Lin Xiao only staggered forward and stopped.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao wore Titan armor. This blow didn't do much damage to him.

"Take him down!" Chueh Ming was overjoyed when he saw that he had the upper hand, and immediately ordered his disciples to speed up the attack frequency.

Lin Xiao's eyes were getting colder and said loudly, "you forced me!"


Lin Xiaofei quickly chopped a knife and directly cut off the weapon that stabbed the chest first. At the same time, he made rapid progress. The magnetic knife in his hand was like a spinning top. There was only a white color in the eyes of everyone.


However, all the weapons that came into contact with the magnetic knife were cut off, and several Shaolin disciples couldn't escape, even their arms were cut off.


Screams came and went.

"Die!" Chueh Ming was so angry that he smashed Lin Xiao wildly with a demon subduing pestle in his hands.



As soon as Lin Xiao collected the area, he split the demon subduing pestle in two and sent the blade forward at the moment when he was stunned. Seeing that Jueming's head was about to be cut off, the other party suddenly seemed to be pushed hard and suddenly stepped back.


Jueming is still in shock and sweating.

If consciousness had not acted at the critical moment, I'm afraid he would have separated his head and body.

"Benefactor Lin Xiao is so cruel that he wants to kill martial nephew Jueming." Consciousness said coldly.

Lin Xiao's magnetic knife pointed to the ground, the blood slowly slipped down from the blade, and the black knife body glittered with chilling light.

"You little pig Bajie beat the rake upside down. It's Jue Ming who wants to kill me? I'm just protecting myself!"

Consciousness sighed lightly, "benefactor Lin Xiao, why are you so stubborn? In the end, everyone must break up unhappily..."

"Stop pretending. I want to rob others and talk about a lot of excuses and reasons. I really learned the shamelessness of Buddhist disciples." Lin Xiao retreated slowly, bent his knees and squatted forward. He tilted the magnetic knife in front of his chest and was ready for battle.

Since he was facing the great master, Lin Xiao didn't intend to retreat.

"In that case, Lao Na had to offend..."


Before the sound of consciousness fell, Lin Xiao jumped in front of him. Lin Xiao was startled by the speed as fast as a ghost.


Lin Xiao raised his knife to stop the other party's attack. His conscious fist had hit the back of the knife, and even someone with a knife knocked him out.


Lin Xiao rowed on the ground for tens of meters before he could stop. The tiger's mouth grasping the knife had burst.


In the blink of an eye, the awakened rabbit came to Lin Xiao and stretched out a big hand like a PU fan to press down from the sky.

Cold eyes are like deep pools.

"The Buddha shines!"

This palm is not fancy. It is to make the enemy bow to the head with strong power and abnormal speed. It is also a forthright attack technique of Buddhism.

It's a pity that this kind of open and close palming technique has the meaning of gloomy sneak attack when it comes out of consciousness, and it has lost its majestic righteousness.


Lin Xiao raised his knife to resist and was slapped to the ground again.


Lin Xiao turned over, held the magnetic knife upside down in his hand, rolled on the spot and cut to the knee of consciousness.


Consciousness bent his knees and hit Lin Xiao hard on his wrist. The magnetic knife was also hit and flew high into the air, and then inserted straight into the ground.



Consciousness's leg was very heavy. When he kicked Lin Xiao in the ribs, he heard a slight sound of bone fracture.



Due to the huge impact, Lin Xiao rolled dozens of circles underground and flew out for about 20 meters.


The blow was so heavy that Lin Xiao opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Benefactor Lin, why resist? Can't we talk calmly?" Consciousness sighed and walked slowly towards Lin Xiao.

"I didn't want to kill them all. I just wanted to get back what belongs to Shaolin. Why should I be stubborn, benefactor Lin?" The tone of consciousness was flat, as if he was the last person, and Lin Xiao was angry.

"Old bald donkey, you shameless little man. You just killed people and goods in the desert and framed me. Now you're still pretending to rob what I got? Do you want to be shameless?" Lin Xiaoqiang stood up, covered his chest and staggered back.

"Killing people in the desert is a last resort. But now, how can I rob your things?" Consciousness called a Buddha and said faintly.

"Hey! So you completely admit the killing in the desert?" Lin Xiao suddenly smiled strangely.

Consciousness was stunned and smiled casually, "whatever you say, give me what I want right away. For the sake of master jianwuji, I'll spare your life. Of course, in order to avoid trouble, I'll waste your martial arts and be an ordinary person in the future."

"Have the face to say such a high sounding reason? Bah!" Lin Xiao spit out his saliva and blood together and sneered, "I've been looking for the murderer in the Aragon desert. Today, I finally got the result. It's also an account for the eight sects."

Consciousness stopped slowly and said faintly, "you still have a minute."

"What if I don't give it to you?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"Lao Na's patience is limited!"

In the distance, the fighting between the police and the killer is getting weaker and weaker. The fighting will soon stop. At that time, the police will certainly search.

Realizing that he didn't want to wait, he strode towards Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao smiled strangely and suddenly grabbed a pill and crushed it between his fingers.

An unpleasant smell spread in all directions.

Realizing that Lin Xiao was poisoning, he sneered, "the great master's constitution is not soaked in hundreds of poisons. Don't you know, benefactor Lin Xiao?"

"I know!" Lin Xiao pretended to be innocent and shook his head, "but this thing, it's not poison..."

"Hmm? What's that?" He asked subconsciously.

"You'll know right away." Lin Xiao quickly took out Xiao Dan and swallowed it.

Consciousness realized that it was not good, but he felt that with his own strength, no one was his opponent unless Wuji came personally.

And jianwuji has gone overseas. This is the fact that conscious disciples saw it with their own eyes. Otherwise, conscious would not dare to go to the south of town to find Lin Xiao's trouble.

"Mystify!" Consciousness sneered, "you faking devil, I see how you escaped today!"


Consciousness suddenly accelerated, bent his hands into claws and grabbed Lin Xiao.


Suddenly, an earth shaking roar rang from the hillside.

Consciousness was frightened by this roar. At that time, he stopped and looked back unimaginably.

I saw a bald man in a black suit and dark sunglasses flying like a black whirlwind, blinking and killing in front of consciousness.

"You are..." consciousness didn't know the big man in black, but the other party's vast power made him deeply feel unmatched.


"Invincible" smashed consciousness with one punch.

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