The news that Linglong has made a famous boyfriend has spread on the campus as if she had long legs.

Linglong usually wears simple clothes and is low-key. Even if her study and some academic research are among the best in the school, she never shows off.

She doesn't like to associate with people because of mediocrity. Her appearance is absolutely not ugly, or even very beautiful. She belongs to the type of little bird depending on people, which will make men have a desire to protect.

And when Linglong speaks, she is also whispering. A pair of big water smart eyes always seem to be able to speak, showing cleverness and flexibility.

There are not many people pursuing Linglong, but she has never responded positively to even one.

So Linglong has a boyfriend, and the boyfriend is still a super celebrity. The news exploded directly at the school.

The students passing by quietly pointed at them, and the look in their eyes was not only complex, but also surprised and envious.

Linglong naturally didn't notice those strange eyes. All her thoughts were on the upcoming magic eye experiment.

"Brother Lin, this magic eye grass looks better than the last one." Linglong said in surprise, "the better the appearance, the greater the probability of our success."

"That's a good feeling. If you succeed, I'll give you a bonus of 10 million. How about it?" Lin Xiao said casually.

Linglong had a sudden tongue in her heart. Any reward was 10 million. It was not a local tyrant, but a divine tyrant.

"No, no, no, how can I ask for money to work for brother Lin? I'm willing."

The word "willing" made Linglong feel a little uncomfortable, but she blurted it out without thinking about it.

"Hehe, the reward should be. There are many places to rely on you in the future."

Linglong lowered her head and didn't speak, but her cheeks flew two red clouds.


Several male students came up. They were wearing sportswear and holding basketball in their hands. The first one was Jiang Hua who greeted her that day.

"Jiang Hua?" Linglong raised her head in surprise, "how is it you?"

I've never looked at the exquisite Jiang Hua. This is the second time to take the initiative to say hello.

Anyway, Jiang Hua is the prince charming in Linglong's heart once and even now.

As the captain of the school basketball team, he led the basketball team of Zhonghai University and won the championship of several national college basketball competitions.

This honor alone is enough to arouse the screams and admiration of countless little girls.

Let alone Jiang Hua, who is handsome, tall, elegant and excellent in character and learning.

As a man of the moment in the school, Jiang Hua has always been the king above.

Linglong was born in a humble family. Let alone her intersection with others, even if she said a word, she could be excited for a long time.

"What a coincidence." Jiang Hua smiled brightly, glanced at Lin Xiao and asked, "Linglong, is this your boyfriend?"

Linglong's face turned red and said awkwardly, "no, it's not..."

"Ha ha..." Jiang Hua obviously didn't hear Linglong's explanation. One hand turned the basketball, the other hand stretched out and said to Lin Xiao, "hello."

"Hello!" Lin Xiao smiled. He didn't know Jiang Hua's intention, so he didn't say much. He just looked at Linglong.

"Linglong, why don't you introduce your boyfriend to us?" The boy next to him said half jokingly and half seriously, "it's nothing. He doesn't recognize people?"

"Really not. Don't guess. Brother Lin and I are just friends." The more Linglong explained, the more confused he became, and the other party didn't mean to listen.

Jiang Hua smiled, "I heard that your boyfriend plays basketball very well. It's not easy to see him once. Why don't we play together?"

Lin Xiao was stunned and thought where did you hear that? When did I say basketball was very good?

"Ah?" Linglong was stunned for a long time. "Jianghua, brother Lin has something to do. How can I have time to play basketball with you."

"Hey, what can I do for you? Just let your boyfriend play with us and learn from us." Jiang Hua put the basketball on his finger and turned it like a top.

"I really can't play basketball!" Lin Xiao smiled, "let you down."

"Impossible? I heard you are the king of street football in your area. Don't be modest. Anyway, what's the big deal if we play together?" Jiang Hua doesn't know from which hearsay he insists that Lin Xiao can play basketball and wants to play with him.

Linglong doesn't quite understand Jiang Hua.

The last time Jiang Hua stopped Linglong, she asked her to find a chance to introduce her boyfriend.

Since then, Linglong felt that Jiang Hua's attitude towards her had changed.

Linglong never understood why Jiang Hua suddenly changed her attitude towards herself.

Until just now, she understood.

Jiang Hua seems to have some hostility to Lin Xiao, but the hostility is inexplicable.

Reasonably speaking, Linglong and Jianghua are not the same people at all, and there is no intersection. No matter what kind of boyfriend Linglong looks for, it has nothing to do with him.

But Linglong is sensitive. Jiang Hua's eyes vaguely contain his rejection of Lin Xiao.

It can be seen from the fact that Jiang Hua wants to find Lin Xiao to play basketball. He wants Lin Xiao to make a fool of himself.

Lin Xiao naturally saw it, but the other party was just a group of hairy children in their early twenties. There was no need to see things like them.

"I really can't!" Lin Xiao smiled and then pulled Linglong to go.

Jiang Hua dodged and stopped the two people's way. With a very modest tone, he asked slowly, "Mr. Lin, don't you dare, or won't you?"

"Hey, hey..."

"I don't think so?"

These boys don't know that the road is dangerous. They just heard that Lin Xiao is very arrogant and rich, but they don't know what he does, otherwise they won't come rashly.

"Jianghua, brother Lin said he couldn't play, but he really couldn't. what are you doing?" Linglong is a little angry.

Linglong's anger made Jiang Hua's eyes more gloomy.

Naturally, Jiang Hua didn't eat Lin Xiao's Vinegar because he liked Linglong, but his possessive desire in his heart.

Linglong is Jiang Hua's most powerful supporter in the school. No matter inside or outside the school, as long as there is a basketball game, Linglong will always be the one who will not be absent.

Every game, Linglong's cheers are the loudest voice on the field.

Once upon a time, Jiang Hua always regarded Linglong as her private goods and silently enjoyed her pursuit and worship.

But one day, Linglong didn't attend one of his important games for the first time.

That game was the most important event of Jianghua this semester. There were hundreds of thousands of fans, but the most distinctive Linglong was missing.

After the competition, Jiang Hua asked someone for information. At first, he thought Linglong was ill or for other reasons. Unexpectedly, he went out with Lin Xiao.

Jiang Hua, who has always regarded Linglong as a forbidden city, can't stand this.

Although he is gentle and seems harmless to people and animals, he actually wants to make Lin Xiao look ugly.

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