"The murderer is the master of consciousness..." lieyangzi sighed deeply.

Abbess Chuanjing's eyes were complicated. She wanted to go over and ask clearly, but she gave up the idea after seeing Lin Xiao's gloomy eyes.

"Lin Xiao, the relevant procedures of quanpai company have been completed. Where do you choose the company address?" As the CEO, nun Chuan Jing has something important to decide, but she hopes to get Lin Xiao's instructions.

In fact, nun Chuanjing, the CEO, is just to stabilize the morale of the army. Lin Xiao's professional team really runs the company. They will operate many things secretly.

Lin Xiao thought, "Wang Lun's Wang Group building is very good. It will soon become my industry. At that time, it will be the company address of the whole school."

"Well! Good!" Abbess Chuanjing opened the topic, turned the conversation along with the good atmosphere, and asked, "awakening is really a murderer?"

"He recognized it himself!" Lin Xiao said faintly.

"Oh!" Abbess Chuanjing sighed secretly.


Ling Chong glared at consciousness and slapped him on the table. "Consciousness! You are a despicable and shameless man who secretly attacked and killed my master in vain. Has your Shaolin fallen to this?"

Consciousness bowed its head and turned a deaf ear to lingchong's words.


"Hum!" Enron, who spoke crisply, drew his sword directly and went to consciousness in anger.

He put the sword around the neck of consciousness and smiled with frost, "why do you want to kill and beg?"

"Amitabha! Goodness, goodness!" Consciousness lowered his eyes and said faintly, "life and death are just passing clouds. Why bother, little benefactor?"

"Bah! Then why don't you die?" Enron shouted, "I'll kill you today!"

Enron's sword will stab down.


Lin Xiao flexed his fingers and flicked, and a coin flew the sword in Enron's hand.

"What are you doing?" Enron's Apricot eyes stared.

"It's easy to kill him, but I think there may be some problems..."

"What do you mean?" Enron bit his lips tightly.

Lin Xiao said thoughtfully, "I've been thinking about a question since just now. What kind of person was I before I realized it?"

Lieyangzi has the right to speak, "master consciousness was once a respected Shaolin master. He has exquisite Buddhism and profound skills. He is one of the people I admire most in my life, but I never expected..."


Lin Xiao clapped his hands, "yes! I know Master Jue Hui. He used to be a great monk. Why did he suddenly become a sinister, vicious and murderous villain?"

Abbess Chuanjing said with sympathy, "a person's character may indeed change greatly when experiencing ups and downs, but with the Dharma practice of the awakened master, no matter what changes, why does it change so strange?"

"Lin Xiao, what do you want to say?" Lieyangzi knew that Lin Xiao would not aim at nothing. He must have thought of something.

Lin Xiao looked at lie Yangzi and said with a smile, "it's nothing. I proposed to imprison consciousness first. If I kill him like this, I'm afraid it will cause Shaolin to rebound. Shaolin, as a great power, can't be ignored, and our whole company can't lose Shaolin in the future."

"No!" Begged Enron softly, "he killed my father. I must avenge him."

"Maybe... The master of Enlightenment has to suffer." Lin Xiao smiled.

"Hardship?" Begged Enron coldly, "do you want to kill if you have difficulties? Then I also have difficulties now. I have to kill consciousness. Do you agree?"

"You little girl..." lieyangzi shook his beard. "Since Lin Xiao said there was a problem here, there must be a problem. What do you know?"

Qiu Enron glanced at lie Yangzi and said, "what's the problem? You're afraid of offending Shaolin. I'm not afraid. I'll bear all the consequences!"

"Enron!" Ling rushed to the front and whispered, "here are all senior experts. Don't rush like that."

"Ling Chong! Are you still not a man? Your master was also killed. Do you want to let go of your enemy?"

"I'm not going to let go of my enemy! If I'm sure that consciousness killed Shifu, I'll take revenge on him, but..."

"But what? Consciousness has admitted it. What else can be sophisticated?" Begged Enron to stamp his foot hard and said coldly, "Ling Chong! You always look indecisive. I really misunderstood you."

"Enron, no, I..."

"Hum!" Please run to pick up your sword, turn around and go outside.

"This little girl is more stubborn than his father's temper." Strong Yangzi shook his head and sighed.

Abbess Chuanjing advised, "she's also a relative. She's just passed away. She's in a bad mood. She'll figure it out."


Abbess Chuanjing stared at Lin Xiao, "brother Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Xiao pinched his chin, stared at consciousness and said for a moment, "I carefully analyzed the experience of consciousness. It seems that he has always been a respected Master before the great master, but he has become perverse after his strength has improved. Why?"

The burning sun son said with a buzzing voice, "with the improvement of strength, people will naturally float. If I were a great master, I will also float!"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and automatically ignored lie Yangzi's view.

Abbess Chuanjing pondered for a moment and said meaningfully, "brother Lin, you mean the madman..."

"I'm just guessing. I always think the leader of the eight pole sect is crazy. I think he's very mysterious." Lin Xiao said faintly.

"Eh? I think it's strange for you to say that," lieyangzi put down his tea cup. "Master awakening has been in seclusion since he came back from the madman's practice a few years ago, but he punished a Shaolin disciple and killed him alive during the seclusion."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was surprised, "killed?"

"Yes! This matter is very secret, and several people know it." Lieyangzi said in a deep voice, "I went to find enlightenment because of this, but he refused me on the grounds of physical discomfort."

"It's strange," Lin Xiao gasped. "Realizing that Buddhism is profound, has insight into people's hearts and is a Buddhist power, how can he kill his disciples for nothing? Even if he makes a big mistake, he shouldn't take death as a warning?"

Abbess Chuanjing said in a deep voice, "and since she is a Buddhist disciple, how can she have anything to do with the trial Council? And became one of the five judges, which is even more incredible. “

"It's strange, it's strange..." strong Yangzi shook his head and said.

"In short, this matter is strange and can't be easily concluded, so I decided to imprison consciousness for the time being, and maybe I can find out some truth sometime." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

"I agree!" Strong Yangzi shook his head and sighed, "I don't want to die like this."

"I'll mediate with Shaolin about this. I'm sure those masters will understand." Abbess Chuan Jing nodded.

Lieyangzi immediately waved his hand, "I'll go with you."

Lin Xiao got up slowly. "I have sealed 48 acupoints of consciousness with a silver needle. He can't exert his strength now. Let's send him back to Shaolin to guard."

"Send it back to Shaolin?" Lieyangzi was stunned and thought, isn't that sending the tiger back to the mountain?

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