.

After he died, Lin Xiao was relieved and rushed to the central elevator with Gao Haijian on his back.

A group of researchers were squeezing into the elevator when they saw Lin Xiao and others rushing over and running away in fear.

However, some brave people secretly took out guns to attack Lin Xiao and others.

They had long noticed that their unusual burning sun son swung a big knife and rushed at them.

"A bunch of grandsons! I'm waiting for you."


At that time, strong Yangzi killed five or six people with a knife, and the door of the stairwell was covered with blood and flesh. Such a violent picture scared others not to act rashly, squatting on the ground with their heads.


The elevator came. After the three entered, Lin Xiao hesitated and said to the trembling researchers outside, "I'll give you half an hour to evacuate. In half an hour, this place will be completely destroyed."

A group of people stared with big eyes and small eyes. They were already in a panic. When the elevator door closed, the crowd made a noise like a frying pan.

"Half an hour! What are you waiting for? Run away."

"Escape? Where? I've devoted my whole life here. My relatives and friends thought I was dead. Where can I go if I escape?"

"I won't go! The research results are the greatest ideal of my life. Since the ideal has been realized, why should I go?"

"OK! If you don't go, let's go, a bunch of fools. If you keep the green mountains, you won't be afraid of no firewood. Don't you want to see your research efforts shine in the world?"

"Everyone has his own ambition! Let's go!"

Dongfang Yanghui came to meet him. He told Lin Xiao that he didn't find anyone escaping.

This shows that duanmuyi and Bailong have other escape routes, which are very hidden. It's too late for them to catch up now.

After Lin Xiao and others withdrew, they left the researchers half an hour to escape.

Half an hour later, there was an earth shaking sound inside Ximu peak.

Even the summit collapsed under the influence of the violent explosion inside.

The former Ximu peak is no longer worthy of its name because it lacks half of its face.

"It's too hanging this time..."

Gao Haijian was lying in the intensive care hospital bed. After Lin Xiao treated him again, he said with a smile, "don't worry. It'll be all right after a month's rest."

"A month?" Gao Haijian struggled to sit up. "That will make me crazy."

"What's the hurry? When you have activities in the future," Lin Xiaobai glanced at him, "I've asked people to double the amount of super crystals. You just take advantage of this time. Maybe you will have a chance to become a super soldier in the future."

Gao Haijian's eyes lit up immediately. "Yes, yes, yes! I was almost killed by the No. 1 Experimental body this time. I must reach the top gold warrior as soon as possible. At least I can't be worse than leader lie."

The burning sun son sitting on one side looked at him lightly and said faintly, "are young people so arrogant now?"

"Hahaha..." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "brother Hua, Haijian is just kidding. How can we surpass you? You are the great master of Wulin."

"That's about the same..." lieyangzi turned his eyes. "By the way, how about letting your elite worship under our Wudang gate? I think it's feasible. First, it can improve their overall strength, and second, it can also expand our Wudang gate and kill two birds with one stone."

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I just wanted to. I will send them to Wudang Mountain for retreat in batches. Wudang Tai Chi is a rare counterattack skill. If you learn Tai Chi, you will be invincible in the battle at the same level."

"Great! I'll arrange it right away this time. How many people are you going to send at a time?" Lieyangzi cried excitedly.

"Fifty to one hundred! I've observed the scale of other Wudang academies. I'm afraid the learning efficiency is not high if there is more." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

"OK! That's it!" Strong Yangzi immediately decided the matter, "take the team over as soon as possible."

Lin Xiao was also eager to take people to Wudang Mountain for lieyangzi's personal guidance, which would greatly strengthen the elite combat effectiveness of Yaolong.


Dongfang Yanghui came in, smiled and said, "I have good news for you."

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