The players of the black wild ball team didn't care. They had a relaxed smile on their faces and didn't pay attention to Jiang Hua at all.

Seeing such a disregard, Jiang Hua and others were angry.

"Warm up!" Qian Xuemin then withdrew from the field.

The black wild ball team was dribbling on the court. A black player suddenly ran to the basketball frame with the ball.



The black players took off in three natural and unrestrained steps and directly reached out to cover the ball into the basket.


The crowd was in an uproar.

"The bouncing power is too good."

"Physical quality is too strong!"

Jiang Hua and others inadvertently looked back to see this scene, and their eyes were a little gloomy.

The take-off dunk is not difficult for Jianghua, but it is so easy and comfortable. It is still rotating and bucking in the air. The whole process is as simple as eating and drinking water, which is better than Jianghua.

As a power forward in the team, Jiang Hua is the main force responsible for rebounding and steals, but when he saw that any black man came out with such strength, he immediately felt that he was under great pressure.

"Captain, it's not easy." Xiao Hu whispered.

"What are you afraid of? Just don't advise! I'll observe the strength of several of their players first, and I'll keep an eye on them later." Jiang Hua took a deep breath.

"Be careful. Look at that one. Tut tut... If you fight with them, you will suffer." Xiao Hu is very worried. His self-confidence just now is gone again.

"Afraid of a hair? It's not a fight. Look at me then." Jiang Hua pushed Xiaohu away. "You go to inform everyone that the 1-3-1 formation is hard and hard with them!"

"OK!" Xiao Hu bit his teeth and nodded hard.

Lin Xiao has been watching. He found that Jiang Hua's boys are very aggressive, which is an advantage, but obviously there is no tactical plan.

Cooperation and planning on the field are very important. If we can make use of the advantages and disadvantages of each team member, it will greatly increase the winning rate of the game.

The game officially opened.

Sure enough, as Lin Xiao expected, Jianghua boys worked hard and dared to play. They scored continuously a few minutes before the first half, and there was a small climax, 10-0.

All of a sudden, Jiang Hua's confidence increased greatly, constantly increased the offensive and robbed many rebounds in succession.

Small forward Hu Xiaohu was not so counselled as expected. Three-point balls frequently entered the basket, directly widening the score to a gap of 20-7.

The black team just started to play carelessly, but the first half was almost over. Suddenly, it was found that the score gap was so large. The guy who provoked at the beginning immediately applied for a suspension of the game.

The whole audience was boiling with blood, and the fans shouted Jiang Hua's name.

Jiang Hua shook off his sweat, hurried to Lin Xiao and said excitedly, "coach, how are we playing? I think those niggers don't dare to be arrogant, and a group of wild ball players dare to compete with us."

"Yes! Kill them directly in the second half!" Xiao Hu put on a towel, took a bucket of mineral water and poured it on his head. He said carelessly, "American basketball is not good either."

Several people found that Lin Xiao was silent and his expression was very strange. Jiang Hua subconsciously blinked, "coach? Why don't you talk."

Lin Xiao said very impolitely, "as I said, your biggest weakness is cooperation. What was that in the first half? It was all a solo show!"

Xiao Hu immediately retorted, "coach, what happened in the first half? We led by a big score. No matter how we show, are we going to win?"


Others also questioned Lin Xiao's words. It was clear that he was going to win. Even if there were some loopholes in the cooperation, there were always flaws, didn't they?

Jiang Hua frowned. "Coach, I think the players played well. We used to win the game like this."

"That's it!"

"Those who play wild ball opposite have a lot of strength and can't play at all."

"They can't do it at all."

Lin Xiao sighed, "that's because people didn't play seriously. Didn't you see that the main players didn't run at all?"

Jiang Hua was stunned.

"Their centers and defenders have been rowing, small forwards have not even scored a goal, and only two power forwards have scored goals. What does this mean?" Lin Xiao looked around, as if staring into everyone's eyes, "it shows that they don't take you seriously at all, and the real main force hasn't made any effort."

"Not necessarily..." Jiang Hua recalled the competition process just now. It was really similar to what Lin Xiao said, but he still didn't think so. "I think they just don't have the strength."

Xiaohu eyebrows picked and said angrily, "coach, do you look down on us? When we win strongly in the second half, it depends on what you say."

Lin Xiao frowned and didn't say much, "OK, I see your performance!"

The referee whistled and the game went on.

With only one minute left in the first half, the team of China Shipping University wanted to continue the advantages just now. However, it was unexpected that the more anxious Jiang Hua was, the more mistakes he made. He wanted to create opportunities for Xiao Hu, but he was intercepted every time, as if his tactics had been understood by the other party.


The second half ended in a muddled state of the team of Zhonghai University.

Sixty six to forty-two.

The black wild ball team won by a big score.

Even people didn't sweat much, and they still looked like they didn't care until the end of the game.

Jiang Hua and others were dejected and didn't even want to talk to each other.

"I told you..." Mr. Qian said coldly before he came to the team of Zhonghai University. "This is the gap. Do you understand? You can't even beat a mere wild ball team. You still want to fight against other people's college professional league? Why are you so worried? Don't you have a point?"

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