"I'm afraid the school will give me an explanation about this." Lin Xiao continued to sink his voice.

"What, what do you say?" Professor Guan was stunned by Lin Xiao.

"Someone wants to harm me and Linglong. With such an obvious motive, doesn't the school give me an explanation?" Lin Xiao shouted in a deep voice, "come to headmaster Qi. I really want to have a good chat with him."

Professor Guan opened his mouth slightly, and his eyes were full of surprise and surprise. "Hurt you? You mean Song Jia did it on purpose?"

"Of course!" Lin Xiao pointed to the explosion site and said, "the explosion center is obviously close to the wall, and from the degree of damage to the wall, it was strongly impacted."

"Looking at Song Jia's position, she hid under the table. This behavior was obviously for precaution. She probably felt that hiding below would avoid the explosion."

"Unfortunately, she miscalculated the amount of TNT. The explosive did not destroy the wall and made a directional explosion. Instead, it was bounced back by the wall, causing serious damage to the room. At the same time, it also affected Song Jia himself."

"So, this is a premeditated terrorist event!"

Professor Guan hesitated, "but if she deliberately set up a bureau to detonate explosives, she can run out of the room. Why hide nearby?"

Lin Xiao sneered, "you also know that TNT is very stable. Only a special detonating method can make it explode. After all, the materials in the laboratory are limited. If you want to detonate, you can only use the existing things and need to launch it manually. She doesn't have time to escape."

Professor Guan frowned deeply and asked tentatively, "isn't it possible? Song Jia is also excellent in character and learning. How can she do such a thing? What's her purpose?"

"What's the purpose? I have to ask her myself when she wakes up." Lin Xiao glanced at the unconscious Song Jia. "Remember the police came and told them my analysis. Don't I have to say the next thing?"

"This..." Professor Guan wondered, "you can't assert that my students are engaged in terrorist acts because of your inference. I'll deal with it."

Lin Xiao nodded, "then you see what to do."

"Brother Lin, what should I do now? The walls are like this..." Linglong carefully pointed to the wall.

The wall here has been broken. It is estimated that it may fall down with a slight push, which will certainly affect the situation of the opposite laboratory.

Now the magic eye grass experiment is at a critical juncture. In case of damage, the loss will not only be the problem of money, but also very important experimental data.

"I'll think about it first and see if I can find a solution." Lin Xiao turned and walked out of the laboratory to the next door.

Linglong followed. As soon as she entered the door, she found that the vessel used to hold magic eye grass broke down because of the vibration just now, and the temperature was rising rapidly.

"No!" Linglong rushed over, hurriedly turned off all kinds of instruments and shouted, "there's a problem with this magic eye grass. What should I do, brother Lin?"

Because of the temperature imbalance, the magic eye grass did not survive according to the predetermined temperature. Now it withered, and the withering speed was very fast.

When the instrument failed, the analysis data of the growth of magic eye grass stopped, and a series of plans just made were announced to have failed.

Lin Xiao was very angry, but he couldn't find the point of anger. He thought it must have been premeditated, but how could a school student suddenly go crazy and build a bomb to destroy it?

Obviously, the bomb was made too rough, and even the explosion temperature was not well controlled. Otherwise, it would not only crack the wall, but directly overturn all the two laboratories.

There is also a doubt. If you really want to destroy the laboratory, you can find a time when there is no one and destroy it safely. Why do you choose this time?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao realized that the bomb might be aimed at him or Linglong.

Song Jia saw him and Linglong come to the laboratory. For some reason, Song Jia ran to the laboratory to stir up a local TNT

"Linglong, don't worry about magic eye grass. Anyway, my laboratory will be built right away. Let's rearrange it at that time." Lin Xiao saw tears in Linglong's eyes and knew that she loved her hard work, so he comforted her.

Linglong wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said weakly, "but it's a pity. The data link will be established immediately. It only takes three days. Now all the previous work is in vain..."

"It won't be in vain. I'm not experienced. Why are you crying?" Lin Xiao smiled and helped her wipe away the tears hanging on her cheeks. The conversation suddenly turned, "how's your relationship with Song Jia?"

"Song Jia?" Linglong sobbed a few times, recalled and said, "the relationship is general. She is a top student majoring in chemistry. Sometimes she will discuss some plant problems with me, but she seldom contacts them."

"Is there no contradiction?"

"No!" Linglong shook her head and said, "I was very low-key in school and never blushed with others. Although Song Jia was high-profile, she was also that kind of careless person."

"Well..." Lin Xiao pinched his chin and asked hesitantly, "then why does she suddenly want to harm us? If she is not against you, she is against me, but I don't know her at all."

"Lin, brother Lin, what explosives did Song Jia really make? How could she do such a thing?" Linglong asked eagerly, "can't you make a mistake?"

"It shouldn't be wrong!" Lin Xiao pondered, "have you found any abnormal behavior of Song Jia recently? This kind of thing can't happen for no reason. Think carefully."

Linglong blinked her big good-looking eyes, bit her lips and thought, and suddenly said, "was it unusual that Song Jia asked me to borrow money yesterday?"

"Borrow money? How much? Why borrow money from you? Didn't you say that the relationship is ordinary? Why would you borrow money from you?" Lin Xiao's bubble like questions confused Linglong.

"I also said, so I felt strange. Yesterday she looked very anxious and asked me to borrow 50000. How can I borrow her, and..." Linglong was stunned and then said, "she is not short of money. Why borrow money from me?"

Lin Xiao continued to ask, "are there any other abnormalities besides borrowing money?"

"No more." Linglong shook her head decisively and said in doubt, "she usually drives to school, Dresses fashionable and has a big hand. She shouldn't borrow money from me. What's the matter?"

"Well, tell me anything else about Song Jia. I'll find out."

"Brother Lin, what about the laboratory? Should the magic eye grass be preserved first?"

"I'll let someone deal with it. You go home first and don't go to school these days to prevent accidents."

"Ah?" Linglong lost her voice, "but it's important to have an academic discussion tomorrow..."

Lin Xiao said angrily, "is life important or academic discussion important? What if this song Jia comes for you? Maybe there is someone behind her, so this matter must be found out!"

"All right!" Seeing Lin Xiao getting angry, Linglong was startled and nodded carefully.

At this time, there was a noise in the corridor. It sounded that both the doctor and the police had arrived.

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