Lin Xiao remembers that there are some low-grade hotels and shops near Tianxiang bath center. The beauty in front of her shouldn't haunt that kind of place.

The blue skirt beauty said with a smile, "Why have you met? The handsome man doesn't have to chat up forcibly. Meet me. My name is Fang Qing."

Lin Xiao hesitated for a few seconds, "Lin Xiao!"

"Mr. Lin drives such a good car when he is so young, but his clothes are so simple... It doesn't look like a rich second generation of dandies. It must be a young talent. I don't know where he is?" Fang Qing threw away her cigarette, put her hands on her chest and asked with a smile.

Lin Xiao felt that Fang Qing's name didn't match the other party's smoking behavior. He always felt strange.

"Do some small business!"

Lin Xiao answered casually. After looking at Fang Qing's car again, he turned back to the car, lowered the window and warned, "pay attention to driving next time."

"Does the handsome man really not need my compensation?" Fang Qing lies on Lin Xiao's door and smiles.

"No need." Lin Xiao glanced at her. His eyes inadvertently fell on the open gullies and scenery, and silently swallowed his saliva.

"This is my number. Remember to call me." The beauty took out a silver business card, held it between her soft fingers, and slowly put it on Lin Xiao's pants.

Lin Xiao trembled slightly.

"Yo!" Fang Qing's eyes were like silk, and her fingers nodded somewhere in his pants, "it seems that she is not small..."

"Cough..." Lin Xiao was very embarrassed. He quickly covered it up with a cough and said with a dry smile, "of course!"

"Giggle..." Fang Qing couldn't close her mouth with a smile and gave Lin Xiao a phone gesture, "remember to contact me."

Lin Xiao picked up his business card and looked at it. There was only a simple name and telephone number on it. He subconsciously replied, "OK."

"Bye!" Fang Qing returned to her car with high heels.

Lin Xiao watched Fang Qing's car leave and frowned gently, "where did this woman come from?"

Lin Xiao thought of the Maserati parked outside Tianxiang bath center. It must be the car just now.

Lin Xiao was about to drive away when a Passat suddenly stopped in front of him.

Someone got out of the car and smiled at Lin Xiao, "Mr. Lin, it's a coincidence to meet again. I even met him here."

Lin Xiao took a breath and said unhappily, "Why are you again?"

"Hey, hey..." Zhou Changsheng took off his sunglasses, sipped the bangs after the dynasty, and said with a smile, "it proves that we are destined."

"How can you follow me like a follower every day?" Lin Xiao frowned.

"Hey, Mr. Lin Da, how could I follow you? I saw your car parked in the middle of the road. I thought something was wrong. Is everything okay?" Zhou Changsheng came over with a smile.

"It's all right! I took a step in advance!" Lin Xiao closed the window, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

Zhou Changsheng watched the car leave and the smile on his face slowly disappeared. After waiting for three seconds, he quickly returned to the car and followed it slowly.

The car phone rang and Zhou Changsheng pressed the connect button.

"Zhou Bureau, the positioning on the car suddenly disappeared."

Zhou Changsheng said with a smile, "he has found it. You withdraw first and I'll follow."

"Zhou Ju, are we doing this properly? Will we be disturbed by the above?"

"Hehe, how many people died when Lin Xiao caused so many things in Zhennan? Who knows what will happen if he doesn't get in?" Zhou Changsheng put on his sunglasses, leaned back lazily and stared at the Rolls Royce in front of him, "so keep an eye on me. I have collected and prepared a lot of evidence. At that time, those big men above will be speechless."

"All right."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Changsheng lit himself a cigarette. His blurred eyes flickered with smoke.


Lin Xiao threw a GPS locator directly out and hit Zhou Changsheng's windshield impartially.


Zhou Changsheng was startled and stepped on the brake. Kan Kan stopped at the roadside.

"Hey! This boy..." Zhou Changsheng got out of the car, took a hard smoke, and the corners of his mouth slowly drew a cold arc.

Lin Xiao walked away. After returning home, Lang Yan's investigation results of white bone have been sent to his mobile phone.

There is no identity record to indicate the origin and relevant information of the white bone.

In short, white bone is similar to Lin Xiao. It seems to be an invisible person in society. It is outside the rules. There is no record, record or information about relatives and friends in the identity system.

Even white bones don't even have communication tools.

Including mobile phone, WeChat, QQ, Alipay and other popular social software, all white bones are not.

The only clue is several pictures captured by the municipal camera system.

Bones are a mystery.

Lin Xiao was very surprised at Bai Gu's sudden attack on himself.

"Lin Xiao!" Nangong Jin opened the study door and came in.

"Wife, you didn't go to the company?" Lin Xiao looked up and smiled softly.

"Just sent President Ning away, the project is almost under discussion. I will go to the western regions in a few days. The site is being selected there. I have to go and have a look."

Nangong Jin said and put a list on the table.

Lin Xiao grabbed it suspiciously, glanced at it, and said in surprise, "has the list been drawn up?"

"Well, there are 380 people in total. See if you have anything left out." Nangong Jin said with a smile, "Huayang helped a lot this time. He ran nonstop with a group of Wudang disciples for three days and finally informed them all."

Lin Xiao nodded frequently and scanned the list at a glance. "Let the boy run errands. Anyway, he can't stay idle."

"Days? I asked Zhao Qian, Sun Li to find a master and set it in seven days."

Lin Xiao shared the list, took Nangong Jin to sit on his lap and said with a smile, "it's hard for his wife. While he's busy with the project, he has to worry about the wedding."

Nangong Jin glared at him, "I see you go out early and return late every day. I don't worry about who cares? Have a wedding early to save you from always flirting outside."

"Ouch! My wife, how dare I?" Lin Xiao laughed.

"Oh? So you dare not, not don't want to?" Nangong Jin pretended to pull up her face, and her eyes became very dangerous.

"I don't want to, I don't want at all. I have such a beautiful wife. How can I like other mediocre fat and vulgar powder?" Lin Xiao giggled.

"Hum! Where's Xiang dance? It's also mediocre fat and vulgar powder?" Nangong Jin glanced.

"Er..." Lin Xiao's eyes turned. "She's a good friend."

"Believe you, there is a ghost." Nangong Jin obviously didn't believe him. He turned his eyes hard and suddenly said, "you confidant, I'm afraid something's going to happen."

"What, what do you mean?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

Nangong Jin turned on his mobile phone, clicked on the hot news and handed it to Lin Xiao, "look!"

Lin Xiao looked at the past and saw the eye-catching title in the international news column: Xiang Wu, Deputy Secretary General of the International Criminal Police Headquarters, was suspended by the United Nations monitoring department for investigation recently.

Lin Xiao quickly clicked on the details.

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