Lin Xiao walked out of the laboratory and just saw Song Jia carried away on a stretcher, while Professor Guan was reporting the situation to the police.

Seeing Lin Xiao coming out, Professor Guan pointed at him as if he had said something to the police officer.

The two policemen looked at each other, put away the records and came to Lin Xiao.

"Hello, please show me your ID card!" A policeman saluted politely.

Lin Xiao didn't take any ID card at ordinary times. He helplessly spread his hands and said, "I didn't take it!"

The two policemen looked at each other, stepped back vigilantly, and one of them touched his waist with his right hand. "Just now Professor Guan said, you said it. Someone deliberately did the explosion at the scene? How did you know?"

"Of course, it's based on the scene. You should be able to figure it out if you go back and ask the injured person." Lin Xiao smiled.

A man frowned, "you just look at it and know what happened at the scene? Who are you kidding? Are you hiding something from us?"

Another policeman became more vigilant. He had opened the holster clip and said in a deep voice, "take out the certificate!"

The on-site explosion destroyed the laboratory very seriously. The explosion at this level is already a terrorist act. The secrets that may be hidden behind it make them very nervous.

The police's intuition made them think Lin Xiao had a problem, so they were ready to take him back for questioning.

"I have no ID!" Lin Xiao answered truthfully.

"Then come back with us!"

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "why go back with you? I'm the victim. If the wall is blown down, it's me who gets hurt."

"I suspect you have something to do with the explosion, so come back with us." One of them is ready to drag Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao threw off the drag of the other party with his arm. "It's interesting that you don't ask the real criminal, but instead suspect me, the victim? Is it sick?"

"Who are you scolding? Hurry back with us!"

"Don't resist, do you hear me?"

They pointed to Lin Xiao's nose and shouted.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Just then, an impatient voice rang out from behind the crowd.

Then a young man with half long hair, a yellow leather jacket, a cigarette in his mouth and a broken beard came out.

"Team Zhou!" The two policemen quickly and honestly stood aside.

"Do you know who he is? What are you doing here? Take him back? What do you think? Is there something wrong with his head?" Zhou team stared at them angrily, "hurry to the hospital to guard Song Jia and tell me when you wake up."


They walked away in dismay. It was obvious that they were very afraid of the team this week.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. "Team Zhou? We don't seem to have met."

"Hey!" The Zhou team immediately changed a smiling face. "The two newcomers are not sensible. Don't blame them, Mr. Lin. it's normal that Mr. Lin hasn't seen me. I'm Zhou Changsheng of the South China block detachment. I saw you far away from the Corps last time."

"Really? I have no impression." Lin Xiao smiled.

"Hehe, it was the time when you came out of Wang's office and Liu Qi's body was moved away." Zhou Changsheng seemed to say it indifferently, but his eyes were filled with a trace of banter.

Lin Xiao was stunned and said thoughtfully, "I see."

"By the way, Mr. Lin, you were next door when the explosion happened, weren't you?" Zhou Changsheng handed over a cigarette.

Lin Xiao waved his hand and said he would not smoke.


"Aren't you hurt?" Zhou Changsheng asked quickly.

"It's all right! The wall hasn't fallen down! If the weight of the explosive is heavier, it won't be possible."

"Ouch! It's best not to be hurt. Otherwise, something so big will happen to me just before I take office. The boss will withdraw me immediately." Zhou Changsheng smiled.

"So you should take Wang Xianyi's seat?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

Zhou Changsheng took a cigarette and said with an indifferent smile, "they all serve the people. They just work in another place. It's Mr. Lin who has helped the police a lot. He will help his younger brother more in the future."

"Easy to say!" Lin Xiao looked at his watch. "I have to take a step in advance. Team Zhou is busy first."

"Come on, come on! You're busy. I'll let you know as soon as the case here comes to an end. Don't worry. Song Jia can't run away if he makes a mistake." Zhou Changsheng threw away his cigarette, patted his chest and promised.

"Thank you!" Lin Xiao smiled, turned back and whispered to Linglong, "let's go. I'll take you back first."


They walked out of the crowd and disappeared into the stairwell.

Zhou Changsheng lit another cigarette, bit it in his mouth and took a hard breath. His eyes stared at the direction Lin Xiao left for most of the day.

"Team Zhou, the on-site inspection is ready." A policeman came up and whispered.

Zhou Changsheng threw the cigarette butts on the ground and stamped them out. He said in a deep voice, "withdraw!"

After Lin Xiao sent Linglong back, according to the information provided to her by Linglong, he came to a single family villa on South China street.

This villa is Song Jia's private residence.

Her parents both do business abroad and leave her alone to go to school at home.

Song Jia's behavior today is very strange. She would rather risk her life than do something dangerous that she is not sure about herself. Unlike a student, she can think of it.

According to Linglong, Song Jia's family is very rich, and the family that can live in a single villa must be no worse.

In front of this single family villa, there are three floors up and down, an independent courtyard and garden, and the gate is still an electronic access control with automatic alarm function.

In such a family, Song Jia should be a proud white swan. Even if she can spend money again, she won't find an unfamiliar classmate to borrow a mere 50000 yuan.

This is only done when there is a very difficult problem or something you can't talk to your family.

Lin Xiao looked around and made sure that no one was paying attention, so he gently stretched out his hand by the wall and jumped into the yard.

When I came to the door, I was about to pry the lock to open the door, but suddenly I found the door open.

Gently push the door open, a pair of men's leather shoes lying disorderly at the door.

There is mud on the shoes, but they are not wiped clean. They are thrown at random in the local area, which is incompatible with the surrounding clean environment.

"Linglong said that Song Jia lived alone. How could she have men's shoes?" Lin Xiao frowned and walked in.

The living room is large, the overall color is brownish yellow, a rotating small wine table is on the side, and a wide and fine leather sofa is horizontal in the center.

The Y-shaped staircase is at the end of the living room and can go upstairs in two directions.

The room was so quiet that there was no sound at all.

Lin Xiao looked up warily at the Y-shaped stairs. As he walked forward, he was cold and his feet were soft.


A piece of the wooden floor was broken. Lin Xiao stepped on it impartially, and his heel sank deeply, making a harsh sound that broke the silent environment.

There was an immediate movement upstairs.

"Song Jia! You stinky watch is finally willing to come back? Where's the money? Have you got it back?"

A drunken man's voice came down from the second floor.

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