
"I really don't know where you get your self-confidence. Do you think the game is a children's game? Just your training method..." teacher Qian inadvertently looked at it and found that the players were running around the basketball court. He was even more angry. "It will only hurt them."

Lin Xiao stood up and said, "this is Jiang Hua's decision. They can train whoever they want. This is their freedom!"

"Jiang Hua!" Teacher Qian snapped.

"Miss Qian!" Jiang Hua came with a face.

"Are you determined to train with this boy?" Teacher Qian stared into his eyes.

Jiang Hua thought of Lin Xiao's incomparable bravery yesterday and nodded without hesitation, "yes!"

"OK, OK, you really don't hit the south wall and don't look back. Do you think you can beat the American university united by training with a wild coach for two months? Let me show you first, let alone other people's professional league. Even the street ball wild team can beat you."

"Miss Qian, what do you mean?" Jiang Hua asked impatiently.

Teacher Qian sneered, "this afternoon, a team of American street basketball players came to participate in the activity. They are not worth mentioning compared with the university professional league, but even so, you are not their opponent. I'll let you see how big the gap is."

Jiang Hua was very unconvinced and shouted, "teacher Qian, why do you always look down on us? Which time was not our champion in the domestic college basketball league?"

"You can get it. At the level of domestic universities, what's the use of winning the championship?" Teacher Qian couldn't help laughing and deliberately glanced at Lin Xiao, "don't recognize the reality, only know to aim high, this is the big taboo of strategists."

"OK!" Jiang Hua patted his chest, "you call them over, I'll take someone to compete with them, and I'll see how strong the American street team can be."

The corners of teacher Qian's mouth unconsciously turned away, and his eyes showed a look of disdain from beginning to end.

As a PE teacher of the basketball team, Qian Xuemin's performance surprised Lin Xiao. I don't know why he despises his students so much.

"OK! You wait. I'll invite them over." Qian Xuemin turned and left.

Lin Xiao asked Jiang Huadao, "is this your PE teacher?"

"Yes, I came back from the United States and was driven out by others." Jiang Hua tilted his mouth.

"Oh?" Lin xiaorao asked with interest, "I guess he used to be a PE teacher in a university in the United States. His major was basketball, and then he was driven back for some reason, right?"

Jiang Hua smiled. "The coach is smart. This Qian Xuemin, who trained the University team abroad, ranked the bottom every year. Finally, he was driven back like a dog and arrogant after returning home. Such people have knelt down for a long time and can't stand up."

"No wonder you always talk in a strange way." Lin Xiao smiled.

Linglong added, "brother Lin, teacher Qian despises our school's basketball team at all. Before Jiang Hua led the team to win the championship, he boasted to the school leaders that it was all his own credit and asked for credit everywhere. That face is so ugly."

"In fact, he doesn't care about us at all. He doesn't know basketball himself. How can he teach us?" Jiang Hua said angrily, "I've wanted to replace him for a long time, but the school has always disagreed. This time I met coach Lin, I can finally export my evil spirit."

"Captain, what's the matter?" At this time, Xiao Hu came over with several players. "In the afternoon, a group of black boys came. They are said to be experts in playing wild ball in a city in California. I've seen them play. Their physical quality is so good."

"What are you afraid of?" Jiang Hua sneered, "how can a group of wild ball players be powerful? If they can't even play, they can play wool with the professional league?"

Xiao Hu hesitated for a moment, "but seriously, it's really hard for us to compete with their strength and physical quality."

"You don't have to wait for the game, so you can say something sad, right?" Jiang Hua stared.

Xiaohu Gan said with a smile, "I'm telling the truth. We're really choking."

"All right! Warm up quickly. You can't let those guys look down on us." Jiang Hua pushed Xiao Hu aside. "We have coach Lin. what are you afraid of?"

Xiao Hu thought, coach Lin is great, but he can't play for us, can he?

Looking at Xiao Hu with insufficient confidence, Lin Xiao patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "don't care about winning or losing for a while. As long as you have a goal, you can achieve it one day."

"I see, coach Lin!" Xiao Hu wiped his sweat, walked backward to the team, waved his hand and said, "I'll warm up and turn over those black brothers in a while."

Pop pop

Jiang Hua clapped his hands and shouted to all the members, "cheer up for me. There will be a hard battle to fight later. Today we will give those self righteous black brothers a serious lesson."

"Copy that!"

"Captain, don't worry, we haven't lost in the National League, and we haven't been able to get them with the players who play the game?" Someone shouted.

"Hey! Yeah, who were we afraid of?"

Jiang Hua smiled. "You guys boast that you're better than one. You can't be careless anyway. You must win the game by a big score to save the money. The teacher will sneer again!"

"No problem!"

Dozens of players were eager to try. All of them continued to run along the basketball court to warm up and shouted loud slogans.

"China Sea will win!"

"Win, win!"

Fans are also cheering for everyone, and the atmosphere at the scene has become lively with shouts.

Soon, Qian Xuemin came to the basketball court with a team of black basketball players like charcoal.

As soon as these people appeared, the scene immediately became silent. It was quiet. It was estimated that you could hear a needle drop on the ground.

"My darling, why are these people so strong?"

"Don't you mean playing wild ball? Why are they similar to those players in the NBA?"

"Look at their muscles. They are too strong."


"Well, how can this be compared?"

"It's not a level."

"Playing basketball is not more than muscle. The handsome boys in our school rely on their skills."

"Haven't you heard that one force can reduce ten? Playing basketball is a physical antagonistic sport. If you don't have a good physique, you will suffer a great loss."

These black people swaggered into the venue and looked down at Jiang Hua and others who were in a daze, showing bright smiles one after another.

Mr. Qian came out, took a look at Lin Xiao, and then said loudly, "Jiang Hua, bring your players here, choose the starting lineup and compete with Peter."

Jiang Hua was a little stunned. He was stabbed several times by the little Hu next to him before he woke up. He lost his voice and said, "what did these grandchildren eat and grow up?"

"Hum! Jianghua! What are you muttering about? Line up quickly! What does freedom look like?" Teacher Qian frowned and shouted.

Jiang Hua quickly gestured to Xiao Hu and a group of team members came over nervously.

The two sides stood in two rows face to face, staring at each other. From the size of their heads, the two rows of people did not exist at the same level.

Almost everyone in the black team is more than 1.9 meters, and the highest is more than 2 meters.

As the tallest player in the team, Jiang Hua is only 1.92 meters, which is worthy of the other party's standard height.

In terms of physique, each other has strong muscles and strong bones, and each one is as strong as a cow.

Jianghua and their Asian physique, with thin arms and legs, look very weak. They are afraid that they will be broken if they are not careful.

Basketball, a sport of high-intensity physical confrontation, accounts for a very large proportion of the importance of physique.

Such a contrast, even the enthusiastic fans around were silent.

"How can this compare?"

"There is no comparability at all!"

"It's a little bad."

Qian Xuemin walked between the two teams and said in a deep voice, "let's get to know each other first, then warm up and start the game in five minutes. In addition, this is a friendly game. Let's learn from each other and improve our skills together. Don't have psychological pressure!"

"Hey!" A big black man grinned, showing a row of big white teeth and said with a smile, "it is said that you are the champion of the domestic university league for three times, but it seems to me... Not much."

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Hua frowned and shouted.

"Nothing." The other party pretended to be innocent and shrugged his shoulders, "just tell the truth!"

"What's the matter? Do you talk like that?" Xiao Hu stared and shouted.

"Shit! Did you do it on purpose?"

"Why is the black man so impolite?"

Jiang Hua's team members chirped and were filled with anger by the other party's words.

"All right!" Qian Xuemin said unhappily, "be polite to foreign friends and calm down."

"Mr. Qian, he deliberately provoked. How..." Xiao Hu argued.

Qian Xuemin glared at him, "you still say, don't you? Don't you want to be on the school team? If you don't want to be on the school team, hurry to go. You're a lot less."

"You!!" Xiao Hu turned his eyes angrily.

"All right!" Jiang Hua said to the players with a calm face, "don't say a few words. Teach them a lesson on the field later."

"Hum! I'll show you later!"

"These gangsters are so arrogant."

"Yes! See you on the court later!"

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