Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, turned back and asked, "what's the good news?"

"The magic eye grass you want has fallen!"

Dongfang Yanghui got two magic eye grasses from special channels. It is said that they were made from Tiangang district.

Recently, the red eyed king was beaten like a grandson. Not only one third of the territory in Tiangang district was robbed, but also many people were lost.

The whole Tiangang area has a vast territory and countless mineral veins and herbs, which is also the lifeblood of the red eye king.

In the past, the medicine dragon temple has been competing with the red eye king for this place, but the effect is not so great. It has been robbed for several years, only one fifth at most.

This time, a surge of Qi directly occupied one-third of the territory, which is definitely an epic victory of the medicine dragon temple.

And the two plants of magic eye grass were transported back from Tiangang district.


Lin Xiao is worried about the safety of the upcoming wedding. If someone comes to make trouble, he must be prepared. Maybe he is a great master.

At present, only "invincible" can stop the great master.

Lin Xiao doesn't want to have only one wedding in his life and be destroyed by those annoying guys.

"I've put things in the box. When the boss wants to take them, he can go to the equipment room to pick them up at any time." Dongfang Yanghui smiled.

Lin Xiao nodded immediately, "I'll take it right away. Then there's nothing here, so I'll go back first."

"Let's go. There are some research projects you need to see. It's not easy for you to come back once. It's harder this time." Dongfang Yanghui said.

Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly, "I'm just a shopkeeper. You have to bear everything. I'm really sorry..."

"Boss, will you be embarrassed?" Dongfang Yanghui pretended to stare in surprise, "it's not like your style."

The implication is that Lin Xiao has a thick skin.


After saving Gao Haijian, Lin Xiao finally relieved himself. He returned to Zhennan early the next morning with magic eye grass and lieyangzi.

Lin Xiao returned to Nanlong villa, met Nangong Jin and told him about going to Ximu peak, but he deliberately hid the news about duanmuyi.

Nangong Fuhu was not so stupid. He chased Lin Xiao and entered the study.

"Lin Xiao! Did you see Yi Yi?" Nangong Fuhu was obviously a little nervous.

Lin Xiao rubbed his temples and said with a wry smile, "it's a little hard to say. Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Nonsense! Of course! Why did she divorce me? Now the world has evaporated. You must have seen her, haven't you?"

Lin Xiao said with a wry smile, "divorce is just a piece of paper. Can you stop her if she wants to go? Just like decades ago, she didn't leave without saying a word? What can you do?"

"It's different this time!" Nangong Fuhu said stubbornly, "something must have happened to her."

"In fact..." Lin Xiao hesitated again and again, wondering whether he should tell the real situation of the laboratory.

If Nangong Fuhu knows what terrible things duanmuyi is doing, can he stand it?

Once the saint of heaven and earth courtyard, Duan Muyi, a famous doctor in the Wulin, and the martial god respected by all the people, even carried out inhuman terrorist experiments behind people's backs. Can Nangong Fuhu accept this kind of thing?

Lin Xiao could clearly see the tension and expectation in Nangong Fuhu's eyes.

"In fact, what is it? A woman's mother..."

Lin Xiao blinked. "In fact, duanmuyi is investigating something. Because it's very sensitive, she doesn't allow me to say it. As for the divorce with you, it's actually to avoid suspicion..."

"Avoid suspicion? Avoid what suspicion?" Nangong Fuhu was stunned.

"In a word, she will explain to you later. Now you don't want to affect her." Lin Xiao said with a dry smile, "by the way, I have something else to do. Let's go first."

"Ah?" Nangong Fuhu hasn't reacted yet. Lin Xiao has disappeared and runs faster than the rabbit.

In fact, Lin Xiao couldn't accept duanmuyi.

Lin Xiao thought Duanmu had something to do with heaven and earth court at best, but he didn't expect it to be more serious than this.

The thousands of corpses under the laboratory are a Book of blood and tears accusing Duan Muyi.

No matter whether the whole thing is initiated by duanmuyi or not, at least she has participated in it, maybe she is still the leader, which means that she knew it long ago.

Recalling the No. 1 Experimental body that could hardly be killed and the nano robot that "escaped", Lin Xiao always felt uneasy.


Lin Xiao just walked out of the villa and was concentrating on things. He didn't watch out for someone in front and directly bumped them out.


The figure screamed.

Lin Xiao quickly fixed his eyes and was stunned. "Zhao Qian, Sun Li? How is it you?"

"Ouch!" Zhao Qian and Sun Li fell and ate shit. He got up and said with a bitter smile, "Lord Lin! I almost killed myself. Ouch, Hello!"

"What are you doing here?" Lin Xiao frowned at him.

Zhao Qian and Sun Li used to work for Hu Niang. Although he didn't necessarily know the real identity of Hu Niang, there was always a stain in Lin Xiao's eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Jin asked me to come. She asked me to prepare some architectural drawings and said that she would send them immediately after she got them." Zhao Qian, Sun Li, rubbing his ass, walked over carefully and took out the drawings in his bag.

Zhao qiansun and Li have long been arranged by Lin Xiao to work in the company. With his past identity and ability as a private detective, it is very suitable for him to hand over some of the company's chores.

"What drawing?" Lin Xiao took it over and took a look. It was all about the engineering drawings of the buildings around the film and Television City, including catering, entertainment and medical facilities.

"All right! Go in and do a good job for me, you hear me?" Lin Xiao looked at him with warning eyes.

"Lord Lin, don't worry! I will work with 100% energy." Zhao qiansun and Li Gan laughed.

"Go!" Lin Xiao waved his hand.

Zhao Qian, Sun Li was relieved and hurriedly bowed his head and left.

Lin Xiao came directly to Zhonghai university with a magic eye grass.

Linglong was already waiting for him at the door and asked excitedly, "brother Lin, have you got something so soon?"

"I'm also lucky. I just received two strains. Try one first. If I can't say it again." Lin Xiao smiled.

The other one is going to be made into induction incense in case of need.

"Well, OK!" Linglong turned and walked towards the campus. She hesitated and asked, "Lin, brother Lin, I sent you a text message that night. See?"

"Yes, yes, I remember. I haven't asked you yet. Is there something wrong?"

"Oh! You, you got it?" Linglong smiled awkwardly, "nothing, just ask casually. By the way... Where's the magic eye grass? Let me see what quality it is."

"Here it is!" Lin Xiao took out a sandalwood box and handed it to Linglong.

After they entered the campus, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

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