Lin Xiao looked up and didn't speak. Instead, he stepped over the broken wooden floor and walked upstairs.

The man has been swearing and shouting recklessly.

"Shit, where's my goods? Get me goods quickly. Go to school, what school? Can you make money for my goods?"

When he came to the second floor, the voice of shouting and scolding was louder. The other party seemed to feel that it was not fun to scold alone. He rushed out of the room directly, stumbling into the stairs with a wine bottle in his hand.

"You, why don't you talk? Pretend, pretend he's dumb?"


The drunken man wore half leg pants and a bath towel. His hair was like a madman. He didn't see who he was in front of him. He swung the wine bottle and smashed it.


Lin Xiao broke the wine bottle with his hand. As soon as he looked forward, he pinched the other party's neck and picked him up with cold eyes. "Who are you from Song Jia?"

Suddenly I heard a man's voice. The drunken man seemed to wake up. He reacted in an instant. The boss stared at him and was scared, "you, who are you?"


Lin Xiao slapped him in the face and made him more sober. He shouted in a deep voice, "are you awake now?"

The man covered his face and was stunned. Now he really woke up.

Lin Xiao threw him out and asked in a deep voice, "who are you Song Jia?"

"I, I'm her boyfriend." The man stepped back in horror, his bearded face full of questions, "you, who are you?"

Lin Xiaochao swept around and found no trace of anyone else. He directly came forward and pushed him into the bedroom and asked, "I ask you! Song Jia asked his classmates if it was for you to borrow money?"

"I, I..." the man couldn't say a complete word.

"I heard your nonsense just now. It seems that Song Jia helped you get money, didn't I?" Lin Xiao came closer and smelled a strange smell on the man. He couldn't help sneering, "no wonder he was a drug addict!"

Maybe he was stimulated by Lin Xiao. The man suddenly shook his body like a shiver, and his big nose ran out uncontrollably. He sucked it back hard, his eyes were frightened, and stammered, "brother, brother, which way did you go? Did Song Jia offend you? It's none of my business, it's really none of my business..."


Lin Xiao waved his hand, gave him a big mouth and said coldly, "you asked Song Jia to get money. Do you know she's in trouble today?"

"She, what did she do? It's none of my business..." the man seemed to be addicted. He plopped to the ground, rubbed his red neck desperately, cried and laughed, "brother, do you have any goods? Give me some, just a little, please."

Lin Xiao looked at him in disgust and kicked him away. "I have your uncle!"

"No, no, brother, are you from Dage? Dage has goods. He promised to give them to me. I asked Song Jia to take them. Why didn't she bring them back... You must be from Dage. I'll pay back the money I owe. I'll let Song Jia sell the watch and give you money."

The man has been incoherent. He can't control his addiction as soon as he comes. The heavenly king Lao Tzu won't recognize him when he comes. He looks at him and turns his eyes. Lin Xiao gently picks his toes on his chest.


The man spewed a mouthful of blood directly.

Although he sprayed blood, the man felt much better. He gradually became sober and looked at Lin Xiao in panic. "Brother, are you from brother Da? If so, take out the goods quickly..."

Lin Xiao stepped forward and stepped on his chest, "who is this dagger you said? Where is he?"

"You, you're not from DAGO?" The man was stunned. He quickly asked, "what's the matter with Song Jia?"

"Let me ask you something. Where's DAGO? You've been taking goods from him, haven't you?"

"Goods? What goods? I don't understand what you're talking about?" The man changed his attitude in the blink of an eye, began to sophistry, and was thinking about resisting.

There was a knife under the side tea table, and the man kept glancing at it.

"If you tell me where DAGO is, maybe I'll get some goods from him for you." Lin Xiao squatted down and said with a smile.

The man's addiction came up again. He kept scratching his neck, swallowed saliva, and looked at Lin Xiao, "really, really?"

"Of course!" Lin Xiao smiled.

The man hesitated, but his head was in a mess and he couldn't think independently. Now he just wanted to take a good breath. He couldn't care so much about other things and blurted out, "Brother Da is in Tianxiang bath center. Please, brother, help me get some goods back. I, I'll give you money, and I'll ask Song Jia to give you money. If you like Song Jia, how about having her accompany you all night? She listens to me very much, she..."


Lin Xiao was so disgusted with his face that he knocked out his front teeth with one punch.



The man rolled over his mouth and knocked over the tea table.

Lin Xiao went over to pick him up and asked again.

Suddenly, the man suddenly turned around, holding the sharp knife from under the tea table, and stabbed Lin Xiao fiercely into his chest.


Lin Xiao just subconsciously blocked it with his hand. The sharp knife turned the blade and stabbed into the man's heart in an instant.

The man's body was stiff at that time.

He was stabbed into his heart by a knife. Even if Lin Xiao wanted to save him, it was too late. What's more, he's not ready to save it.

This kind of garbage will pollute the land when it dies. Naturally, there is no need to save him.

When Lin Xiao came out of the villa, a strange number called.

"Hello! I'm Lin Xiao!"

The other party's voice was very loud and said carelessly, "Mr. Lin, I'm Xiao Zhou, Zhou Changsheng."

"Captain Zhou?" Lin Xiao wondered how he could call himself.

"I'll tell you about Song Jia. She just woke up."

"Report to me?" Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing. "I'm not your leader. What did you report to me? What did she say?"

"She said she was doing an experiment, and an explosion happened accidentally. I was about to continue to ask. She fainted. The doctor was rescuing, and it should be all right. But the doctor also said that it would not be a short time to wake up."

Zhou Changsheng seemed to be trying to get close to Lin Xiao and continued, "don't worry! I'll take good care of her. If she was instructed by someone, I'll let Mr. Lin know at the first time."

Lin Xiao was very puzzled. Zhou Changsheng suddenly appeared inexplicably and was so enthusiastic about himself. Would there be a problem?

No matter how courteous he is, he will steal. Lin Xiao is not so naive. He thinks everyone in the world will bow to him.

At least this circumference, there is a special thing in his eyes, but it certainly doesn't mean to please.

"Thank you, Captain Zhou!"

"Ouch! You're welcome. Mr. Lin helped the police a lot in the past. I'm counting on your strong help in the future." Zhou Changsheng smiled.

"All right! Let me know if you have any news."

When Lin Xiao was about to hang up, Zhou Changsheng coughed, "what, Mr. Lin, wait a minute, did you go to Song Jia's house?"

"How do you know?" Lin Xiao frowned.

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