"Of course, I won't ask what herbs you get in there. It's a little secret of ah Jin. I respect her very much." A faint smile came from the corners of Lin Xiao's mouth.

Lin Xiao naturally knows that Nangong brocade has some herbs, such as the earth fire branch that once competed with him on the dark Internet, and the fine iron core that he asked Nangong brocade to keep.

However, Lin Xiao doesn't care about these things. He's only sure that Nangong Jin won't hurt him.

As for what Nangong Jin did with these herbs, since she didn't say, Lin Xiao wouldn't ask.

Linglong's heart plopped back when she mentioned her voice. Bei Chi bit her lips and said shyly, "brother Lin, it's not that I didn't tell you, but I promised sister Jin..."

"Hehe, I said I wouldn't bother. Just help her work. As for money, don't worry. I'll guarantee you enough." Lin Xiao pondered for a few seconds, "of course! You need a detailed description of money. You can't take it to help your brother like last time."

Linglong seemed to have done something wrong. She nodded quickly and said, "I see! I won't do it again."

"I believe you!"

Lin Xiao is also afraid that Linglong will make mistakes again and again for her brother's sake. She can't let Che Linghu develop the bad habit that no matter what happens, she thinks someone will tell the truth for him.

"Thank you..." Linglong nodded imperceptibly.

Lin Xiao was about to say something when he heard a loud noise in the next room.


The whole laboratory shook, as if there were an earthquake, and the tables, chairs and benches began to shake.


Lin Xiao quickly stabilized Linglong and stared warily at the wall. He found that some cracks on the wall were emerging quickly. Fortunately, those dense traces such as spider webs stopped soon.

Five seconds later, the whole building stopped shaking and everything was calm again.

But after the calm, the riots spread rapidly from floor to floor.

"What's going on?" Exquisite and startling.

Lin Xiao frowned, "there was an explosion next door."

"Explosion?" Linglong was obviously frightened by these two words and couldn't help asking, "brother Lin, is it really an explosion?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao whispered, "stay here and I'll have a look."

Linglong pulled Lin Xiao tightly, "I'll follow you!"

"All right!" Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry. Like dragging a thigh accessory, he carefully went out of the door and came to the next door.

Lin Xiao scanned his eyes. The door lock was dead. He was not damaged by the explosion, so he asked Linglong, "can you open it?"

"Yes!" Linglong is an excellent experimenter and naturally has the right to enter this laboratory. She enters her fingerprint and the access control opens.

Lin Xiao pinched the door handle and gently unscrewed it. As soon as he opened the door, a heat wave rushed towards him.

Lin Xiao pulled Linglong behind him and narrowed his eyes slightly. When he saw the indoor situation, he couldn't help taking a breath.

Almost everything in the eye was torn to pieces by the explosion, and a big hole was broken in the window across the street. Not far from the big hole, a petite figure in a blue skirt fell under a table.

"Someone was hurt." Lin Xiao rushed in quickly.

Linglong was stunned for a long time. She knew the skirt, and from her back, she also knew the female classmate. Although she was not sure, she ran over. When she was close, she couldn't help losing her voice, "is it really Xiaojia?"

Linglong and Xiaojia are not too familiar, and they are both learning bullies in their respective majors. Most of their usual communication is secretly competing.

Yesterday Xiaojia asked her to borrow money. Linglong was actually surprised, but she soon forgot about it.

Today, I met Xiaojia again. I didn't expect that she would be injured by the explosion. Linglong was very anxious. She didn't want anything to happen to Xiaojia.

Lin Xiao was already in treatment and said casually, "fortunately, there was a table in the way, otherwise she would be finished."

Even so, Xiaojia's injury is still not optimistic. The legs were almost bloody. The table blocked the upper body but not the lower body. Moreover, the injury was burned by the fire, and the skin was damaged in a large area. Even if it was saved, it was disfigured.

Fortunately, the fire was extinguished for some reason at the moment of ignition, which made Xiaojia escape.

"Brother Lin, she is my classmate. Please help her." Linglong cried in panic.

"Don't worry, she can't die!" Lin Xiao treated her quickly, and Xiao Jia's breath was recovering rapidly.

There was a rush of footsteps outside. Teachers and students on all floors who heard the explosion began to run here.

Soon, a group of teachers and students poured in.

Seeing this tragic scene in the laboratory, a group of teachers and students were also terrified. A middle-aged man like a professor lined up, swept the room vigilantly, and his eyes fell on the center of the explosion.

The explosion center was so terrible that I could hardly see what existed at that time, but as the manager of the laboratory and a chemistry professor, the teacher still saw some clues.

"What's going on?" The middle-aged Professor first looked at Linglong and wanted to ask about the scene.

Linglong shook her head nervously and said, "teacher Guan, we don't know. I was next door just now and came here when I heard the explosion."

Mr. Guan pulled off the scarf around his neck, wiped the sweat covered because the room was too hot, squatted on the ground and looked at the explosion center

After a while, teacher Guan frowned grimly, "this is... TNT? Who is doing such a dangerous thing in the laboratory?"

The students were stunned.

TNT is a special explosive with very powerful explosive power, and the configuration of this explosive is very complex. Even the top students in chemistry and physics will not try it easily.

There is probably only one person with this ability in the school except Professor Guan, Song Jia!

Professor Guan looked at the unconscious Song Jia and seemed to think of something. He asked in a deep voice, "Song Jia is alone in the laboratory?"

Linglong quickly nodded, "when I came in, Song Jia was injured. She was alone in the room."

Professor Guan nodded slightly, looked at Lin Xiao and asked Linglong, "who is he?"

"He is brother Lin, my friend." Linglong explained nervously.

"Oh!" Professor Guan didn't care. He didn't know Lin Xiao and didn't hear about him. Now all his thoughts are on the TNT explosion.

TNT will not appear in the laboratory out of thin air. It is inferred from the scene that only Song Jia has the ability to manufacture TNT. Professor Guan is just very strange. Why did Song Jia make TNT and cause an explosion?

"All right! Take her to the hospital." Lin Xiao stood up and said.

Some students have called an ambulance and called the police at the same time.

Professor Guan looked at Lin Xiao in surprise. He was very surprised that he saved Song Jia from serious injury in such a short time.

Seeing Song Jia breathing smoothly and vital signs becoming more and more obvious, Professor Guan and his classmates were also relieved.

"Thank you for your help." Professor Guan naturally wants to express his thanks on behalf of Song Jia.

Lin Xiao's face was not good-looking. He pointed to the explosion site and said, "this is a TNT bomb. Does your school not supervise this kind of thing?"

Professor Guan was stunned and thought that the other party's eyesight was poisonous enough. He found that the explosive was TNT.

Lin Xiao not only discovered TNT, but also made further inference.

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