"That's my guess," Zhou Changsheng said quickly. "Oh! Don't get me wrong, Mr. Lin. I'm not spying on you. I'm just worried that you're in danger. How dare a little girl Song Jia when something so big happened today? I guess there's someone behind her. You're willing to check it, aren't you?"

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment and said in a cold voice, "you'd better participate less in my business. Moreover, we don't know so well."

"Hey, yes, I just care about Mr. Lin. be careful, I'll hang up first!"

Zhou Changsheng stood in the courtyard of the General Administration, holding the appointment notice in his hand, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Zhou Ju! You're here..."

Dozens of police officers stepped out of the Bureau and lined up to welcome Zhou Changsheng.

Today is the first day that Zhou Changsheng took over Wang Xianyi's post. He just looked at the explosion.

"Don't make such useless pomp," Zhou Changsheng's expression became serious. "In the future, we need your help to improve the case solving rate in Zhennan. In addition, is the captain of the first team here? Come with me."


A capable policeman came out and quickly walked in behind Zhou Changsheng.

The other vice bureaux didn't seem to look very well. They thought that this young Zhou Changsheng would talk about work when he came? It's too unkind.

Lin Xiao stared at the phone number and thought for a while. He felt that Zhou Changsheng was strange, as if there was something in his words.

"What the hell? Captain of South China Street detachment? Why haven't you heard of such a person before?"

Lin Xiao didn't think much. He just wanted to solve Song Jia's problem as soon as possible and see who was behind it.

Song Jia obviously came for Lin Xiao and Linglong, but the plan was in a hurry and the explosives didn't play their due role.

According to Lin Xiao's guess, Song Jia probably went to DAGO for the drug addict's boyfriend, but he had no money, and then he was used.

So, this DAGO may be behind the scenes.

But in Zhennan, the social elder brother who dares to fight Lin Xiao now doesn't exist

Unless this DAGO is new or has other confidence.

No matter what reason, Lin Xiao could not let others calculate himself behind his back.

South China street is not a street, but the corners are very complex. Tianxiang bath center is not a big bath center, but today there is a luxury car parked at the door, more than two million Maserati.

People who can drive two million Maseratis are either rich or expensive. They don't look like people who can take a bath in such a small place.

Lin Xiao looked at Maserati and walked into Tianxiang bath center.

It is said to be a bath center. In fact, there are only two bathhouses for men and women, with a total of more than 20 shower heads and three or four bath masters.

The doorway reception place is only a fat woman, knocking at the melon seed and shaking her voice, laughing tiktok, listening to the old wives.

The fat woman didn't notice Lin Xiao coming in and took care of herself until Lin Xiao knocked on the table.

"I'm looking for..."

"Take a bath? Go over there and change your shoes." The fat woman threw up a piece of melon seeds and pointed to the counter opposite.

Lin Xiao looked back. An old man was lying in a chair with a towel on his chest. Behind him was the place to change slippers.

"I don't take a bath, I'm looking for someone!"

The fat woman didn't lift her eyelids and said with an obscene smile, "looking for a girl? Turn left 50 meters into the opposite alley, and say fat Ya introduced it. It's cheap for you."

"I......" Lin Xiao's face turned black and said directly, "I'm looking for brother da. Is he there?"

Referring to the word "Da Ge", let alone a fat woman, the old man straightened up slowly and stared at Lin Xiao with vigilance.

The two big men also lifted the curtain from the inside and came out. They held their hands on their chest and stared at Lin Xiao like a thief.

Obviously, these two big men should not be the people in the bath center. They are very formal and bulging at the waist.

"What are you looking for DAGO for?" The fat woman put down her cell phone and asked very vigilantly.

"Take the goods!" Lin Xiao learned from Song Jia's boyfriend and said, "it's urgent."

"Roll... Roll..." the fat woman's rude eyebrows stood up. "What nonsense? Go to the grocery store and run to my bath center. What's wrong? It's annoying. Get out quickly."

The fat woman was not polite at all. She even came out of the counter and pushed Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao Wensi didn't move and said with a smile, "what's the boss nervous about? I'm just looking for brother Da to get the goods."

"Boy! The landlady told you to get out." A big man came slowly and stared down at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao looked up and seemed to be frightened by the other party's tall and powerful body. He said exaggeratedly, "what a big one. What did you eat to grow up so tall? Is it shit?"

The man didn't understand at first. When he reacted, his face turned blue and purple and roared, "you want to die!"


Another big man rushed over, and they raised their hands and patted Lin Xiao like flies at the same time.


The fat woman closed her eyes. She didn't want to see the terrible picture of Lin Xiao being shot dead. But when she opened her eyes carefully, she found that the two big men were stacked with each other and trampled under Lin Xiao's feet.

"Landlady, where's DAGO?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

The fat woman sat down with her legs soft and straight, and raised her arms blankly to point to the bathroom.

Lin Xiao walked away.

The fat woman said weakly, "women's bathhouse!"

Women's bathhouse?

Lin Xiaomai took back his legs. "Is brother Da male or female?"

"Woman!" The fat woman was a little crazy. She thought you didn't even know whether brother Da was male or female, so you came to pick up the goods?

Lin Xiao blinked. "Since it's a woman, why is it called Da ge..."

"Because her real name is DAGO." The fat woman looked at Lin Xiao in surprise.

"My God..." Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry. He turned into the bathhouse and went directly to the women's bathhouse.

Different from the last time I broke into the women's bathhouse, there was no one in the bathhouse. I could only see a giant sitting in the fog in the middle of the pool.

Lin Xiao looked at Dingqing and was immediately frightened.


A fat woman with a weight of about 500 Jin slowly stood up and turned around to look at Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao almost threw up. He quickly closed his eyes and asked, "are you brother Da?"

"What a handsome young man." DAGO grinned. Her voice was like a drum. It didn't have the characteristics of a woman.

"I ask you!" Lin Xiao didn't want to stay here too long. "Do you know Song Jia?"


DAGO walked out of the pool step by step. With a height of two meters and her fat body like a mountain, DAGO has a visual impact than sumo wrestlers.

The key is that she is a woman and has no clothes. You can imagine how deterrent that picture is

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