Jiang Hua clenched his fist and looked ferocious. He had never lost since the formation of the China Shipping University team, but this informal competition made him lose so miserably.

Xiao Hu and other players were ashamed and couldn't even lift their heads.

Even if they lost to the professional league, but they lost to a performance team playing wild ball, which is difficult to accept.

"Friends! Good game!" Hunter, the captain of the black wild ball team, came over with a smile and stretched out a big hand like a bear's paw to shake hands with Jiang Hua.

Jiang Hua felt that the other party's smile was an insult to his red fruit. He pushed his hand away impatiently. "Don't gloat. It's just luck that you can win."

"My friend, you're wrong. This game is just a manifestation of your real strength. Although we play wild ball in the streets, we have never lost the performance game in China. It's your honor to lose to us." Hunter smiled.

"What did you say?" Xiao Hu was so angry that he thought hunter's words were harsh.

Hunter looked at Xiao Hu and said faintly, "I mean, you all like to impress and compete. You don't have any real skills!"

Although hunter's Mandarin was very blunt, everyone present could hear the meaning clearly.

Angry, Xiao Hu was angry at that time. He rushed over and grabbed hunter's vest and shouted, "what are you talking about? I'm talking about it once."

Hunter pushed him far away and sneered, "I said you are Dong - X - sick - husband! Do you understand?"

"Too much!"

"Shit! These niggers are unreasonable!"

"Fuck them!"


The two sides were so excited that the scene became a pot of porridge. Jiang Hua gathered fiercely and wanted to fight.

"Stop!" Mr. Qian scolded very impolitely, "Jiang Hua, take care of your people and don't lose the face of Zhonghai University."

"I'm ashamed?" Jiang Huaqi's face was green. "He scolded us. He scolded everyone and said we were sick men. Aren't you Chinese, Mr. Qian?"

"Is there anything wrong with what they said? Look what you played today? You were complacent about your achievements in the first half. In fact, it's not bullshit!" Teacher Qian criticized very severely.

Xiao Hu smiled angrily, "Qian, are you a Chinese? You've been kneeling as a dog slave for a long time, haven't you? Lick your father's ass?"

"You... Nonsense. Don't talk nonsense to me. Is this the tone you talk to the teacher?" Qian Xuemin trembled.

Nonsense. You'll hit people if you stare.

"Teacher? You are a fart teacher? What have you taught us? Since you came to be a coach, we have been allowed to dribble in every PE class. Can dribbling alone be improved?"

Qian Xuemin's face was green at that time.

Hunter went straight to the middle of the crowd and pushed the nonsense out.

The black wild ball team also surrounded one after another. A man was as tall as a mountain, which brought great pressure to the people.

"Want to fight?" A black player looked down sideways and sneered.

"A flock of weak chickens!"

"If you lose, you lose. What's your excuse?"

"Do Chinese people have such good face?"

Jiang Hua angrily said, "I'm afraid of you?"

Fans are worried. If this situation breaks out, their idols will definitely suffer a loss, so they rush over.

Seeing that a conflict was about to break out between the two sides, Lin Xiao was speechless and shouted coldly, "enough!"

The sound burst on the spot. Everyone's eardrums hurt. They stopped arguing in surprise, and countless eyes shot at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao came out, pointed to hunter and said, "take back what you just said."

As soon as hunter saw a short man, he couldn't help laughing. "Is it wrong for me to tell the truth? They are weak chickens and should be scolded if they are not convinced."


Lin Xiao slapped him in the face.

Hunter was stunned by Venus and waited for a long time to react. He shouted, "boy, dare you hit me?"


The black team members rushed to fight Lin Xiao.

Jiang Hua and others immediately set out a human wall to block Lin Xiao behind.

"Why, want to fight?"

"Afraid of you? Come on? Run to our Chinese territory and want to lie down and go out, don't you?"

Qian Xuemin's eyes were very gloomy. He thought that if this matter continued to develop, it might lead to bloodshed and affect himself at that time, so he quickly pushed away the personnel on both sides and said in a deep voice, "everyone calm down. It's just a ball game, and it hasn't risen above the contradiction between home and country."

"Let him apologize!" Jiang Hua pointed to Xiang te and shouted.

Hunter rolled his eyes. Obviously, he didn't intend to apologize. He hissed in a low voice, "if you lose, you'll lose. Don't be arrogant if you don't have strength."

Jiang Hua's face turned blue and white, but the facts were in front of him. He really couldn't refute them.

"Hunter, let's go! What can I say to these losers?" A black man came up and patted hunter on the shoulder. "It's better to play with the children in the street."

Hunter smiled, looked contemptuously at Jiang Hua and said to the players, "let's go! It's a waste of time to play with these losers."

Linglong was flushed with anger. She really wanted to stand up and scold them, but she could only look stingy and couldn't afford to lose.

Who let the team of Zhonghai University lose? It's true that they lost so miserably.

Shame, anger and unwillingness. All kinds of negative emotions, like a river bursting, flooded the hearts of all team members and embarrassed them.

"Jiang Hua, don't think it's useful to change a coach. You still need to be hard to forge iron. Think about it." Qian Xuemin clapped Jiang Hua's arm meaningfully.

Jiang Hua clenched his fist and couldn't say a word. He was full of resentment, but it was difficult to vent.

"Coach! I'm not convinced. We have an advantage in technology. Why did we lose?" Jiang Hua finally couldn't help but look at Lin Xiao pitifully.

Lin Xiao asked quietly, "do you want to win?"

"Yes! Why not?"

Xiao Hu and others were very ashamed and angry. They looked at Lin Xiao and looked forward to his second half sentence.

"Coach, what should we do? We are not reconciled."

"I want to win!"

"These bastards are so angry."

Lin Xiao glanced at them, "if you want to win, you must listen to me, change tactics and strengthen cooperation."

"Coach! We will listen to you this time. You can play as you say." Jiang Hua nodded hard.

Xiao Hu looked at Lin Xiao. "We listen to the coach. As long as we can win, we can do anything."

"If you can't even do a bunch of wild ball players, what else can you talk about playing with the college professional league?"

"Coach! You talk, how to play?"

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