Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment and looked at the other party's dark eyes, suddenly in a trance.

The man slanted the sea to block one eye. The exposed half of his face was extremely pale. There was no meat on his face. He could even clearly see the bones wrapped in skin.

"Do we know each other?" Lin Xiao's heart thumped.

White bone smiled, "I'll know you right away!"


The withered palm of the white bone flashed out and grabbed Lin Xiao's face door.


Lin Xiao was surprised and quickly turned his head to avoid. At the same time, he lifted the other party's arms from his palm, and his feet bounced across his head.


Bai Gu raised his elbow to block the leg and drifted out uncontrollably.

Lin Xiao found that they were even in the battle just now.

"Where did you come from?" Lin Xiao was very surprised.

The opponent's fighting skills and strength are infinitely close to the great master. He is definitely the top gold soldier.

Lin Xiao is confident that he will kill the opponent if he fights for life and death, but if he let go of the battle, he is likely to be seriously injured. The other party's intention is unknown. It seems that it was just a test just now. Lin Xiao temporarily pressed the killing intention in his heart.

"The strength is good. It's not easy for a boy who can do so many things." White bone said inexplicably.

"Who are you?" Lin Xiao motioned the students to stand back.

White bone smiled and suddenly walked back and left quickly. The voice came from a distance, "I'll find you again."

"Brother Lin, who was that just now? How can you wrap yourself like zongzi in the daytime? It feels gloomy and terrible." Linglong asked with lingering fear.

"I don't know!" Lin Xiao felt that the origin of the white bone was not simple.

"He looks like a ghost. What a freak."

"Yes! It's terrible!"

People followed their eyes to look for the figure of white bone, but it was a pity that it had long disappeared.

"Today's game is training," Lin Xiao turned around and said. "From tomorrow, you have to enter the real system training. You are ready to suffer."

Jiang Hua and others have lost their fear of difficulties. They see hope in Lin Xiao and the hope of defeating the American University United team.

"Linglong, someone will move the laboratory later. Please take care of it."

"So fast?" Linglong hesitated and asked, "can I go to your laboratory later?"

"Of course," Lin Xiao nodded, "the new laboratory is in Nanlong group. I still want you to manage it in the future."

"Brother Lin, don't worry. I will manage well and strive to cultivate more magic eye grass." Linglong nods hard.

Lin Xiao has something in mind and has been thinking about the white bone he met just now.

Bai Gu came strangely and walked strangely, and his strength was ridiculously high, which made people very worried about his intention.

Taking advantage of the lively scene, Lin Xiao left.

When he got on the bus, Lin Xiao called Langyan and asked him to check the origin of Baigu.

The characteristics of white bones are very different and should be easily detected.

Lin Xiao started the car and drove slowly into the road. Just about to accelerate, a blue Maserati buzzed ahead of him.


The reversing mirror of Lin Xiao's car was damaged.

"What the hell?" Lin Xiao stopped with a sudden brake and found that Maserati didn't mean to slow down and stop. He was angry and laughed at that time.


Lin Xiao suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the newly bought Rolls Royce ran out like an angry dragon and an arrow.


The blue Maserati drove very fast, almost all the way. It can be seen that the driver's driving skills are good, leaving Lin Xiao far behind.

In this case, Lin Xiao would not get used to his problems. He almost stepped on the accelerator and caught up in the blink of an eye.


Unexpectedly, the blue Maserati driver's technology was really good. He turned steadily at a limit drift at the intersection and got on the overpass at an unabated speed.

Lin Xiao turned around in situ. The friction between the wheels and the ground produced a large amount of black smoke. A pungent smell of rubber spread. Lin Xiao's eyes condensed. He stepped on the accelerator and the car jumped out again.


Two cars raced up.

Lin Xiao's car belongs to the business type, but the speed is not slow at all. It caught up with Maserati in just a few seconds.

He glanced and found that the driver was a young woman in a blue skirt.

The woman has long hair, beautiful side face, a pair of large frame sunglasses, a slender cigarette in her mouth, and a snow-white young hand on the steering wheel.


Lin Xiao pressed the horn.

The beauty glanced at him, spit a smoke ring at him, and shrugged her shoulders as if she were puzzled.

Lin Xiao pointed to the broken reversing mirror, which meant that you hit my reversing mirror.

The beauty smiled and still didn't plan to stop. The speed suddenly accelerated and suddenly passed.

Before overtaking, the beauty pulled down her sunglasses and threw a wink at Lin Xiao.

"Hey! It's against me, isn't it?" Lin Xiao is angry and smiling. The little women think they have good skills, don't they.



Lin Xiao determined that the other party's behavior was obviously intentional. After overtaking, he tried to turn the steering wheel and suddenly moved sideways in front of the other party's car.


A long screech of brakes sounded.

The two cars stopped smoothly at the end of the bridge.

Lin Xiao got out of the car and walked quickly to the other party's car.

"Miss! Get off!"

The blue skirt beauty lowered the window, put one hand outside and asked with a smile, "handsome boy, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter with you? You broke my reversing mirror and wanted to run without saying a word?" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes, put one hand on the roof and slowly pressed close to his body.

The blue skirt beauty blew a cigarette at him and said with a smile, "Ouch! Really? Really? I'm really sorry, I didn't notice!"

"Now you know?" Lin Xiao stared at the beauty, inadvertently glanced at the car, and suddenly said in doubt, "I seem to have seen your car somewhere..."

"Handsome boy! Your way of chatting up is very old-fashioned." The blue skirt beauty took off her sunglasses and walked down slowly. She leaned gracefully against the door, pointed to Rolls Royce and said, "nice car! A mirror is about 220000. I'll transfer it to you."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. "There's no need to compensate. What I want is an apology!"

Blue skirt beauty's skin is very delicate, white and red. When she rotates her body slightly, the beautiful hip line seems to bounce spontaneously. She wants to pinch it hard to have fun.

Even if Lin Xiao saw many beautiful women, he was a little thirsty at this moment.

"OK, handsome man, I'm very sorry to crash your reversing mirror. How about this apology? Is it sincere?" Blue skirt beauty Zhu humiliated like fire. The smoke spits out from her mouth. It seems that there is no choking smell, but the fragrance of fascination.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded slightly and glanced at Maserati again. He was sure, so he asked casually, "did your car stop outside Tianxiang bath center?"

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