Abbess Chuanjing brightened her eyes and said, "this skill is wonderful! First, it can give Shaolin a great face; the two can also test whether there are problems in Shaolin; third, maybe under the influence of Buddhism, it can make the conscious master think about something."

Lieyangzi scratched his head, "what's so complicated? I don't seem to understand..."

"You don't have to understand. Just send him back." Lin Xiao said unhappily.

"Oh!" Lieyangzi nodded like a child.

Abbess Chuanjing looked at Li Yangzi and smiled helplessly. She immediately got up and said in a deep voice, "it's not too late. Let's start now!"

"I'll send you a helicopter." Lin Xiao smiled.

"Well, I'm leaving now?" Lieyangzi didn't finish a cup of tea. "This tea is good to drink..."

"I'll give you a bucket!" Lin Xiao's eyes twitched violently.

"That feeling is good." Lieyangzi grinned.

Other leaders and principals also stood up and left one after another. Today, it has little to do with them, but as shareholders of the whole company, it is necessary for everyone to sit down and discuss things together.

When all the guests were gone, Lin Xiao stared vaguely at the empty seat left for the madman and said to himself, "what kind of person is a madman? Pretending to be crazy and stupid? Or mysterious?"

Beeping bell

Lin Xiao's cell phone rang.

Linglong called.

The cell phone is very noisy. It sounds like a lot of people's voices.

"Brother Lin, the time is coming. Why don't you come?" The exquisite silver bell sound was very clear in the noise.

Lin Xiao patted his forehead, "yes, yes, I forgot. I'll be there right away!"

Lin Xiao promised to spend one hour a day training the Zhonghai university basketball team. Today, Jiang Hua and they are still waiting for him.

I drove to the basketball court of Zhonghai University. Unexpectedly, more than 100 people came to the scene. Except for the twenty people on the basketball team, 80% of the others are beautiful girls.

Only a small part of these female students came for Jiang Hua and other players, and the others came to see Lin Xiao.

Yesterday, Lin Xiao had a great power. A fierce slam dunk operation has attracted a large number of female fans.

As soon as Lin Xiao came to the scene, the scene almost got out of control, like welcoming a big basketball star.

"Brother Lin!" Linglong ran over with a red face, "why did you come here? Everyone is in a hurry."

Lin Xiao smiled. "Something's delayed. Why are so many people? This is training, not performance."

"They're coming. I can't help it. I don't know who spread the news that you're going to be a coach. These guys are like flower maniacs. They all followed." Linglong is also very helpless.

Lin Xiao lost his smile and came to Jiang Hua and other team members with Linglong.

Jiang Hua led the players of the basketball team to form a neat queue and stood on the playground very seriously, waiting for Lin Xiao's instructions.

"My training is actually very simple, strengthening physical fitness and cooperation. Your cooperation is very problematic. It is not enough to highlight the abilities of Jiang Hua and Xiao Hu. In less than two months, if you want to fight against the Americans with strong physical quality, only tacit understanding and unprotected cooperation can be possible..."

"This is the same as the principle of war. If you want to win a war, you must have a perfect plan and rigorous marching arrangement."

Jiang Hua hesitated. "Coach, what are you going to do?"

Lin Xiao smiled. "Since you let me train, you should listen to my arrangement and run a hundred laps around the basketball court first!"

The crowd was stunned and ran a hundred laps first?

Now that Lin Xiao said it, everyone would have no objection. They all entered the warm-up session with enthusiasm.

The fans watching nearby were disappointed when they saw that there was no competition or performance.

At this time, someone came in from the peripheral crowd and walked towards the basketball court with great strides.

"What is this? How can I come here without training?" A symmetrical, tall middle-aged man frowned deeply and cheered the basketball players impolitely.

Jiang Hua was stunned and winked at team member Xiao Hu.

Xiao Hu came out with an embarrassed expression, "teacher Qian, I, we're training."

"Training? Have you finished the task assigned to you today? Half an hour of dribbling should be made into a video and sent to the group. Who asked you to come here for training?"

Xiao Hu pointed to Lin Xiao and whispered, "Jiang Hua invited an expert to be a coach."

"Nonsense!" Teacher Qian frowned more tightly and said impolitely, "the College League is coming soon. If you don't make good use of your time for systematic training, what wild coach do you go outside to find? If he can do it, will the school invite me?"

Xiao Hu didn't know what to say and kept looking at Jiang Hua.

After all, Jiang Hua advocated inviting Lin Xiao to be a coach, but he didn't say hello to Mr. Qian, so the atmosphere is very embarrassing.

Jiang Hua came out of the team and said with a smile, "Mr. Qian, the coach we invited is an expert. With him to train us, there must be no problem in this university league. Maybe we can kill the Americans."

"I bah!" When Mr. Qian heard it, he smiled, "defeat the Americans? Child, you are naive. Do you understand?"

Jiang Hua smiled awkwardly.

"Don't you know what the level of the American University League is? It's only an amateur level at home, but it's the level of the NBA at the international level. Just like our country's table tennis, who can compete in the world?" Teacher Qian said with both hands on his back, "I know you're not convinced, but that's the truth. We can't compare people's training system or physical quality."

"But..." Jiang Hua argued, "why should we always think we can't? How can we know if we haven't tried? I think coach Lin will beat the American team this time."

Teacher Qian stared at Lin Xiao. "What does he do? Is he a professional coach? Is he a professional athlete from the United States? What can I teach you?"

"He can beat our whole team alone. Yesterday..."

"Hey!" Teacher Qian said disdainfully, "it's the stupidest behavior to fight alone on the basketball court. No matter how good your personal skills are, can you compare with the strength of the team?"

After training Jiang Hua, teacher Qian went to Lin Xiao, looked down at him and said proudly, "my friend, although some words should not be said, for my students to successfully participate in the college students' League, please don't come again in the future, can you?"

Lin Xiao looked at him and said impolitely, "it's none of your business whether I come or not?"

"What, what?" Teacher Qian didn't expect Lin Xiao to be so rude, and his angry face turned red when he entered. "Don't waste people's children here. Now the task is so tight, you're wasting their precious time."

"I think you are wasting their time. Fear before fighting is a big taboo of strategists. How can you know that you will lose? There are still two months left, which is enough for them." Lin Xiao said lightly.

Mr. Qian smiled with a mocking expression on his face. "Let you train in two months, and then you can beat the American University team. Is that what you mean?"

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