Bang bang!

Consciousness hit dozens of somersaults on the ground and paralyzed like a broken sack.

"Martial uncle!" Chueh Ming was so surprised that he ran and jumped over.

Bang bang!


The "unbeaten" rabbit rose and fell, rushed directly to Jue Ming and broke his neck with one hand.

Other Shaolin disciples were stunned. They didn't know where they came from. They abolished the great master with one move and crushed a golden warrior with one claw. Is he still human?

Invincible is certainly not a person, it is a puppet, the real supreme.

"Cough, cough..." consciousness struggled to stand up, the fear in the pupil was undisguised, and lost his voice, "supreme puppet? Have you found a way to control it?"

After eating xiaohuandan, Lin Xiao recovered a lot and quickly connected the broken ribs. At the moment, he has recovered most of his strength. He sneered at the speech, "you can only blame your bad luck. He just charged it yesterday and just tried it today."

"Charge, charge?" His face was dull.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao doesn't bother to explain that charging means making induced incense. Although a magic eye grass can only make induced incense for two hours, it is enough to use it at the critical moment.

Lin Xiao walked up to the seriously injured awakened master and sneered, "awakened, you are a great master, but you are so mean and shameless. Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'll give you to the eight sects and let them decide your life and death."


Lin Xiao didn't give consciousness a chance to speak. He raised his hand and knocked him unconscious.

"Roar!" Unbeaten roared and scared other Shaolin disciples to flee.

Zhou Changsheng quickly turned over from the ground, ran to control Wang Wei, and dragged him to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao looked at him.

"Lin Xiao! I'll take Wang Wei away. Don't worry, I'll bring Wang Lun to justice." Zhou Changsheng's eyes were a little complicated. He looked at unbeaten with lingering fear, as if he wanted to ask something, but finally swallowed his words.

Lin Xiao looked at Wang Wei. The latter was frightened and shrank a step back. He didn't dare to look at Lin Xiao.

"Wang Lun is a thief. I should have killed him directly... But today I give Zhou bureau a face and Wang Wei will give it to you." Lin Xiao didn't know what he thought, and said very generously.

In front of the Public Security Bureau, Zhou Changsheng kept saying that he wanted to kill people. Zhou Changsheng was also very embarrassed and could only smile at one of his fans.

Wang Wei is the principal criminal of Zhou Changsheng's first major case since he took office, and Wang Wei has a bigger goal behind him - Wang Lun.

What Wang Lun did secretly was even more explosive. When Zhou Changsheng was the leader of the branch, he had a lot of inside information and had to wait for the fish to catch the net.

If Wang Wei let Lin Xiao kill him today, Zhou Changsheng would have nothing to do. More than three years of efforts would be in vain.

But fortunately, Lin Xiao gave him this face and let Zhou Changsheng breathe a sigh of relief.

"Also," Lin Xiao said solemnly, looking at Zhou Changsheng, "that's the same sentence. Don't play with me, let alone track, monitor or use me!"

"Yes..." Zhou Changsheng quickly agreed, "how dare I do these things? Mr. Lin must have misunderstood."

"All right!" Lin Xiao grabbed consciousness, "I have something to go first."

Zhou Changsheng nodded quickly, "OK! Mr. Lin, go slowly!"

Lin Xiao walked away with unbeaten with a half dead consciousness. They were going to cross the hill directly and prepare to leave from the west gate of the ancient city.

Zhou Changsheng got in touch with his brothers. This time, he returned with a big victory. He not only killed Xiaolin and a gang of villains, but also caught Wang Wei, a big fish.

"Zhou Ju! This is a big victory."

The police officers gathered in the middle of nanhuai temple, looking very excited.

Although the police suffered some injuries, it was a huge victory compared with the results achieved.

"Don't be complacent. There's another Wang Lun falling net," Zhou Changsheng said in a deep voice. "Have the injured brothers been sent to hospital?"

"It has been picked up by an ambulance, twelve injured and zero dead." A policeman said excitedly.

The reason why he was excited was that in such a large-scale battle, it was the greatest luck that no police officers died on duty.


Zhou Changsheng walked down the mountain with Wang Wei, "close the team!"

When Wang Wei was halfway there, he suddenly whispered, "Zhou bureau! That Lin Xiao is very arrogant. Didn't you find out?"

"Shut up!" Zhou Changsheng pinched his neck, "what do you want to say?"

"I mean, Lin Xiao is at the height of the sun in the south of the town and has robbed the limelight of the Zhou Bureau. Don't you want to suppress his arrogance when your new official takes office?" Wang Wei is not reconciled to this job.

Zhou Changsheng asked with a smile, "Oh? So you have a way to suppress his anger?"

"Of course." Wang Weishen said mysteriously, "in fact, he also has weaknesses. His weakness is his wife, Nangong Jin..."


Zhou Changsheng directly slapped him in the face and said with a sneer, "you can't protect yourself from shameless things. Are you still thinking about others? Dogs can't change eating shit. First think about how you can protect your life."

Wang Wei was furious when he was beaten, but he was in prison and had no choice but to bear it.

"I tell you Wang Wei, when you go back and shake out all the things about Wang Lun, you will be guilty and meritorious, otherwise you will wait for the execution ground." Zhou Changsheng swaggered Wang Wei into the prison car.

Lin Xiao recaptured consciousness and immediately informed lieyangzi to call eight sects and announce to his face that consciousness was the culprit who killed the three leaders.

At noon the next day, more than a dozen representatives of the newly established quanpai company came to Nanlong villa.

Now, these people have great respect for Lin Xiao, not to mention hearing that today's main purpose is to announce the murderer, so Enron and Huashan lingchong of Baguamen also came one after another.

Enron and lingchong once promised that as long as they found the murderer, they would join the whole company and unreservedly support Lin Xiao all their life.

The whole company has no gossip gate and Huashan. In fact, it has little impact. Everyone should make money and reputation.

But why have the eight sects been mentioned at the same time since ancient times? This "eight" character represents a very deep meaning, which has been accumulated through countless precipitation.

The lack of a few of the eight sects will not only make the whole school company look less perfect, but also leave huge hidden dangers for future development.

So Lin Xiao actually cares about the meaning of Baguamen and Huashan. This time, he can be lucky to find the murderer, which can finally make the matter perfect.

The grand master and Abbot of Shaolin realized that he had become Lin Xiao's prisoner and knelt down in the center of the hall. This scene surprised everyone present.

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