Lin Xiao nodded slightly, suddenly deflected his body and shouted to the leaving hunter and others, "wait a minute! Dare you compete with us again?"

Qian Xuemin turned back impatiently and said coldly, "do you want them to be humiliated again? The strength gap is clear at a glance. What is better than it?"

Lin Xiao didn't pay attention to him. He looked directly at Xiang te and said in a deep voice, "dare you?"

Hunter turned slowly, looked at Lin Xiao with great interest and said with a smile, "unconvinced? It seems that you are their coach? Do you think you can't lose face because your team members lost too badly?"

"I'm afraid you'll lose later. You can't even take your underwear. That's a joke." Lin Xiao said faintly.

"All right!" Hunter immediately turned around, "we just warmed up. Since you want to lose more thoroughly, we are happy to accomplish it."

"Friends!" Hunter said to his team members, "these guys are not convinced and want to lose more miserably. What do you say?"

"Well, let them give up completely."

"Sick man! This fact has never changed!"

"Our American talents are the most powerful nation!"

"I won't keep my hand this time."

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "OK! Then, if anyone loses, take off his clothes and run around Zhonghai university ten times. Dare you bet?"

Hunter laughed. "Since you want to run naked, come on."

Jiang Hua is a little nervous. Do the losers run naked?

"Coach Lin..." Xiao Hu said with a bitter smile, "do you really want to run naked?"

"Don't you have confidence?" Lin Xiao asked in a flat voice.

"Yes, but..."

Jiang Hua kicked Xiao Hu, "what nonsense? Listen to the coach."

"In the game later, you should follow my strategy..." Lin Xiao called everyone together. "We should make use of your strengths. Xiao Hu is the fastest and can break through the inside line, while Zhang Nan, who passes the ball the most stably, is responsible for the outside line. This time, Jiang Hua should take into account the task of small forward..."

Lin Xiao gave tactical orders to the team members in a low voice.

Hunter and others don't care. For them, the next game is certain to win.

"Hunter, how many times do you beat them this time?" A black player asked with a smile.

Hunter raised his hand and said exaggeratedly, "fifty to zero!"


The crowd burst into laughter. Hunter said so to shave each other's heads.

"Just fight until they are convinced!"

Both sides came to the court again.

This time, their feelings are different.

Jiang Hua with fierce eyes has made up his mind to win the game anyway.

Xiao Hu next to him couldn't help but ask in a worried whisper, "Jiang Hua, does the coach's method work? In this case, it's completely different from our previous play."

"Listen to the coach," Jiang Hua said in a deep voice, "he told us to detour and not fight with these niggers. Make use of the outside three-point ball to create opportunities. You and Da Zhuang stare at Hunter and never let him get the ball."

"Don't worry, I must be staring at him," Hu took a deep breath. "However, they certainly didn't expect you to be the main pitcher in the first half. It's up to you to take advantage of their lax defense."

Jiang Hua nodded silently and rubbed his nose. "Don't worry!"

The referee whistled.

The competition officially opened.

At the beginning, the black team accelerated. They want to win the game in the fastest and most savage way, and will never leave any chance for Zhonghai University team.

"Jianghua, come on!"

"Come on, China University team!"

The fans shouted.

Linglong clenched her small fist and watched the game nervously. She almost forgot to breathe.


Xiao Hu and Da Zhuang stared at each other's God pitcher hunt and didn't even touch the ball. They were completely on guard. According to Lin Xiao's tactics, they wanted to make hunt ineffective.

If you trade two people for one, the business will lose money, but since Lin Xiao said it, they can only believe it.

The situation on the court was a little strange. The formation of Zhonghai University changed from 1-3-1 to 2-2-1. Jiang Hua rushed left and right, looking like he had been defending all the time.

Zhang Nan, the guard who took the ball, continued to break through the inside of the other side and made a forced shot.

Sure enough, the other party was fooled. They came forward to stop and basically gave up their defense against Jiang Hua.

At this time, the guard of Zhonghai university directly threw the ball far away.

Standing outside the three-point line, Jiang Hua was ready, got up immediately to catch the ball, and then threw the blue perfectly.

The ball scored.

Three points!


The audience burst into warm applause.

The black team was a little confused and subconsciously looked at Hunter.

Hunter was stopped by Xiao Hu and Da Zhuang, not to mention touching the ball. He couldn't move freely.

"Be careful of their guard Zhang Nan!" Hunter still felt that Jiang Hua was not a threat. He seemed to see the premeditation of China Shipping University team to use the guard to score. As for Jiang Hua, it was just a cover up arrangement.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao's goal is to let Jiang Hua score, because after several rounds of observation, he found that Jiang Hua's three-point ball is very accurate, with a probability of up to 55.

In the past, Jiang Hua was tall and Ma da. As a power forward, he played an auxiliary role in the team, because only he could defend the opponent's attack.

Lin Xiao temporarily changed his tactical strategy, making Jiang Hua the main attacker and scoring goals at all costs. Instead, he let Xiao Hu, who was thin and weak, serve as a "shield". This treatment was beyond everyone's expectation.

Taking advantage of the other party's muddled competition for a few minutes, Jiang Hua threw very wildly.

"Stop that Jianghua!" Hunter finally saw something wrong.

Jiang Hua was regarded as the focus of attention, but he seemed to begin to like this unrestricted goal. Even if he was strictly guarded, he still tried his best to create scoring opportunities.

But Jiang Hua was still in a hurry. After being robbed several times, he missed the goal opportunity.

Just then, Lin Xiao shouted, "Jianghua! Get out and go strong!"

Da Zhuang was originally a center, but at this time he was used as a small forward. Although he was not tall, his strong body was like a bulldozer. He came directly under the basket and scored a goal easily.

"What the hell?" Hunter was stunned. "What tactics is this?"

According to Lin Xiao's request, Da Zhuang didn't consider whether anyone passed the ball to himself. He only rushed under the basket and knocked several blacks upside down.

At this time, Jiang Hua became a passer again. He ran all over the court to grab the ball. As long as the ball reached his hand, he would throw it directly under the basket to Da Zhuang.

Big strong can score by taking off and shooting directly.

"Stop the fat man." I'm a little angry and very rotten.

In just five minutes, the score was even.

Two black players went to stop Da Zhuang. Da Zhuang seemed to be trapped under the basket, but at this time, Xiao Hu suddenly gave up his strict defense and rushed directly to the outer sideline.

"Da Zhuang!" Xiao Hu shouted.

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